Coke + Heath Bars + Midnight Club 3 KibaSaku oneshots. (Don't ask, please.)

I actually like this pairing cause Sakura and Kiba are actually a few of my favorite characters, believe it or not (for those of you who have read Loser...I just really, really hate SasuSaku. And I know you do there. Haha.

Anyways...this may or may not be an AU, because I can't decide if it is or not. I'll know when I'm done, so bear with me.

Disclaimer: I would hate to own Sai. That's the only reason I haven't attempted a mass takeover of Naruto.

It was late afternoon and Kiba was sitting on the grassy shore of the lake, watching Akamaru dart in and out of the water, chasing small minnows.

Kiba, eyes closed, laid back in the glossy green foliage, reveling in the sun that was shining down on him. Today he'd forgone his usual jacket for black shorts and a white shirt, seeing as the summer day was too hot for long sleeves, and the heat coating his bare skin was nice.

A breeze stirred the green stalks around him and he caught a vaguely familiar scent; one of strawberries and cucumber. It was a smell he knew but couldn't quite place, but when a shadow fell over him and he cracked his eyes open he knew who it was.

"Hey, Kiba."

"Hi, Sakura."

She sat down next to him and he felt the grass bend under her weight, looked over and saw her green eyes meet his dark ones. She smiled at him and he would've blushed, but he was Kiba and he didn't do those kind of things. But when Sakura reached out and ran her hand through his hair he did blush, faint pink tinging his cheeks.

"You had grass in your hair," she explained, and Kiba nodded slowly. Her hand was still resting on his head, and as she pulled it away she left the barest hint of strawberries on him, proof of her touch.

And now Kiba raised his hand to grasp a lock of pink in his fingers, his tan hand brushing against her pale neck in the process. Sakura reacted, shifting her weight to her side to allow Kiba better access to her hair.

A loud bark sounded some distance away and Akamaru came bounding toward them. Kiba let his hand drop, sitting up, and laughed.

"I guess he just now noticed you, huh?" he joked, grinning. Sakura laughed, patting Akamaru on the head and scratching behind his ears. His tail pounded the ground in appreciation and he woofed softly.

"So I take it you're a dog person?" Kiba inquired, watching as she played with Akamaru. Sakura looked over at him and her eyes glinted, a mischievous smirk decorating her lips.

"I like dogs," she said, and leaned closer to him. Kiba opened his mouth to ask what she was doing, and she silenced him with a finger on his lips. And then–the last thing Kiba had expected–she kissed him. His mind went blank and his eyes closed involuntarily, and they were so close that he could feel the heat from her body radiating outwards.

Kiba felt his face redden fiercely and his eyes snapped open when she pulled away, the smirk still on her face. He touched his mouth in something like wonder, tasted strawberries on his lips.

"And I like you, too," Sakura added, standing up. As Kiba watched she made her way up the shore and back to the sidewalk, finding Naruto and Sasuke crossing the street to meet her. Seeing her back turned, Kiba could think somewhat properly without visualizing her emerald eyes.

"Like that wasn't obvious," he called out after her, his sense of wit returning. Even though her back was to him he could feel her smiling, and her hands behind her back formed a heart shape. He grinned and flopped back onto the grass, and the sun seemed just a little bit brighter.

Down the sidewalk Naruto turned to Sakura, who was humming a tune under her breath and looking unreasonably happy.

"What's got you so cheery?" he questioned, giving her a calculating look.

"I just got a new dog, that's all," was Sakura's answer.