A/N: This is my first fic. It's MerDer fluff but more Meredith. More to come so check back. Reviews are appreciated. Oh yeah, and I don't own Grey's.

As she sluggishly lifted her head away from her pillow and squinted at the clock on her nightstand with sleepy eyes, she couldn't quite make out what it read. The neon red light gleamed towards her, the numbers being a hindrance, slowly blurred into vision revealing 6:12 am.

Meredith groaned in disgust and returned her head to her pillow. Her first day off in… she couldn't even remember when. Why was she awake? She was still tired, she could feel it both physically and mentally. She wasn't ready to wake up. She hardly had any sleep as it was and she wanted more.

Taking a deep breath, she tried desperately to focus on sleeping, but her moderately awake mind shifted to thoughts of the previous few hours. Some late night activities with Derek instantly turned into an all night marathon and she was exhausted.

She nuzzled her head deeper into her pillow and began to reminisce on the night. They had left work later than they expected to and Derek had teasingly kept his arms wrapped tightly around her the whole way through the parking lot, moving very quickly, practically pulling her along. By the time they reached the passenger side door, Derek's hands were trembling with anticipation as he struggled to get the key in the door. Meredith leaned against the side of the car, stared at Derek, and giggled. She knew exactly what was on his mind, as it was on hers, too.

A muffled noise in the distance made her shudder awake. As she sighed in disgust, her thoughts quickly diminished. She shifted slightly in between the sheets and forced herself to try to ignore it and sleep. Sleep, she thought, Just… sleep.

As the sound came again, she shoved her head under the pillow, trying desperately to drown it out.

Ignore it. Just ignore it. Sleep… She sighed again. Sleep… Derek… Derek's lips… Derek's… lips… Derek's lips on me… Her thoughts of the night before were overpowering and instantly took control once more.

After speeding into the driveway and nearly leaving the keys turned with the ignition running, Meredith and Derek forced their way through the front door and pushed themselves up the stairs to the bedroom, never letting their lips part along the way. As their bodies collided with the bed, they finally let themselves breathe, but only for a moment. As their eyes locked contact, and their lips met once more, together they had made an unspoken agreement to celebrate their "night before their day off" with loud, fanatical, earth shattering, mind-blowing…

Meredith flinched awake once more as the muffled sound came again, much louder than before, piercing any hope of her slumber and sending her annoyance level flying to a high.

She pulled her head out from underneath her pillow and rolled off her stomach onto her side. While she held her eyes forcibly shut, she stretched an arm out in search of Derek.

She felt nothing. Nothing but cold sheets next to her, and a missing body.

Suddenly she felt her eyes jerk open as she became completely aware of the situation. Yawning, she lifted herself and sat up in bed, glancing around the dimly lit room in search of answers.

The brightest light in the room was coming from the bathroom. The door was almost completely shut, with the exception of a slight crack between the door and the frame, letting a small stream of light dance across the bedroom. The sound seemed to be coming from that direction as well.

Meredith's forehead creased as she mused on the situation and the curiosity consumed her. She climbed out of bed and shivered as the cool air of the room hit her naked body. She quickly scrambled to the edge of the bed and pulled on her tank top, which was hanging off the bottom and Derek's boxers, which were on the floor below it. The clothing didn't cover much, but it was a help at least.

The muffled sound started to become louder as she worked her way around the bed towards the bathroom.

The door was not latched, but instead just resting against the doorjamb. She placed her hand against it and pushed it open with only a touch. She peeked in to see Derek sitting on the far end of the tub with his back towards her. A cell phone was pressed against his ear.

Meredith stepped into the bathroom as Derek continued speaking in a soft, hushed tone into the receiver.

Squinting to let her eyes adjust to the new amount of light, she watched as he reached down and grabbed a gray t-shirt that was lying at his feet and tugged it onto his arms, leaving it rest there while he continued his conversation.

"Well, I can't," he said to the mystery person on the phone. "How… maybe… I'd have to check."

Who is he talking to? It's six in the morning. Meredith questioned to herself. The hospital? No. It's his day off. But he is on call. Wait- he has to check what?

On pondering the very little amount of conversation she heard, Meredith unintentionally leaned into the door, pushing it and creating a rather loud squeaking noise along the way. Her rambling thoughts were quickly put to a stop as Derek, unaware of her presence, jumped up from his post and turned to face her.


He was dressed in jeans and his t-shirt was still tugging at his arms. Holding the phone to his ear, his eyes met with Meredith's.

"Hey," Derek spoke into his cell phone. "Let me call you back. Alright- bye." He closed his phone and signed.

"Good morning," he said to Meredith as he pulled his shirt the rest of the way on.

"Was that the hospital?" Meredith inquired, hoping she knew the answer already.

"No," Derek replied as his head was freed from the neck of the shirt.

No? So he wasn't called in… She sighed in relief. Good. Wait- then who…? She glanced down at the floor, puzzled, as he looked at her.

"I'm sorry if I woke you. I was trying to be quiet."

She picked her head up to see him staring and smiling at her. As she met his gazing eyes, she couldn't help but smile herself. She shuffled towards him and giggled as he wrapped his arms around her. She followed suit, then rested her head against his chest.

"You didn't wake me," she assured him. "My intern clock did. Or at least I think it was that. You did however keep me from returning to my fantastic dream."

"I'm sorry." Derek apologized.

"It's okay," she said tightening her arms around his waist. "I like the reality better."

"Mmmmm," he grinned breathing her in. "Me too."

"Who was on the phone?" Meredith asked after a few moments. "And why are you dressed, it's six in the morning? Six in the morning on our day off mind you,"

Derek chuckled lightly as he rubbed her back in their embrace.

"It was Kathy."


"Your sister?" she asked looking up at him.

"Yeah," he replied nodding. "She called about twenty minutes ago."

"Is everything alright? Isn't it like really early there, too?"

Derek smiled at her, grateful that she was showing concern for his family. "Everything is fine."

"Good, 'cause that would suck if not," Meredith said, smiling as an afterthought.

"She's actually in town for a convention, so she's on Seattle time right now," he added.

"A convention? Like… a therapist convention?"

"Yes, a therapist convention," he chuckled.

"They have them?" she asked raising an eyebrow. "She didn't invite us, did she? That's not why she called?" Her face shifted to a worried look.

He couldn't help but just stare at her shaking his head and grinning. Thinking about all the possible images her mind was probably coming up with of the two of them at one of his sister's conventions. It was amusing. He loved his sister, but he wouldn't be caught dead at one of her conventions.

"No," he snickered. "But nice to know you'd be all willing to go."

Meredith's expression turned into a half smile as she giggled at the though. She then pulled away from him, grabbed his hand, and began tugging him out of the bathroom.

"Come on. Sun's too bright. Let's go back to bed," she said pulling him into the bedroom.

"Mer, I can't go back to sleep," he stated as she sat down on the bed, tugging him towards her. "Kathy called -"

"I know, you told me," she said cutting him off. "And who said anything about sleep," she added with a grin.

He stared at her slightly taken aback by her forwardness. As he too remembered the previous night, the smile on his face began to grow. He was exhausted, but he would take her in a minute. But they needed to talk. For as much as he wanted her, he forced the memories into the back of his mind and focused once more into the eyes of his beautiful girlfriend.

"Meredith," he started, his smile slightly diminishing. "Kathy, she… she's kind of in a bind."

"How so?" Meredith questioned with more serious expression.

"Here husband Dave had to go out of the country on business, London, last minute thing" he shook his head. " He left Connecticut a few hours before Kathy…"

He paused his rambling. He was trying to stall and she knew it.

"And…" she continued for him.

"And the kids," he responded.

Meredith did not like where this was going.

"AND?" she asked while standing to her feet.

She was adorable when she got angry. Derek just stared at her, a slight smile returning to his face. He loved the way she looked, standing there, glaring up at him, waiting for his response. It took everything inside of him not to jump her right then and there and forget the conversation he just had with his sister. But he knew his thoughts would be short lived. He had to tell her.

"She… she asked if we would baby-sit."

Meredith's eyes widened as her jaw dropped.


"Just for today," he quickly added, trying to remedy the situation.

She broke her stare with Derek and moved her gaping mouth, trying to form words, words of any kind, but nothing would come out. She was stunned. She didn't do kids. Kids didn't do her.

"Meredith," he titled his head to the side and slowed his voice. "I never gave her an answer. I told her I had to talk to you first. I know it's our day off. I know we had… other plans," he said flashing her his famous McDreamy smile. " I know that children are not exactly your thing. But she's my sister."

She faced him once more and locked her eyes with his.

Derek could see the fear her eyes held in them. He had expected her to storm out, or yell, or even possibly kick him. He braced himself for that. He never expected to see the doubt of faith in her eyes.

"Mer," he said, cupping her face into his palm. "We don't have to. I can… I can tell her something- make up an excuse."

He wasn't entirely sure of the reason for her hesitation. He knew she wasn't exactly a kid person, but he just assumed it was only because she never really had the opportunity to be around them. But the look on her face. The look in her eyes. It all said so, so, much more. He didn't want to press her on it and he sure as hell didn't want to push the situation either.

He leaned in and kissed her forehead. "I'll call Kathy back."

Meredith still hadn't said a word. She just looked… lost. Deep in thought. Deep in question. She didn't even notice Derek pull away until the click of the doorknob turning snapped her out of her trance.

"No," she said quietly, still facing away.

One day.

"What?" Derek questioned, unsure if he actually heard her speak.

"No. Derek, wait," she said louder, turning on her feet. "Um… It's. It's alright," she nodded.

It's just one day.

Derek looked at her puzzled. Her expression remained the same, but she was… agreeing. Now he was sure he had misheard her. And all he could do was stare.


He didn't respond.



"Yeah." He shook his head, breaking his stare. "I'm sorry, I thought I just heard you say alright."

"I did."

He rubbed his eyes. "To the kids coming here."

"Yeah. I did."

"Baby-sitting. Children," he replied stunned.

Meredith crossed her arms and shifted her weight. "DEREK."

"You're sure?" he questioned.


"Yeah. I mean… it's only for a day. Right? We… I… can handle it," she said trying to convince herself more than anything. "I can."

Meredith looked down at her feet and sighed.

"Meredith," he sighed in return.

She looked up at him. "I'm fine," she said, forcing a smile.

Derek walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. "I know that "fine". And I also know what it means."

"No. I mean it. I'm fine. It's fine."

She looked into his deep blue eyes and smiled again, only this time she meant it.

"Now, go call your sister." She padded him on the back and pulled away.

Derek chuckled, pecked her quick on the lips, and headed towards the door. All in one continuous motion, he turned back towards her and kissed her hard and deep. As she let out a soft moan, he slowly pulled away, his whole face beaming. Meredith shook her head, a small grin of her own showing through. He kissed her once more and moved towards the exit yet again. Leaving Meredith giggling behind him.

"Hey, Derek," she called after him.

He stopped in the doorway and faced her.

"Is Kathy…"

Derek tilted his head to the side. "What…" he continued for her.

"Is she anything like Nancy?" Meredith asked, concern in her voice.

He shook his head and smiled. "No." he stated. "She's the nice one."

Derek watched the visible tension Meredith held drop as she relaxed her shoulders, thankful for the answer he just gave her. He looked her up and down, and then continued.

"You may want to rethink the outfit, though," he said winking at her, then turning his back and leaving into the hall before he could get a reaction.

Meredith's jaw dropped. "Hey!" she called after him and rushing through the doorway as well.

Derek, who was a few feet ahead, turned backwards and stopped walking.

"Kathy is a pretty easy-going person, but I'm not so sure how she'd feel about her kids seeing their uncle's girlfriend walking around in his underwear."

She rolled her eyes at his response and leaned against the doorframe.

"Don't get me wrong," he continued. "I love it. Less clothing I say."

She laughed at him. "Ass!"

He laughed as well.

"I'm taking a shower anyway so don't worry. Clothing will be added."

Derek pouted for a moment. "Well. A challenge for tonight then, huh?"

"Oh no, mister." She moved across the hall to the bathroom. "You had your chance. About 10 minutes ago, remember?"

He smiled at her and started walking backwards down the hall. "We'll see about that later then."

He winked once more and she smiled in return. Derek then turned forward, headed for the stairway as Meredith walked into the bathroom to start her shower.

She closed the door behind her, then turned on the shower to let it warm up a bit. She closed the sliding glass door and leaned up against it, the smile slowly fading away from her face.

She sighed.

"What did I get myself into?" she asked herself.

She slowly slid the shower door until she was sitting on the floor against it. Her mind raced with everything that just happened. Everything Derek said. Everything he offered. He gave her an out. He flat out told her she didn't have to. But still… she agreed. She told him it was alright. That it was fine. That she was fine. She couldn't turn back now. It would devastate him. She knew how much he loved his family. How much he has missed not being around them.

She could do it. She would do it. For Derek.

"I can do it." She nodded to herself.

She sighed again.
