A/N: I know some of you, granted very few of you since almost nobody read it, are wondering why I suddenly quit after writing my new stories first chapter. It's simply because I've lost that spark that keeps me writing a story, and I have lost all will to write it. Maybe one day I will write it again, but for now I need to take a break from it. This new story is something that interests me, so you might not have to worry about me changing it.

"Goodbye, grandpa! And have a safe trip!" Katie said to her grandfather who waved back to her as he walked down the trail. She wished that he would at least bring someone with him on his travels at this age, but at least he had his Salamence.

"Don't worry about me, Katie! Promise not to tell anybody what we talked about?" She smiled. She had lived on her own for the past 4 years with nobody but her Vulpix.

"Of course! But I can tell Amara, can't I?" He laughed heartily.

"Of course you can tell her! Who's she gonna tell?" She waved one last time before he disappeared behind the orange of the horizon. She valued the visits from her grandfather and wished that he could stay longer, but she knew he needed to get back home to take care of Grandma.

Her grandmother had come gone into a coma, and all the doctors in their hometown said that she was doomed to never wake up, but her grandfather had never given up. He worked sleepless nights to make a cure, and was rewarded for all his hard work. She was now coming out of the coma, and was going to make a full recovery, but now she needed a lot of relaxation from such an illness.

She went inside and made some dinner before sitting down in front of her T.V. "-elation to 6 other disappearances, where traces of the people have yet to be found. Police think-" She always hated watching the News, where none of it mattered to the reporters. To them, it was just more ratings. She watched some of her shows before going into her kitchen to wash up.

"Vulpix!" She was greeted by a mass of red fur above her kitchen sink.

"Well hey there sleepy head! You just missed saying goodbye to grandpa!" Her Vulpix gave her a sad, puppy dog stare.

"Hey, if you hadn't been sleeping all day, maybe you could've spent more time with him!"

"Vulpix Vul Vul Pix!" Her Vulpix barked at her.

"Don't take that tone with me! Just because I had you run today doesn't mean I'm overworking you!"

"Vul Pix!" Her Vulpix stated matter-of-factly.

"Well, maybe if you hadn't eaten so much of the pizza you stole from my plate, you would have been less tired!" She said. She knew her Vulpix couldn't work her way out of this one.

"Vul… Vul Pix" She stated.

Most people wouldn't have been able to understand her, not even Katie fully could, but she could catch the meanings of the words by the tone of her voice, and body language.

Her Vulpix jumped off of the table and walked upstairs, ending the argument. Katie sighed, sometimes Amara could be such a little brat. That reminded her, she needed to tell her what she had talked with her grandfather about, it was pretty important. She went upstairs, but was surprised by what she saw. A very big, and very mean looking Graveller had her Vulpix pinned against the wall. She lived by the mountains, but Gravellers very rarely came down, let alone near humans. She picked up a large book, and hefted it at the Graveller.

"Hey you big meanie! Over here!" She shouted at the enraged Pokemon.

"Grav Graveller! Grav Grav Eller!" Katie didn't catch every word of what it said, but a third grader could have told by its tone that this thing was serious trouble. She had to divert its attention away from her Vulpix and get it out of the house. She had a plan. She grabbed her baseball bat and swung as hard as she could at the giant brute. The bat broke, but it did just as much as she wanted. It then dropped her Vulpix and started towards Katie. Katie ran as fast as she could.

It started to get closer and closer to her until she was finally outside. The Graveller hit a pothole and slowed down, giving Katie the advantage. She kept running and running as fast as she could into the forest until she finally arrived at her favorite spot of the forest. It was a sort of protected area of the forest where the trees made a dome above her. A flat rock sat in the middle of this dome where she would sit and practice playing her guitar at times. Next to the rock was a tranquil pond where the water Pokemon would swim with her. Truly, it was paradise.

Before she could marvel at her hideaway, the Graveller came rolling in at full speed. It stopped rolling and started to walk towards her with a menacing grin. "Ruta! Help!" She yelled to the winds. A Vaporeon poked its head out of the water and saw the Graveller. It shot out a Hydro Pump strong enough to take out a semi. The Graveller fell to the ground before getting back up and rolling off into the woods. "Thanks Ruta, you're a life saver! It came up to her and rubbed her side affectionately. He turned his head to the pond, then looked at her expectantly. "Sorry boy, I can't stay, I need to check on Amara." He nodded and dived into the small yet deep pond. His face showed before melting into the water.

Katie then started walking into the woods. She walked ten minutes before realizing something. "I have no freaking idea where I am!" Katie was never the smartest girl with directions, so instead of looking to the sunset to see which way was east, she kept walking, hoping that she would get lucky. Just when she was starting to think this was the worst 30 minutes of her life, an Eevee crossed by her. It glanced up at her and then lay down and started grooming itself. "Awww! You are so cute!" She reached out to stroke the wild Eevee, despite all common sense.

Immediately, the Eevee stopped grooming itself and its eyes glowed with a menacing red. "Nice Eevee?" It lashed out at her with a snarl and left a gaping wound on her left forearm. The Eevee then disappeared into the woods. Katie looked at her wounds, and knew she needed to get home as soon as possible. She walked a few steps and, ironically, found herself in front of her house. She sighed at her luck, and went inside to treat the wound.

She immediately went to her bathroom and opened up the cabinet above her sink. She grabbed some bandages and pulled her shirt sleeve up to bandage the wound. She was greeted by a faint scar with two points, which she thought might be teeth marks, imprinted on her skin. She thought she saw them glow a faint green, but then they vanished right before her eyes. Then she had a thought.

"Amara!" She screamed before bolting up her stairs at a surprising speed. She saw her Vulpix just waking up. She picked up her Vulpix and started hugging her tightly, almost knocking her out again. Of course, she had no idea why she was being treated so kindly, she was knocked out from behind.

"What are you doing?" Katie gasped, she had never fully understood Amara before. Had her gift progressed that much?

"Say something again, Amara!" Her Vulpix gave her a 'have you lost it' look, before saying "Vul Vul Pix Vul!" Katie's smile drooped. She hadn't understood a word she said. Had she imagined it?

"Well, I'm tired Amara, what do you say we hit the hay?" She barked in agreement before the duo headed for the door at the end of the hallway.

Light poured in from the window, she stretched her arms out and headed towards the door for her morning routine. She took a shower. She got dressed. She ate breakfast. Something was definitely different though, her head felt funny. Maybe she was coming down with something from that Eevee bite. She went to her bathroom cabinet to grab some medicine when something caught her eye. Her ears were gone! She double checked the sides of her head, but they were nowhere to be found! That was when the top of her head caught her attention.

Katie had always kept her hair long, she thought it had looked cute. She saw something poking through her auburn hair. They almost looked like points. She parted the hair around them to discover something shocking. "I've got ears on my head!" Her Vulpix was alerted by this sound and fell out of her bed, even though she was only awake for a second before drifting off to sweet dreams.

A/N: I think this is the best story I have ever written! The problem with my stories is I lean too much towards one mood setting, but this story seems like a perfect collaboration! Finally a story I can feel good about writing... Anyways, there's alot more to come, this is just the tip of the iceberg! Anyways, any reviews telling me how awesome I am would be great. -Head gets big from oversized ego- Also, flames would also be appreciated because I really like the constructive criticism. So please review!