A/N Well people it is that time where I say this is the last chapter, I am feeling a little emotional so bare with me. I would like to thank every single person who has read and every person who has taken the time to review especially Emma- Face, Wanda 52, Relishb91,GRISSOMLOVER 07, Haldir's heart and soul, Devil smile 666, Serafin 09 and most definitely Grissomlove. Each and every single person you rock.

Grissom VS Ecklie round II

Grissom awoke to a sleeping brazen beauty laying next to him in a curled up ball tangled in the blankets. He propped him self up on his shoulder and smiled at Sara as he looked down at her sleeping form, so peaceful and carefree.

Sara began to stir, she opened her eyes to the sight of baby blues watching her. She smiled and rolled onto her back and stretched a little.

"Morning". Grissom said gently with a small smile played across his face.

"Morning". Sara answered.

"Well evening if you want to be accurate". Sara said quickly correcting her self.

"If you must be picky, but normal people wake up to the person next to them in the morning so we should just pretend". Grissom responded with a jokeish voice and a cheeky smile.

"Okay then if it will make you happy. Good morning Gilbert". Sara said quickly with a slight posh accent as she said his full name.

"Good morning Sara". Grissom responded in the same accent.

Grissom leaned closer and firmly planted his lips on Sara's for a few seconds before parting for air.

"I think we should get ready for work, don't you"? Grissom asked as he began to get up out of bed.

Sara let out a groan and she stretched a little more.

"If we must". Sara said in a unenthusiastic tone.

"We must no come on". Grissom said with a smile as he grabbed Sara's ankles from the end of the bed and pulled her toward him.

Sara laughed and wriggled against him but lost miserably.

"Okay, okay you didn't have to drag me out of bed. Race you to the shower". Sara said with a childish delight as she moved her eye brows around suggestively.

Sara ran off to the bathroom leaving Grissom to catch up.

Grissom shook his head and chassed after Sara, depositing his clothing along the way.

After showering, changing, eating and a session of making out Grissom and Sara got in the car and headed to the lab.

The car had a comfortable silence as Grissom drove and Sara watched out of the window, humming a little every now and then.

"Ya nervous". Sara asked rather randomly throwing Grissom off.

"About what".

"I don't know, I just feel a little nervous for some reason". Sara responded while mentally cursing her self for how lame she sounded.

"Well what's there to be nervous about. We all went on vacation and we came back, the end". Grissom said while trying to pay attention to the road.

"Well I think we both know more than that happened". Sara said with a naughty smirk on her face.

Grissom smiled and cleared his throat.

"Well that's the story Ecklie is getting, the other is for us". Grissom responded with a smile.

"Well as long as you think everything will be okay".

"It will be, don't worry I have everything under control. Trust me". Grissom said with a reassuring smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye.

Sara smiled at how fantastic she thought Grissom was and she carried on looking out of the window feeling less nervous and more anxious to get back to kicking ass.

They arrived at the lab a couple of minuets later, they pilled out of the car and grabbed the things that they would need for the shift.

"I'm going to go and sort my stuff out I'll see you in the brake room". Sara said to Grissom as they walked towards the lab.

"Okay. I have to check for messages and make sure that Hodges fed my little creatures, if he didn't I will kill him. I'll see you for assignments".

Grissom and Sara smiled at each other and walked their separate ways to do what they had to do. Sara went to the locker room and put her things away, Grissom went to front desk and picked up the tone of messages that he had and headed to his office.

Sara walked into the brake room and proceeded to make a cup of coffee.

"Hey you, how's it going". Greg said as he walked in the brake room and leaned against the counter next to Sara.

"Not to bad Greggo not to bad at all. And how would you be today"? Sara asked while pouring her self a cup of coffee and motioning her head to see if Greg wanted one.

Greg nodded and started to talk.

"I just got off the phone with my lady so things are pretty sweet, thanks for asking". Greg said with a smile as he picked up his coffee and took a sip.

Sara smiled and she took a seat around the table. Catherine, Warrick and Nick walked into the room moments later with smiled on their faces.

"Oh not you guys again, I thought I would get a brake from you lot". Catherine said with a teasing smile.

"Nice to see you too Catherine". Sara said with a smile and a playful wink.

"Hey Greg your looking happier than this morning". Nick said with his accent sounding more eminent for some reason.

"Same could be said for you pal". Greg responded with a laugh.

"Well personally I think we are all looking great, I saw Brass and Sofia just now and even those two are glowing. I think this vacation did us good". Warrick said with a serious tone but a smile on his face.

"I agree". came a voice form the brake room door way recognised as Grissom's.

"Hey boss what's up"? Nick asked with a friendly smile.

Grissom looked at Nick slightly gone off.

"Nothing's up Nick". Grissom said as he shook his head slightly as he took a seat next to Sara and swigged dome of her coffee.

"Then Sara's not doing her job properly". Said Greg loudly while bursting into fits of laughter, proud of him self for not cracking up before he said his punch line.

Grissom looked disgusted with the comment, Nick, Greg and Warrick were giggling like school girls over their boy band crush, Catherine spat her coffee over her self and rushed to the sink to wash it off and Sara just smirked trying not to laugh to much.

Grissom stood up and smacked the pile of paper he had in his hands over Greg's head.

"Right assignments". Grissom said loudly gathering the attention of everyone in the room.

"Hold up right there I want to speak to you and Ms Sidle please, in my office". Ecklie said in the repulsing little voice that he has.

"Well Conrad I'm about to hand these out, cant it wait until later"? Grissom asked while making it more of a demand than a question".

Ecklie began to walk out of the room but before he left he shouted something back to them in a stern deep voice.


Grissom swirled his head in Catherine's direction and handed the assignments to her.

"Some one In trouble"? Catherine asked with a slight sorry look I her eyes for the pair knowing being in trouble with Ecklie was not good.

"Seems' that way, Keep us something good. Come on Sara we better go".

Sara stood up and gave the rest of the team an nervous smile as she left the room.

"Do you think this is about us"? Sara asked Grissom quietly as they approached the beast's lair.

"It's quite possible, just play it cool and follow my lead okay everything will be fine".

Sara felt that warm feeling again like she did in the car when Grissom said he knew what he was doing, she had no doubt that Grissom had a plan.

Catherine took the slips of paper and read through them briefly.

"Okay, Greg you are the lucky winner of this evenings prize draw". Catherine said in a game show host's voice.

"Really what did I win". Greg said with enthusiasm.

"You have won……wait for it……………the rights to tonight's decomp, congratulations".

Nick and Warrick burst into fits of laughter at the sheer horror on Greg's face.

"And how many people were entered in to this prize draw"? Greg asked as he folded his arms over his chest.

"Just you". Catherine responded with a cheeky smile drawn on her face.

"Well I don't want it".

"Tough". Catherine answered.

"Why cant we leave it for Grissom and Sara they aren't here to complain". Greg whined.

"I'm not leaving it for them because if Ecklie has any thing his way Grissom and Sara wont be working here very long okay, so take the darn slip and get a move on. The longer you wait the worse it will get".

Greg snatched the slip out of his hands and mumbled something on his way out of the brake room to get ready.

"What does that leave us with"? Nick asked.

"A quiet night, that was the only call out". Catherine said mischievously.

"Alright, no wait that means paper work, oh man". Warrick said disappointedly.

"Not quiet we are going to make sure Grissom and Sara have a job, we need to find a loop hole for their relationship to work". Catherine said as she stood up and walked out of the room a determined woman.

The guys looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders and followed Catherine down the hall way.

Grissom and Sara were stood out side of Ecklie's office preparing to go in. Grissom noticed Sara looked worried and he turned to face her.

"Honey, its going to be okay, trust me I know what I'm doing". Grissom whispered so Ecklie wouldn't hear.

"What if its not, what if we loose our jobs, I know how much you love your job".

Grissom took a hold of Sara's index finger to be close to her with out gathering attention.

"I can get a job somewhere else, that doesn't matter, I love you more. So lets hold our head up high and go in there and kick his ass, mentally obviously because we really would get fired then". Grissom smiled as he looked deep into Sara's eyes.

"You love me"? Sara asked with a smile.

"Of course I do I was just waiting for the right time to tell you". Grissom said gently.

Sara smiled greatly showing her teeth, she tip toed and whispered into Grissom's ear.

"I love you too, Gil".

Grissom smiled large and he gripped her hands.

"I want to kiss you so bad right now, guess I'll have to make a big deal out of it later". Grissom responded while still smiling.

"Are we ready"? Grissom asked with a raised eye brow.

Sara took a deep breath and nodded.


"Okay, lets go"? Grissom said as he too took a deep breath, reluctantly let go of Sara's hands and pushed the office door open and stepped inside.

"I don't understand what the big deal is about Grissom and Sara's relationship. What's so wrong". Nick asked while flicking through some large books and employee conduct.

"it's the fact that Sara is Grissom's subordinate, he is higher ranked and he is her supervisor. It could be seen as being biased or favouritism". Catherine answered.

"So what, is it okay if we are together then because we are equal". Warrick asked.

"Well they don't like co- workers dating each other but because there are no professional differences between us they cant say much about it". Catherine answered again while looking through some manuscripts.

"Hey guys what are you up to"? Brass asked as he walked into a lay out room with Sofia behind him.

"We are trying to find a loop hole that says that Grissom and Sara can be together with out loosing their jobs". Nick said while looking frustrated with the useless book.

"Why what's going on"? Sofia asked looking concerned.

"Ecklie called Grissom and Sara into his office earlier, he didn't look to happy we think its about their involvement". Warrick answered and showing a concerned face that mirrored Sofia's.

"Well if they fire Gil and Sara for being together then they can fire me too". Brass said as he sat down not realising he said something golden.

"Brass that's it. If they fire Grissom and Sara then they will have to fire us too, we will refuse to work or even better quit unless they keep them on. They would be loosing four employee's over this, is it worth the risk I don't think so. As long as you guys are up for it". Catherine stated looking around Bras, Sofia and Warrick.

"Damn right lets do this". Warrick responded with enthusiasm.

"For friends….any thing". Brass said while holding his head up high.

"Sofia"? Catherine asked with raised eye brows.

Sofia smiled.

"Hell yeah, were all in it together". Sofia said proudly that got cheers from the members of the team.

Grissom pushed the door open and they stepped inside confidently and took a place stood up in front of Ecklie's desk.

"Ah you made it, about time. Take a seat we will be here a while". Ecklie said with a grin on is face that made Sara's stomach churn.

Grissom and Sara took a seat and sat back comfortably and crossed their legs.

"What's this about Conrad I have scenes to process". Grissom said confidently while getting straight to the point.

"I think you both know why you are here".

"Well I don't know about Sara but I cant read minds, Sara can you"? Grissom asked as he turned his head in Sara's direction.

"Nope". Sara said confidently.

"Well there you have it, looks like you will have to tell us". Grissom said cockily.

Ecklie sighed and he sat up straight in his chair.

"I have it on good authority that you two are involved". Ecklie said with a smug attitude.

"Involved how"? Grissom asked knowing it would get on Ecklie's nerves.

"Involved, together, with each other intimately". Ecklie spat out frustrated.

"Wow how would you know something as personal as that"?

"Eye witness". Ecklie answered.

"Oh yeah, who. Does that you mean someone's been following us because that in its self is illegal Ecklie just in case you didn't know". Grissom said a little bit harsher this time.

"Yes Gil I do know I do understand law. Any way the eye witness is me. I went to the air port this morning to get your help with something and what I found was bitter sweet. You and Ms Sidle here were looking very chummy and very much involved kind of like how new lovers act around each other". Ecklie answered looking very big headed and pleased with himself.

Grissom and Sara sat in silence while they processed everything Ecklie had just said.

"So would you care to explain what is going on". Ecklie asked while he put his feet up on his desk and put his hands behind his head.

"I am not bound to please thee with my answers". Grissom replied with a smug look on his face.

"Great, who are you quoting now Julius Caesar"? Ecklie asked as he got more annoyed at Grissom's petulance.

"No William Shakespeare actually". Grissom turned towards Sara and gave her a confident smile.

"Well you know what, I know what I saw and seeing as you are Sara's superior this relationship is not aloud. I will be doing my best to get you both fired". Ecklie said with a pissed off tone and with evil eyes.

"You're a poor excuse for a human being Ecklie, you realise this right"? Grissom said with slight mockery in his voice.

"Well at the end of the day I'm the one who will still have a job, in fact I'm going to call the sheriff right now".

Ecklie picked up the phone and started dialling the sheriffs number, Ecklie got through and discussed everything he knew.

"What, that's not fair. Fine I will tell them thank you very much". Ecklie slammed the phone down hard and he took a deep breath.

"Well"? Grissom asked with slight humour.

"The sheriff said that if you can find a loop hole then its fine. But don't be so sure that you will". Ecklie said bitterly.

"Well in that case I have found a loop hole". Grissom stated with smugness written all over his face.

"What already your having a laugh".

Sara looked at Grissom confused but unworried knowing that this was what he was talking about when he said he knew what he was doing.

"Let me explain for you its quite simple really, I assign someone else to write Sara's reports and evaluations. While at work everything is strictly professional, I take no favouritism, I work with her just as much as I work with the rest of my team and any differences we may have will be settled out of working hours". Grissom smiled greatly at finishing his presentation.

Both Ecklie and Sara looked shocked, it really was that simple and they didn't even know.

"How do you know all this"? Ecklie asked.

Sara paid close attention to Grissom's explanation as he began to speak.

"Well like any one who is successful in any thing, I researched what I needed to know and I found the answers and loop holes that I needed, thus I can still work the job I love with the woman that I love".

"Very touching. As much as you both are feeling smug with your selves right now just remember this I will be watching you, if one of you puts a toe out of line I will be there to make sure you both get fired".

"Stop! If you fire them then you have to fire us too". Catherine shouted as she ran into Ecklie's office.

Catherine, Warrick, Nick, Brass and Sofia ran into the office and stood behind Grissom and Sara, the office now becoming very cramped and hot.

"And why do I have to fire you too"? Ecklie asked.

"Because I'm in a relationship with Warrick". Catherine said proudly.

"And I'm in a relationship with Catherine". Warrick said with a smile.

"Well I figured that out". Ecklie said while rolling his eyes at the spectacle.

"Also me and Sofia have been a couple for months now, what are you going to do". Brass said with a deep and proud voice as he took Sofia's hand in his.

"Yeah". Sofia added and then got funny looks from the rest of the room.

"Sorry do I need to make a speech too". Sofia asked with a smile.

"Your all insane, any way your little inspirational office boycott is too late".

Catherine gasped thinking that they didn't save Grissom and Sara's jobs, the team looked disappointed.

"We have already worked it out and it turns out that Grissom found a loop hole, yippee for Grissom. Now all of you get out". Ecklie shouted bitterly and pissy.

The team wasted no time in rushing out of the office and celebrating in the corridor with hugs and hand shakes.

Grissom poked his head into Ecklie's office and nodded.

"Thanks Ecklie". Grissom said play fully and then left.

"Oh shut up". Ecklie murmured as he took a bottle of scotch from his draw.

"Yay you guys, everything is great". Catherine said as she hugged Grissom and Sara.

"Hey Cath thanks for the whole quitting you job thing for us, it was really sweet I wont for get it". Sara said as she gave the blond a huge hug and kissed her on the cheek.

"Any time darling, any time". Catherine winked at Sara and smiled.

"Hey, yall better not be starting the party with out me now". Greg shouted as he ran down the corridor towards the team.

"Wouldn't dream of it Greggo". Sara laughed as he pulled her into a hug and lifted her in the air.

"How about we all go out and celebrate our new way of life, and totally politically kicking Ecklie's ass"? Catherine suggested with a huge smile on her face.

"Hell yeah, lets go". the team agreed.

Grissom stopped Sara as she was about to get in the car and drive to the bar.

"I told you I would sort it out". Grissom said with a shy smile.

"I know, I had no doubts what so ever". Sara said in a low voice.

Grissom wrapped his arms around Sara's waist and pulled her to him, Sara put her hands to rest on his shoulders and they shared a passion filled kiss right in the parking lot getting beep from Catherine as she drove past.

Grissom pulled away and looked deeply into the brown pools of Sara's eyes.

"I love you Sara Sidle".

"You don't know how long I have been waiting for me to hear you say that". Sara said with a smile.

"Probably as long as I have. Lets just put it this way, all that stuff about finding a loop hole wasn't new knowledge. I've known for years I have just put it to practise now".

"Well aren't you just full of surprises". Sara said as she smiled and basked in the man of her dreams.

"I do try, now lets go to that bar and celebrate our life together , it starts now after all".

Thank you so much for the great support I have had constantly through out this story, every single person made my day every time I had a review. I hope you enjoyed reading the story as much as I have writing it, please review this one last time and let me know what you all think of the ending. Was it worthy? Thanks again and look out for my next story, it is going to be a long fic, maybe longer than this who knows. Thank you very much.

Sinead Regan x x x