SXK Chapter 15

Sango listened intently, wondering if she had imagined the sound of her front door opening then closing gently. A few seconds later, and she heard nothing. She shrugged.

"Whatever." She mumbled, turning back to her screen. She quickly typed back a reply to InuYasha, not really paying attention to their conversation. Kagome was busy all of today and tonight, and it made her sad. She wanted to hang out with her. Her phone vibrated, and she opened it up, quickly accessing her text message inbox. She saw it was from Ayame, and she smiled.

"Ayame really makes me happy." She mumbled. "Everything seems so....good around her." She said softly. She read the text quickly.

'Hey, what's up?'

Sango smiled.

'Nothing much, pretty bored today.' She quickly typed back, pressing the send button and closing her phone. She looked back up at the computer, and read what InuYasha had typed to her.

'How come we never cuddle? You know you want to :)'

Sango smiled. 'I do, I just never have the time. I miss our cuddles though. They were so sweet(L).'

InuYasha's response came quickly; he was a swift typist.

'Seriously though, if you have any problems, come see me. I'll do my best to help.'

Sango thought about it, opening her phone as it vibrated again.

'I know InuYasha, I haven't forgotten you, don't worry.'

'You better not have.'

Sango laughed, and looked down at her phone.

'How come I make you happy? Why's things so good around me?'

Sango's heart jumped, and she shot out of her seat, looking around. To her surprise, Ayame was sitting on the corner of her bed, legs folded underneath her, smiling smugly at Sango.

"HOLY FUCK!" Sango yelled, grabbing her chest. "That damn near killed me!" She said. "What are you doing here?"

Ayame shrugged. "Making sure you aren't hanging with any pretty girls other than me." She said. "And you aren't, so I'm happy."

Sango grinned, despite her rapidly beating heart. "Of course I'm not." She said. "You're the only one for me babe."

Ayame growled appreciatively, making Sango shiver. "Better not let Kagome hear you say that." She said.

Sango shrugged. "Well, you're the only one for me besides her." She rectified. "There, better?" She asked.

This time Ayame's growl wasn't so appreciative. "No, but it isn't like I can do anything about it...."

Sango laughed. "Can't please you, can I?" She asked.

Ayame hummed, staring at Sango. "Is that a trick question?" She asked. "You please me....very many ways." She said.

Sango blushed. "T-that isn't true." She stammered. "I'm nothing special."

Ayame stared at her, then shook her head. "You're very special, love." She whispered. "Come over here."

Sango couldn't resist Ayame's voice; she didn't want to resist her request. She slowly moved over, and stood in front of Ayame. Ayame slowly unfolded her legs, before slipping her arms around Sango's waist, staring up into her pretty face.

"How are you love?" Ayame asked. Sango shrugged. "Pretty decent." She said. "Kagome is busy all of today and tonight, so I got nothing to do." She said.

Ayame hummed. "Well...."

Sango grinned, knowing exactly what Ayame was thinking of. Ayame smiled back at her, before pulling Sango down on top of her. Sango laughed as she fell on top of Ayame, but it was cut short as Ayame kissed her hard.

Sango moaned, and the kiss became gentle. Ayame gently pressed her lips against Sango's, hands wrapped tightly around Sango's waist. When the kiss ended, Ayame slipped her hands up to Sango's shoulders, and pulled her into a tight hug. Sango closed her eyes and pressed her forehead against Ayame's chest.

"I love you so much it hurts." Ayame whispered, making Sango's heart flutter.

"I know....I'm sorry." Sango said softly. Ayame kissed the top of her head in response. "Don't. It isn't your fault."

"I wish we could be like this forever." Ayame said. "It would be really nice..."

Sango nodded, despite her thoughts falling to Kagome. As Kagome's innocent face flashed through her mind, Sango couldn't believe the way she was acting. She felt the tears welling up in her eyes, and when Ayame gently pulled away from her to kiss her again, the tears started falling.

Ayame broke the kiss, immediately smelling the tears. She opened her eyes, and looked at Sango worriedly.

"What did I do?" Ayame asked quietly, afraid she had done something wrong.

Sango shook her head, wiping the tears from her face. She refused to make eye contact with Ayame.

"I feel so bad for messing around with you when I have Kagome." She said. "It just makes me feel like I'm a horrible person."

Ayame felt her stomach twist, as she realized she was part of Sango's problems. She didn't know whether to hug Sango or pull away from her; to give her some space.

They were both silent for a minute; Sango trying to get her tears under control, and Ayame wondering what to do. Sango made no move to pull away from Ayame, so Ayame responded in kind, not increasing the distance between them, but not decreasing it either.

"What do you want me to do?" Ayame asked.

Sango shook her head. "I don't know." She whispered. "I really don't."

Ayame growled softly, despite herself.

Stupid fucking Kagome...She thought to herself. If only I could.... She flexed her claws, before discarding that thought from her mind. It would hurt Sango way too much.

Finally, Ayame decided to take charge. No longer was she going to sit around and let this girl who meant so much to her make a decision that could possibly take her away from Ayame. She shook her head, then rolled over, pinning Sango to the bed as she straddled her hips.

"If Kagome is causing you so many goddamn problems, then she isn't worth it." Ayame whispered, staring into Sango's eyes. "Dump her. Come to me. I'll take care of you how you deserve to be taken care of." She said. "You know I will. I'll never leave your side. Ever. You know I won't. I'll always protect you."

Sango stared up at her, and Ayame could tell that she was thinking about it.

"We'd make a better couple anyway." She said. "You know we would."

"Dump her. Take me." Ayame whispered, leaning down to kiss her. Lips inches away from Sango's, she whispered "Please?" Before touching her lips to Sango's gently.

When Ayame pulled away, Sango looked guilty.

"I do-"

"Do you even feel attracted to Kagome?" Ayame cut in, not wanting Sango to even consider remaining with Kagome.


"Do you?" Ayame pressed.

"I do. Or I thought I did, but now I just don't know. Now I feel like I have to remain with her out of dedication, because I asked her out." She said. "And she is my best friend...."

"Please....leave her. And take me." Sango, who had avoided looking into Ayame's eyes for the last few minutes, heard Ayame's voice break, and she looked back, alarmed. Ayame had tears falling down her cheeks, and Sango felt her heart break.

"Please?" Ayame asked, crying softly. "I've never felt this way about anyone before. I need you Sango. More than Kagome does, or ever thinks she will."

Sango was silent for a minute.

"It hurts me, you know?" Ayame asked softly, once more drawing Sango's nervous gaze to her face. "It hurts being so close to you, but not being able to have you. It really hurts."

"If I do dump her..." Ayame felt a spike of adrenaline shoot through her, and her heart jumped, wondering if Sango would do it.

"No. I can't do it. It wouldn't be right to dump her." Sango said softly, but forcefully.

Ayame jumped off Sango, a loud growl hurting Sango's ears as Ayame slammed her fist into the wall near the door. The weak drywall had no chance against her demonic strength, and cracked easily, leaving a large hole in her wall.

Sango felt fear flash through her, before realizing that Ayame would never hurt her. She watched as Ayame cursed and swore loudly, pounding the wall repeatedly, but this time with much less force, refraining from damaging it.

"I want you so much." Ayame said, turning to Sango. "I want you so much, but I can't fucking have you!" She said, her voice raising to a yell. "Why can't you see how much I want you? I'd do anything to have you! ANYTHING! Can't you see what you're doing to me?" Ayame asked, still yelling. "Can't you see at all? What you're doing to both of us?"

Sango closed her eyes, fear starting to flow through her again. Ayame could tell, and she stopped, cursing softly under her breath.

"I'm sorry." Ayame said, and Sango knew she was apologizing for many things. Part of her didn't care though; she knew what she had to do.

"Whatever." She said, getting up off the bed. She grabbed her phone off the computer desk, and, making sure not to make eye contact with Ayame, pushed her way past her and walked out the door.

"I'll call you tonight." She said over her shoulder, knowing Ayame's hearing wouldn't fail to catch the words. "I'll let you know what's happening." She said. "Who I've chosen."

Ayame was left to stand in the middle of Sango's room. Surrounded by all her things, surrounded by her scent, but heart and arms empty, Ayame didn't know what to do. She wiped the tears from her cheeks, and knew that she should probably clean up the mess she had made, at least.

As she picked up the pieces of drywall that had landed on her carpet, she wondered who Sango would choose. She knew that she wanted Sango to choose her, but she also knew that Sango felt a stronger sense of dedication to Kagome, and therefore, was more likely to pick her.

As Ayame threw the pieces in the garbage and grabbed the vacuum, she wondered what she should do. She was still undecided when she put the vacuum away, and walked up the stairs to check one more time for any damage to the wall.

The hole she left in the wall, she didn't know how to repair, but she had at least cleaned up the mess she had made. She looked around the room one more time, breathing in deeply to inhale as much of Sango's scent as she could. It calmed her down, and she decided to take a gamble. Hoping against hope that Sango chose her, she crawled into Sango's bed and pulled the covers over her head. She would be here when Sango came home, and hopefully she had good news for her.

Sango didn't know where she was going at first, but somehow her feet led her straight to the place she needed to go. She knocked on the door, and waited. A few minutes later, and InuYasha opened the door, staring at her in surprise.

"Hey cutie, didn't expect you to come over." He said. "Come on in."

"You aren't busy, are you?" She asked, voice subdued, and InuYasha immediately knew that something was up.

"No, why?" He asked.

Sango shrugged. "I just figured I'd take you up on that cuddling offer for tonight." She said. "Plus I want to talk to you about something."

InuYasha nodded, and led her into the livingroom. "You want anything to drink?" He asked. Sango shrugged. "Got water?" She asked. InuYasha smiled. "Sure do." He said. He disappeared into the kitchen, reappearing a few seconds later with a cold bottle of water. She accepted it with a quiet "Thank you.", before twisting off the top and taking a small sip.

InuYasha smiled, and sat down beside her. "You alright?" He asked. Sango shook her head. "No." She said truthfully. "I'm about to make a decision that, no matter what option I pick, someone important to me is going to get really badly hurt." She said. InuYasha nodded. "Whether you should stay with Kagome or choose that Ayame girl." He said.

Sango nodded tiredly. "How'd you know?"

InuYasha smirked. "How'd I not know?" He asked. "Her scent was all over you in a way that only Kagome's should have been, for she was the one you were dating, not Ayame." He said. "It surprised me at first, before I realized that girls have needs too, and cheating isn't beneath them."

Sango flinched at the word 'cheating', even as she realized that was exactly what she had been doing to Kagome.

"What do I do?" She asked, looking at InuYasha. InuYasha stared back at her. "You'll figure it out." He said. "I know what you should do, but if I was in your situation, I don't know if I'd be able to do it, so I'm not going to hold it against you if you don't, or can't." He said.

Sango sighed, and reached out, wrapping her arms around InuYasha's neck. InuYasha allowed himself to be pulled down to lay beside Sango. Inwardly, he was sighing in relief. He had missed cuddling with Sango, and now here they were, about to cuddle again.

Sango was on the inside of the couch, facing outward, while InuYasha laid down on the outside, his back to the television. He held Sango tightly to his body, as she bowed her head and rested her forehead on his chest.

Sango inhaled deeply, before sighing. "I've missed this." She said quietly. InuYasha nodded. "I have too." He said. Sango was about to speak again, when she was interrupted by another voice.

"Oh, Sango! You've finally dropped by!"

Sango raised her head, already recognizing the voice as InuYasha's mother. Sango smiled politely at her. "Yes, sorry for the long absence." She said. "It must have been surprising, especially considering I used to be over here every day until twelve or one in the morning." She said. InuYasha's mother smiled, drying her hands with a dishrag. "No worries." She said. "Can I get you some food or anything?" She asked.

Sango shook her head, smiling at the energetic middle-aged woman. "No thanks, I'm fine. I ate before I came here."

InuYasha happened to be breathing in through his nose as Sango said that, and as he caught a whiff of Ayame's semi-arousal on her, from when they were messing around earlier, he could easily guess what she had been eating before she came here. The thought made him laugh, a short, barking laugh, and Sango and his mother both stared at him, confused.

"What was that about?" Sango asked. InuYasha laughed again, but said nothing, instead shaking his head. "Tell you later." He said.

Sango raised an eyebrow at him, before turning to his mother and smiling. "Anyway, thanks for the offer mom, but I got everything I need." She said, making sure that his mom noticed her tighten her grip on InuYasha.

InuYasha's mother smiled at both the gesture, and at Sango calling her 'mom', something she did when she used to be over at the house every single day.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone then." She said. "I've got a few things to do in the kitchen."

InuYasha's ears twitched, and he sat up. "Actually, mom, I'm going to go show Sango my new room downstairs." He said. "Since I moved everything down there from my old room upstairs." He said. "We'll probably continue cuddling down there, so don't worry if you don't hear anything from us."

She nodded, before disappearing into the kitchen.

"You moved your room around?" Sango asked, accepting InuYasha's hand as he helped her up. InuYasha nodded, grabbing her water bottle and handing it to her. She took another drink, then capped it, carrying it down with her.

"Yeah, it's pretty sweet." He said. "Our basement is pretty much like a small apartment down there." He said. "There's two rooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, living room." He said. "I'm proud of it."

Sango walked down the stairs first, InuYasha right behind her. He turned on the lights once they reached the bottom of the stairs. As they walked down a hallway, InuYasha pointed out the bathroom on the right. Right across from it, his room on the left. She poked her head in, and gazed appreciatively at all the posters of semi-nude women he had hanging on his wall.

"Niiiice." She said. "Really nice. I might have to spend the night here." She said. "I like."

InuYasha laughed, and shut his door. "If any of my women go missing, I know who to hunt down." He said jokingly. Sango smiled, and they continued walking. The hallway came to an end, but broke off to the left and to the right. To the right was the kitchen, and to the left was the living room. Just off the living room was another small bedroom. The kitchen had a tiny stove, and a space for a microwave. It had a fridge, and a deep fryer was sitting on the counter.

"Don't like to do dishes, InuYasha?" Sango asked, raising an eyebrow at what must have been 200 or more paper plates stacked on the counter next to the fridge. InuYasha laughed. "Nope. Hate dishes."

Sango smiled in response, and took InuYasha's hand.

"Follow." She said. She led him back to the main hallway, and stopped near the bathroom door. She surprised InuYasha by placing her hands on his chest and pressing him up against the wall.

"Remember a few months ago how we said it would be interesting to take a shower together?" She asked softly. InuYasha stared at her, swallowing nervously.

"Y-yeah, but that cuddling session got out of hand a bit because my mom wasn't home and we were both turned on." He said. "I didn't think you were actually serious."

Sango stared at him. "Pleeease?" She asked.

InuYasha stared at her for a second more, before nodding. "Okay." He said. "But we're just showering. No way in hell are we doing anything that we might regret, or would make our awesome friendship awkward." He said. "No way in hell. You mean too much to me for that."

Sango nodded. "I understand." She said.

InuYasha took Sango's hands off his chest, and slipped into his room, grabbing a change of clothes. A few seconds later, and he was back, gently pushing Sango into the bathroom.

"This is going to be bad." He muttered softly, and Sango turned to him. "How so?" She asked.

InuYasha laughed. "Have you seen the shower?" He responded.

Sango turned around and walked to the corner of the bathroom, sliding open the shower curtain.

Calling it a shower was too nice, she thought. This was merely a one person shower stall, not a full-sized tub. She sighed. She couldn't have asked for anything nicer.

She turned around, and smiled at InuYasha. She walked up to him, and put her hands on his waist. She grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up, pulling it over his head and dropping it on the floor.

InuYasha turned and locked the bathroom door, setting his clothes on the sink counter.

Sango smiled demurely at him as she slowly pulled off her black sleeveless V-neck shirt, dropping it onto the sink counter next to InuYasha's clothes.

Until now, InuYasha had kept pretty good control over himself. Now, seeing Sango shirtless, her bra barely hiding her chest, his arousal started to get beyond his control.

Control yourself! This is Sango! This is like your own sister!

Sango slowly slid off her jeans, revealing her curved backside and long legs. InuYasha's arousal didn't abate.

Okay, this is getting awkward. Don't think of her as your sister. She'd make a really hot fucking sister. Think of her as your mother. Really close family. This is like showering with your mother.

InuYasha's arousal started to fade, and he thanked God that his self control was a little better than it used to be. All that cuddling with Sango had really taught him well. Now that his arousal was under control, he was determined not to lose it again, especially when her underwear came off.

Sango turned around again so her back was to InuYasha.

"Can you undo my bra?" She asked quietly. InuYasha inhaled deeply, trying to calm himself. Sango's scent was heavy in the air, and it was delicious. It did little to calm him. He stepped forward, fingers gently touching her back as he undid the clasp to her bra. Sango let it slowly slip off, her back still to InuYasha. Once it was off her chest, she dropped it onto the counter. She took a step back so her bare back was against InuYasha's bare chest. InuYasha closed his eyes, not believing what Sango was doing to him. Not to mention that her hair was up in a ponytail, a few strands of hair escaping to frame her beautiful face...

Sango turned around, and stared up at InuYasha. InuYasha opened his eyes, but kept his gaze on her face. She slipped a bit closer, and now her chest was pressed against InuYasha. Still she stared up at him. He returned her stare.

She took his hands, and placed them on her hips. She slid them down until his fingers were touching her panties. He knew what she wanted him to do.

"Why are you doing this to me?" He whispered. In response, she pressed herself still closer, until there was no free space between their bodies. It took all of InuYasha's self control not to kiss her neck, her shoulders, her lips, to run his hands all over her body...

He slowly began to slide her panties off, until they were off her hips. Her feet were together, so they fell to the floor. She stepped out of them, now totally naked. Her large dark brown eyes were filled with hidden emotion as she stared up at InuYasha.

InuYasha slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him. She tucked her face into the crook of his neck. She wanted so badly to kiss him, lick and bite him. But she didn't.

Instead, she slipped her fingers into the waistband of his jeans and easily undid the button. She slowly slid down the zipper, before sliding them off his body. She made sure to hook her fingers into the waistband of his boxers as she did; they slid down along with his pants. He stepped out of his jeans, and slid his hands up to her shoulders.

"You're very tempting." He whispered, pushing her toward the shower. He pulled open the shower curtain, and turned on the water. He waited until it was warm, before pushing her in. He stepped in after her, and their bodies were pressed together in the narrow stall.

"Why are you doing this?" InuYasha asked.

Sango shrugged. "I guess..."


"Well, I feel like since I screwed up my relationship with Kagome, then Ayame, that I might as well fuck up whatever we had going, too." She said. Then she leaned toward him.

InuYasha was surprised by her words; too surprised to resist when she kissed him immediately after she had finished speaking. InuYasha put his hands on her shoulders, intending to push her away. She knew it. She slipped her hands through his hair, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.

Now that he had a taste of her, he didn't want to push her away anymore. His control was shattered. He grabbed her wrists and pinned her against the shower stall wall. He kissed her hard, marvelling at her taste even as her arousal reached his nose.

She wanted him. He could tell. Her scent told him all he needed to know. She wanted him badly. His arousal grew quickly now, and Sango could feel it against the inside of her thigh.

Sango closed her eyes, and let InuYasha ravage her. His lips found her neck. He kissed her on the throat, his teeth leaving scratch marks. She moaned when he sucked on her shoulder; it sent shivers down her spine. His hands slid down her back, groped her backside. He pulled her closer to him, and a part of him wanted to take her as his own. For a minute he didn't care what Kagome thought, what she wanted. He didn't care about her relationship with the other girl either. He wanted her. As his own.

Until he kissed her throat again.

Under her breath, over the sound of the shower, his sharp ears caught her moaning Ayame's name.

A/N: Wow. That would have to hurt InuYasha's pride. Next chapter though, Sango has to deal with an angry and confused hanyou, her girlfriend Kagome, and a hurt Ayame. Reviews are appreciated.