July 19, 2007 to July 19, 2007 (REFORMATTED May 1, 2010)

Disclaimers: I do not own any part whatsoever of Prince of Tennis.
Summary: Tezuka loves assigning laps more than anything…but for what purpose?

Run Your Laps!


If you are a few seconds late for tennis practice, Tezuka will casually give you ten laps.

But a few minutes after tennis practice has started, Tezuka will assign you twenty laps.

Whine, complain, or slack off during tennis practice, and the captain will order to you to run twenty-five laps.

Play an uncalled match without his permission, and you will be running thirty or forty laps.

Insult one of your teammates, or break the code of sportsmanship and you'll find yourself jogging fifty laps.

Mention something uncalled for or unnecessary and he'll make you run sixty laps tops.

Pick on somebody (or his nose) and you'll be running for your life until seventy laps have been done.

You commit something that makes the club members worried: "One hundred laps!" yells Kunimitsu.

Directly tell the Buchou, or Captain, Tezuka Kunimitsu of Seishun Gakuen Academy's Boys' Tennis Club, or Seigaku Tennis Club, that you've seen him doing "something" with Fuji Syuusuke…and you'll be running laps for the rest of your life.

With Inui observing, of course.


A/N: Something random about Tezuka Kunimitsu. Just had to add Inui and Fuji in there, haha. Please review and give me any feedback! I am very happy to be criticized because there is always room for improvement. Arigatou!

Ja ne, and I do not own any part of Prince of Tennis!