I'm back!! Sorry for the long wait but it took a while to come up with a plot for this story. I've only written 3 chapters of this so far but I need some help writing the rest. If anyone wants to co-author this story or at least go over my chapters and make them better then please send me a note. I need all the help i can get with this story if i wasnt to finish it! lol
Hope you enjoy this, please read and review
Tony slammed the phone down hard, causing McGee to flinch in his seat. He stared wearily at his desk before lifting a hand up and rubbing his tired eyes until they were red. He sucked in a deep breath and sighed.
They'd all been working on a case non stop all week trying to find the killer of a young marine. Gibbs had been working them particularly hard and they were all exhausted from the lack of sleep and the many hours running down suspects. They still hadn't found the killer, but they were close. He'd put out a BOLO on the latest suspect and Gibbs had ordered them to stay put until the suspect was found. It was 11pm and Tony was hungry and tired.
He looked back down at the phone and winced guiltily as he realised Jake was going to spend another night alone. It was five months since Jake had moved in with him and turned Tony's life upside down. He could no longer bring girls home, no longer spend the evening drinking in front of the TV or jet off to New York for the weekend like he used to. Now he was going to parent's evenings, working overtime to pay for the food Jake consumed daily and living life sober. It wasn't helping that after a long day at work it was his job to feed Jake and he didn't know how much more take-out Jake could stomach.
He picked up the phone and began dialling his home number when Gibbs strode into the room, brushing past Tony's desk and moving gracefully to his own desk. Tony put the phone down quickly and looked up at his boss.
"Nothing yet Boss," He answered before Gibbs could ask.
The older man nodded and then turned his head towards Ziva, "Lance Corporal Walker received four calls from Antonio Radivicci the day he was murdered."
"Radivicci's looking guiltier by the minute," Tony noted.
"Doesn't help if we can't find him DiNozzo," Gibbs replied.
"I checked his credit card accounts, hasn't withdrawn any money in the last week," McGee spoke up from behind his computer.
"He's a loan shark McGee one with lots of money and connections. He has enough cash and enough people who owe him to stay hidden for months," Tony reminded the younger agent. Find Radivicci was going to be next to impossible and Gibbs wasn't going to let them go until he was in custody.
"He's Italian," Ziva said, gaining the attention of the team.
"So?" Tony asked.
"So don't you have some Italian connections could help us to find him?"
"Yes Ziva," He said with a roll of his eyes, "Us Italians all hang out at the Pizzeria on Jackson street," His reply dripping with sarcasm.
She glared at him, "No need to be snippy."
"Give me a break," Tony sighed, "I'm tired."
"We all are," Ziva said with a little more compassion.
"Canvas his usual hideouts, clubs, bars, find someone who might know where he is" Gibbs ordered, ignoring the weariness in their eyes. Ziva and McGee looked at Tony in despair, silently asking him to confront Gibbs.
He cleared his throat, "Boss," He called and Gibbs turned to Tony. "We need sleep."
"You can sleep when this is over DiNozzo," Tony ignored the finality in Gibb's voice and continued.
"No," He shook his head.
Gibbs looked up in shock, "What did you just say?"
"I said no Gibbs, we've barely eaten let alone slept. None of us have seen the inside of our apartments all week, I haven't seen Jake this week either and there are only so many nights I can leave him alone in the house before he starts developing abandonment issues. You've worked us non stop and now I don't have any energy left. None of us have. Even Abby's conked out in her lab!" Tony stood up, "We are no good to you like this Gibbs"
Gibbs took a moment to look at his team. Ziva was always the first one into work in the mornings and never mind staying late but the bags under her eyes told him there was only so much sleep she could survive on. McGee looked dead on his feet. He was still fairly new to it all and Gibbs secretly commended the younger agent for keeping up with Tony and Ziva. Tony was a man who took great pride in his appearance but now Gibbs couldn't believe that the same man was standing in front of him unshaven, his expensive suit wrinkled and his eyes glassy from staring at his computer for hours, Finally Gibbs relented, "You're right."
Tony looked surprised, "I am?" He wasn't used to Gibbs saying that.
"Go home and get some rest, But I want to see all of you back here early in the morning," They all smiled in relief, and began packing up. Tony reached the elevator first and held it open for his team mates even though he was desperate to get home. Before the doors could shut he heard Gibbs call his name. He groaned as he thrust his hand out to stop the doors from closing completely. Gibbs joined them inside the elevator.
"Just got a call," He explained as Gibbs pressed the button for the garage, "Radivicci's been spotted by PD at Snake Club down in Georgetown."
"So we're?" He didn't need to finish the sentence; he knew they wouldn't be going home now.
"Yes," Gibbs confirmed.
"Okay," Tony knew there was no reason to fight Gibbs on this one. Yes he was tired but he also knew there wouldn't be a lot of chances to catch Radivicci.
Two hours later they'd finally caught the slippery loan shark and was currently sitting in interrogation waiting to be questioned by Gibbs. Ziva and McGee had already gone home, nothing left in them from the late night chase. Tony was sitting back at his desk, his body leant over and his head in his arms resting on his desk. He had no energy to get in his car and drive back to his apartment.
"Come on," Gibbs said quietly, shaking Tony's arm gently, "I'll give you a ride home," Tony groaned as he pulled himself up. He followed Gibbs into the elevator and out into the car park towards Gibbs sedan. The pair stayed silent as Gibbs maneuvered through the streets towards Tony's place. Finally Tony spoke.
"He's going to be pissed at me," He said as he slouched further into the comfortable car seat. Tony could sleep anywhere and Gibb's car was no exception, even when Gibbs was driving like a rally car driver. He leant his head against the window and closed his eyes.
"Jake," He sighed, "I promised him we'd go see a film tonight."
"He'll understand."
"No….not this time," Gibbs said nothing. He pulled up to Tony's building and turned off the engine. Tony opened his eyes, "We're here?" He asked. Gibbs nodded. Tony unbuckled his seat belt and opened the car door. Before Tony could shut the door Gibbs called his name, "What?" Tony asked.
"Radivicci's not going anywhere, take the morning off."
"I've already given McGee and Ziva the morning off," He told Tony before he could object. Tony had told Gibbs right from the start that he didn't want any special treatment because of Jake.
Tony nodded, "Okay then…Goodnight."
"Night," Tony slammed the door and watched Gibbs drive off before climbing the steps up to his building.
He closed the door to his apartment as quietly as he could so he wouldn't wake Jake. He turned round and jumped out of his skin at the unexpected sight of Jake standing right behind him hands on his hips.
"Geez Jake!" He spoke, calming himself. "Don't do that!"
"Do you know what the time is?" Jake asked.
"Late and you should be in bed," He slipped off his jacket and shoes and entered the living room, Jake following close behind.
"You promised," Jake started.
Tony sighed guiltily, "I know Jake, a tip was called in and we had to go hunt down our suspect and it took a while,"
"I don't want to hear it Tony, it's the same old excuses with you."
"This week I've seen the pizza boy more than you!"
"I've been busy!"
"You're always busy."
"I told you Jake, even before you moved in here that it would be like this."
"And when you're not busy you're too tired to do anything apart from nag me about school work and the state of my room!"
"I can't do this now," Tony put a halt to the conversation, "I am tired, and the last thing I need now is you blaming me for my shortcomings," He walked to his bedroom door, "We'll talk in the morning," He added before closing the door behind him.