Summary: Sakura Kinomoto, daughter of the wealthiest family in Japan, moves back to Tomoeda after a six year absence. She decides to attend Tomoeda Academy, the most prestigious school in Asia, as a "normal" student to surprise her brother, until she is targeted as the next "bully toy," by none other than Syaoran Li, the "King" of the Tomoeda Academy High School Divison.
Disclaimer: As much as I wish I did, I do not own the characters or anything related to Cardcaptor Sakura. Only CLAMP and other respected artists own the characters I will introduce.
Author Note: In this story, Yukito Tsukishiro and Yue are separate people. Same goes for Nakuru Akizuki and Ruby Moon. There will also be several characters from mangas that you may or may not have heard of.
Important: Hey guys, so I decided to update after a couple of years. I apologize for the years of cliff hangers, if anyone still reads this. I got busy with final in high school, then I started college. I decided to go to four-year art school, where sleep was for the weak. I landed a full time job two years later and after being bored one afternoon, I re-read my story. Then I figured, it ain't THAT bad, so thus, I'm gonna finish up the loose ends. Also, not really proofread too much.
"OMG! Why is Kinomoto-sama here in the high school division?"
"Isn't he super handsome and super hot?"
"Isn't he suppose to be in a meeting with the Student Council Presidents from Kyoto, Osaka, and Tokyo?"
Touya, feeling irritated at the gossip, shouted, "Shut the hell up. You are all so noisy."
Seeing that the whole cafeteria had silenced, he continuted, "I'm looking for someone."
"Someone by the name of Sakura Kinomoto."
Whispers erupted inside the high school cafeteria. If possible, the students in the high school division got louder at the mention of the Student Council President's declaration. Many questions where thrown in the air. The president had a sister? How come no one's seen her? Who's that?
The grey haired man behind Touya analyzed the current situation and decided to intervene. "Touya, it seems she's not here."
"Yukito, this time it has gone to far. Her childish antics need to stop before she gets herself killed," Touya stated in a constrained voice.
"To her defense, the girls in the class threw it out the window, she didn't purposely jump herself~," Fye sang.
"Oi, idiot, that's like saying it was an accident, when clearly it wasn't," said a deeper voice.
Fye looked at 'Kuro-tan', "Hmmmm, you're right. It was filled with malicious intent. Poor, harmless Sakura~"
During their conversation, Touya took the time to look deeper inside the cafeteria. Once he spotted a dark-violet haired girl in the far back, he started walking towards her. The other three followed.
As he was walking, he stated, "Sakura is far from harmless when provoked. Where do you think the name kaijuu came from?"
Yukito who had been listening in the background said, "Ara, isn't that Tomoyo-chan?"
The amethyst-eyed girl was listening to Yamazaki talk about the school festival when he stopped mid-sentence and looked directly behind Tomoyo. His normally slanted eyes widened and his mouth froze in motion. Chiharu who noticed her boyfriend become quiet, also looked behind Tomoyo.
"Tomoyo," a deep voice she all too recognized growled.
Feeling thankful Sakura left with Rika 10 minutes prior, she turned around and gave him her most pleasant smile. Inside she was feeling dread for the girls and Saionji who hurt Sakura, but even she wanted them to suffer. Secretly, of course.
"Hello Kaichou-san, what brings you to my little table?" As Tomoyo said that, Yamazaki and Chiharu looked at each other nervously.
"Where is she?" Touya bit out.
"Ara? To whom are you asking about? I've just gotten back from England and not one greeting of my well being?" exclaimed Tomoyo dramatically.
Heaving a stressed sigh, Touya looked at Tomoyo and asked her "Fine, how have you been?"
Before she could respond, the cafeteria doors burst open once again and in came Aidou and Kain holding a struggling Saionji. Turning to Tomoyo once more, he nodded silently at her and walked swiftly into the school green house.
Touya signaled the two men to bring Saionji into the greenhouse. As they came in dragging Saionji, they closed the doors and threw him on the ground beneath Touya.
The school green house was a magnificient place. The entire building was made of crystal glass with student sculptures accentuated in every corner. The greenhouse itself was more of an indoor garden with a rainbow fountain in the middle. Beyond the far glass of the building a green hedge maze could be seen. The maze was connected to the green house through the back door.
"What the big deal?! I'll have my father hear about this!" exclaimed Saionji.
"You were reported to have assaulted a female student last night," stated Touya, while glaring at the red hed.
"Oh her. She was such a pretty little thing. Her tears were such a huge turn-on while she struggled," boasted Saionji, unaware of the ominous tension in the air.
The tension was so thick anyone could feel the air stifling, yet the ignorant bigot continued boasting about his latest conquest.
"You bastard! Wait 'til I get my—," started Aidou, but was helded back by seemingly indifferent Kain.
Touya seethed angrily and clenched his knuckles. He was seeing blood red and Saionji's arrogant declaration to Aidou only made him see more. His sister, his baby sister was touched by this insect? How could this thing even get close to her?
He took a deep breath and before anyone would react, he punch Saionji straight in the face. Saionji could only see darkness as Touya hit him in the face. Before he succumed to the darkness, he barely, heard, "Don't touch my sister."
Turning swiftly on the balls of his feet, the still fuming Touya left as silent as the wind with the other three council members in tow.
A few seconds passed before the Kain or Aidou moved. They looked at one another and as if through telepathy, they came to unanimous decision—they would leave Saionji in the middle of the Clow Maze.
"...In his underwear," added Aidou outloud.
The Clow Maze was said to have been there since before the school was built. The hedge maze walls had roses of different colors lining them. It was said that before the school was established, the owner of the land before had a fascination with being lost in wonderland. The owner would have tea parties every weekend with games for the children—telling them that if they could find the way out to the other side, there'd be a surprise.
On the other side of the Clow Maze was a beautiful field of cherry blossom trees. In between the trees was a cobblestone path lined with crystal fairy lights on both sides. The large group of cherry blossom trees were so vast and dense, the sky could barely be seen. The faint sound of a stream could be heard and the sound of chirping birds echoed throughout.
The end of the maze led to the secret cherry blossom garden that only a select few knew of. Hidden from view by the large hedge maze, few wandered into the maze to avoid getting lost—unless lost is what they aimed for.
The fairy lights lit up as Sakura walked slowly across the path with her crutches, deep in thought. She and Rika parted ways after Terada-sensei was relieved from his Teacher's meeting. Sakura thought about how long their love has lasted and silently thought Xiao Lang.
'Even though he messed up my parties, his last gift to me is so precious, I wonder how he's doing now. And to think the winged plushie he gave me had a name—Kero~' wondered Sakura.
Deep in thought, she didn't notice the breaking of a fallen branch, nor did she notice the over-looming shadow right above her.
The messy haired King of the school climbed onto the tallest branch of the tallest tree in the Yinghua Forest. The Hengao Tree was the tallest and oldest tree in the forest, planted when the Academy first opened. The principal's great grand father was rumored to be a sorcerer or astounding power with the ability to make thing prosper for eternity.
To Syaoran, this place was his solace from all his fan girls and his priorities as the next heir. In this forest he could think of her and feel at peace. Leaning against the trunk, he took a glance at the waterfall next to the stream and stared at the clear, translucent water. Even though he was so high up, he could still imagine the green eyes that have invaded his dreams for the past six years.
Slowly, the forest's lullaby lulled him to sleep with only the thought of bright, emerald eyes.
Flashback: 10 Years ago
Syaoran was sick and tired of the elder's expectations of him. He was only six years old for friggin' sakes! He wanted to play with toy cars and go outside to make friends, not stay cooped up inside all day studying how to become the perfect heir.
The only thing he liked about his classes was training with his instructor Wu. He loved martial arts and the magic it gave his dull life. The quick thrusts and agile movements he learned will certainly be useful in the future.
But for now, he'd escape through the window and go to the park. He heard from a classmate a few days ago that the ice cream truck stayed parked there for a few hours.
He grabbed his training sword and lifted one foot over the window ledge and then hulled himself over. Good thing the study room was on the first floor, he probably couldn't jump off the second floor—the tree hasn't grown that high yet. When he gets older, he's sure it'll be tall enough.
Quickly glancing around, he declared "ALL CLEAR" and ran out the back door. Lucky the back door was unlocked since the household maids went out shopping every Friday afternoon. He ran down the street until he saw a large wooden sign that read 'Tomoeda Park.'
He entered the park and looked around for the truck. Strange, he thought, wasn't it suppose to be around here? Why can't I find it? Maybe it was a different park? Or Maybe I came too late?
He peered at sky and looked into the sun.
No, that can't be right, the sun's position is right. I guess I'll go on King Penguin and go on the slide. Can't make my escape a waste, thought Syaoran grinning.
Before he could head towards King Peggy, he heard someone crying. He followed the sound of crying and saw a auburn-haired girl with hair that framed her face. She was sitting on the grass sniffling and crying.
He bent down next to her and asked, "Why are you crying?"
Emerald eyes filled with tears looked up at him and said, "Some bullies took onii-chan's ball I was playing with."
Syaoran looked at her and she pointed towards a group of boys a year older than them. With determination in his eyes, he stalked over to the group of boys.
"Hey! Give me back the ball or else!" Syaoran shouted.
The group of boys stopped playing and then looked at him as if he was crazy. The tallest one walked up to Syaoran and looked at him from head to toe, then laughed.
"or else what?," the tall boy asked.
"Sato! Teach him a lesson!," shouted one of the boys.
Sato, who the older boy was called was quick to react. He took one hand and clenched it before hitting Syaoran across the face.
Caught off guard, Syaoran barely dodged the attack and therefore fell onto the floor. Before Sato could attack him again, Syaoran rolled into a defensive stance he learned from Wu and knocked Sato from the back of his knees. Sato feel face first into the dirt and Syaoran drew his training sword pointing it at Sato.
Sato looked at the wooden sword, then at the fierce expression on Syaoran's face and then bolted out of the park. The other boys followed suit.
Picking up the abandoned ball, he begin walking back to the crying girl. Once reaching the emerald-eyed girl, he placed the ball in front of her and said, "Here's your ball."
The girl looked up at him with bright eyes and said, "...Sankyu."
Slowly picking up the ball, she looked for her onii-chan's signature and smiled a toothy grin. Then she jumped onto her feet and grabbed Syaoran's hand. He was shocked that she recovered so quickly and then allowed himself to be dragged along side the petite girl.
They soon came across the other side of Tomoeda Park and there it was—the ice cream truck. Sakura walked up to the truck with Syaoran in tow and waved to the ice cream truck man.
"Oji-san! My new friend got onii-chan's ball back from the bullies!" Exclaimed Sakura with the largest smile a six year old could produce.
The oji-san looked at her and then turned around. When he turned around, he had two ice cream cones in his hands—one chocolate and one srawberry.
Syaoran looked at the ice cream and then thanked the oji-san. The two walked over to King Penguin and ate their ice cream with smiles on their faces.
Soon, the sun started to set into the horizon. Realizing his time was about up, he stood up reading to bid his farewell, when the girl turned around and said "My name's Sakura, what's yours?"
Syaoran looked at her and said ,"Xiao Lang."
Grinning from cheek to cheek, Sakura said, "Nice to meet you! Let's play again!"
Before he could respond, a distance voice could be heard in the background. He turned around to see that Sakura had already left with a taller boy he assumed was her 'onii-chan.'
He turned and began walking back home with a faint smile on his face.
'Martial arts certainly was useful,'
End of Flashback
"Don't touch me," screamed a feminine voice.
Feeling a cold draft, the man woke up to find himself stripped bare of his shirt and pants. He was only clad in his pink boxers. He stood up and glanced at his surroundings. The walls of the hedge maze stared back at him. The sun's rays were glaring down at him. It's probably the afternoon now.
"What the fuck? Why am I inside this godforsaken maze? Shit." He thought of the black-haired president and his posse. I'll get you back, just you watch.
Turning around, he walked in the direction his gut told him to. After walking for about an hour, he saw an opening up ahead.
He glanced up at a large sign that read "Yinghua Forest." He knew immediately he was at the opposite side of the maze.
Well shit.
Following the cobblestone trail, the fairy lights lit up as he walked. He noticed the sky was almost dark from the vast cherry blossom trees. Hearing the sounds of stream, he followed the sound and found a beautiful waterfall.
He turned to the side and saw an all too familiar girl with braided hair. Feeling the anger seep back into him, he quietly stalked towards the girl.
'Looks like I got lucky'
As he stood behind the girl, the girl noticed a presence standing behind her.
Feeling a cold prescence from behind her, she turned around and saw the same man as yesterday who to assault her. Fear filled her being and before she knew it, she stood up, ignored her ankle pain and limped a few feet away.
"Well, lookie what I found. Let's finish where we began yesterday, shall we?" sneered Saionji.
Slowly backing away from Saionji, her foot bumped into one of her crutches. She bent down and picked it up, holding it in a defensive hold.
"Stay away or else, y-ou'll meet my stick," stated Sakura.
Saionji looked at her wrapped ankle and arm and scoffed. He slowly started walking towards her and before she could run, he fisted her braid and she fell down into the grass with him pinned on top of her. Her braid came undone and her glasses flew across the field.
Sakura stared at Saionji with dread and fear filling her being. She started to stuggle with her uninjured arm, when Saionji twisted her fractured arm.
Screaming in pain, she shouted "Don't touch me!"
He lifted both arms above her head, while Sakura's eyes filled with tears of pain. Smiling a cruel sinister laugh, he bent down next to her ear and whispered, "No one's going to save you now—not in this forest at the end of the maze."
'No, no. Stop it. Onii-chan! Xiao Lang!'
Hearing the scream, Syaoran jumped off the tree branch and headed towards the source. Once he saw the clearing, he looked over the waterfall and saw the back of a man without a shirt and pants.
Underneath the man lay a auburn haired girl struggling to break free. Syaoran quickly went into fight mode and ran over to the couple.
As he neared the couple, he saw him bend down next to the girl's ear and whisper something. From his training at an early age, he had enhanced hearing.
"No one's going to save you now—not in this forest at the end of the maze."
Grasping the neck of the man, Syaoran growled out, "I will."
Syaoran then threw Saionji off the girl, while punching him in the gut. He glanced at Saionji to make sure he was out cold before he looked at the girl.
The blazer on the girl had the first three buttons ripped off and her neckline could be exposed. Her slender porcelain neck could be seen and the gold chain of a necklace was slightly hanging out. The necklace looked familiar, but he couldn't pinpoint from where. There were marks of bruising on her petite wrists and her long auburn hair curling at the end was disheleved. The girl had an empty glass look and a little shivering could be seen.
At first he didn't recognise the girl, unil he saw her emerald eyes. He walked over to the girl and bent down eye-level to her.
"Oi. Baka."
No response.
Grabbing her shoulder, she suddenly became animated and then screamed. Not knowing what to do, Syaoran pulled her into an embrace in hopes of shutting her up. It worked with one of his fan girls before, why not now?
Sakura felt herself being embraced and looked up at her savior. It was the arrogrant Li!
Feeling her energy come back, she pushed Syaoran away from her and tried to stand up, only to get caught by Syaoran.
Heaving a sigh, Syaoran looked at Sakura and said, "Relax, I won't do anything to you." He pointed behind him to the fallen Saionji.
Turning her eyes away from Syaoran she looked at the evil Saionji with a dark look. She then tried limping her way over to him when Syaoran looked at her and stopped her. Sakura turned to look at Syaoran with a determined look and then grabbed him as a crutch.
When she reached the unconscious Saionji, she leaned onto Syaoran for support and then kicked Saionji in the one place the sun don't shine.
Not once, but twice.
Back in the packed cafeteria, the rumor-ridden students were in an uproar-chatting excitedly to one another on what had just transpired a few minutes prior. The object of conversation was the College Student Council Division's conversation with the new transfer student Tomoyo. Many wondered what their relationship was—who was she to the president? How dare she talk to him in that manner? Didn't she know her place? Who was she?
Chiharu and Yamazaki sweated quietly in their seats. They were nervous with all the chatter directed towards them.
Tomoyo didn't look nervous at all. She was wondering where her dear fiance was. Unaware of her surroundings, she was deep in thought when suddenly two hands with finely manicured nails slammed onto the table in front of her. She looked up and met angry, firey red eyes.
Ruby Moon was angry. How dare some little sophomore talk to Touya-sama?! She would not have any of this. Glancing at her twin, Nakuru, she stood up and stalked her way towards the violet-haired girl—following her was her group of loyal followers. She looked at the blissful expression on Tomoyo's face and grew angrier, if possible. How dare she even daydream about him!
She slammed her hands onto the table and successfully shut the whole clattering cafeteria up.
Finally grasping the attention of the sly, deceitful girl, she bit out, "Don't you dare talk to Touya-sama like you're someone important!"
Standing up and schooling her expression into that of a pleasant one, Tomoyo said, "Ara, but he's someone important to me."
Ruby froze after hearing what Tomoyo and was about to make Tomoyo become good friends with her palm, when a voice intervene.
"What's going on," said the collected voice.
Turning to see the source of the voice, she saw her group of followers part to let a midnight haired teen enter.
"Hiiragizawa," Nakuru stated.
Ruby look at the newcomer with indifferene and was about to continue to slap Tomoyo, when a hand caught her's mid-air. She looked at the owner and tried to remove her hand when Eriol's face turned sour.
Seeing his beloved a few inches from being slapped, he quickly intervened and declared,
"You will do well not to touch my fiance, Moon."
Watching her face turn bitter, Eriol then added, "Or touch Touya's cousin."
Ruby's expression turn from bitter to one of that complete shock and horror.
In the student council cafe were two teens relaxing during their lunch break. The blonde haired teen was sprawled on his back reading the latest Shounen Jump, while the other tangerine head was checking his stocks.
"You think he made it out?" Aidou asked.
Looking up through his reading glasses, Kain stated, "Either he made it out through the green house or he got the the Yinghua Forest."
Bam. Click. Bam.
The two teen looked up at the entrance of the cafe and saw Tomoyo and Eriol. The latter had a fuming expression on his face.
Aidou, being obtuse asked, "What happened?"
Glaring at Aidou, Eriol bit out, "Ruby Moon tried to attack Tomoyo for talking to Touya."
Mouth forming into the shape of an 'O', Aidou quickly shutup and nodded his head.
Kain felt the tension in the room to be unsettling, so he stated, "After Touya was done with Saionji, we threw him half-naked into the Clow Maze. The only way out is the entrance or the forest."
The quiet Tomoyo suddenly looked up in alarm. "Isn't Sakura in the Yinghua Forest...?"
A look of panic spread throughout Aidou and Kain's eyes.
Oh Shit!
Quickly launching to their feet, they bolted out the cafe and started heading in the direction of the Clow Maze.
Minutes passed and when they were almost at the entrance of the maze, two figures dragging something emerged from the entrance.
As they neared, they saw Syaoran and Sakura. The former dragging a almost bare Saionji. Looking wearily at the odd couple, Aidou opened his mouth to ask, only to be cut off curtly.
Syaoran looked at Aidou ad curtly stated, "Don't ask. Get rid of him. "
Judging by Syaoran's expression—Kain didn't need to be told twice, he grabbed the left arm of Saionji and motioned for Aidou to do the same for the right.
Once the two left, Syaoran looked at the girl next to him. Her long auburn-hair was no longer disheleved, but it had a sexy messy look. Her uniform was no longer inappropriate and was buttoned to the top. The girl's emerald green eyes had the life returned to them. After he deemed that she was mentally ok, he turned around and started walking to the student council room. As he walked, he heard a soft voice mumble, "Thank you."
Wait—emerald eyes?
He quickly turned back around to see if Amamiya was still there. Before he knew it, the girl had already left and all he saw was a silhouette of her back fading away towards the school building.
Kain and Aidou dragged the dead weight of Saionji into the General Student Council room. There was a Student Council room for each division, but only one room for all the divisions to gather. As they entered he room, they saw the high school council members minus Syaoran, and the college council members.
Touya was the first notice the three and he immediately asked what happened. He thought the issue was taken care of, but apparently it wasn't, if the rapist was half naked.
Figuring that Aidou might beat around the bush, Kain explained the issues that led to Saionji's dead weight inside the office.
Deep in thought, Touya silently thanked the Chinese gaki Li for saving his sister and then asked Aidou, "What was Sakura's expression?"
Thinking the question was strange, Aidou thought back to their encounter with the two at the entrance of the maze and said, "I don't know. She had a weird satisfied grin on her face."
Touya then looked at Saionji—specifically at his private men parts and stated, "So she kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. I'm guessing more than once if it's swelling like that."
Aidou and Kain instantly paled.
The other three college division councils members who were quiet until now, thought back to what their president said in the cafeteria: "Sakura is far from harmless when provoked. Where do you think the name kaijuu came from?"
The only one unsurprised was Yukito, smiling as if Sakura did the right thing. Well, Saionji did deserve it.
A tall black-haired boy stood at the entrance of Tomoeda Academy. His stoic expression showed no emotion. He looked at one of the pillars next to the tall gates and saw a flyer that stated "Tomoeda Academy School Festival in 3 days!"
With a look of determination, he said "Kinomoto, the fall of the great Tomoeda starts in three days. Osaka Gakuen will win this year—through any means necessary."
I'll steal the trophy this year along with Sakura.
Author Note: That's the end of chapter four. Didn't get it proofread. Sorry.
I'm going to Hong Kong for a business trip. I won't update for a week or so, but maybe. Maybe. I'll have the next chapter up before the end of the month. It won't take me a year, I promise.
- Miku