Disclaimer: I don't own Nana, Ai Yazawa does. And she is just as cool as Nana!!!!

Words shouldn't explain, couldn't help, and they wouldn't fill the time that had passed between them. She hadn't come here for reuniting to occur. This visit was for closure, a final conclusion to her fantasy love story.
But his eyes; the way his brows contorted in concern at her. His eyes gleamed with anticipation and sadness as he took her hand and towed her away from the elevator to his room.
He had closed the door behind them and clung to her, saying those words she didn't want to hear.

"I wanted to see you so badly," he whispered.

"This isn't how I wanted this to be," Nana thought hastily, "I shouldn't have come."

She had been sheltered behind Ren's arms for two years. Two years protected from her fears and those recurring nightmares.
But when he left her for Tokyo to become a huge rock star, she couldn't handle the loneliness. Two years of unrequited hopeless love. He sent no letters and he made no phone calls. Nana had continued to live in that cold apartment, with a bed for two left companionless. The cold dent in her heart and the second pillow remained vacant. Those two frosted winters were darker without him, and those days prolonged. She didn't want to admit it, and she wouldn't. No one would knew how much hurt she felt.

"I love you," she thought everyday.

"I love you," she had whispered, looking out the window of their apartment.

"I love you," she began to cry into Ren's arms now.

The warmth between them now, this magnetic pull wouldn't let her go, and she couldn't pull away. The tears seeped unwillingly down her darkened heavy eyelids. The street lights illuminating the city silhouetted their bodies, embracing as time grazed the night.
Ren clutched closer to her, and she fell limply into his arms, unable to fight her thoughts, fears, and emotions.
His lips brushed her cheek, tainted with cigarettes and "I love you's". She softly wished them away as she kissed him back, missing such actions.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered, a hint of intensity, and remorse lumped his throat. His eyes began to glistening.
"I missed you so much," he spoke, cupping her chin with his calloused fingers carefully. He held her praying she wouldn't tear away from him.

He lifted her cautiously, taking her to his bed, and made sweet love to her.

Thanks for reading!