----Hey!, it's me, the author!! I wanna say 'thanks!' to
[email protected] and to everyone who reviewed for forcing me to
continue writing this "story".. This chapter isn't that great, but just
read it anyway and let me know what you think!! If you all hate it, I'll
write a new chapter. ^_~ ------
((The camera hisses and turns on. A giant blue eye is staring in the camera. It zooms out to reveal Cloud))
Cloud: (talking to himself) Hm, ok, I guess it works now. (Yelling to someone behind him) See?! I TOLD you I could fix it!!
Tifa: Alright , alright....
(Tifa rolls her eyes and leaves as Squall enters)
Squall: Yo, I bought us all some donuts and coffee. You like yours black, right? Well, I brought some extra packets of sugar just in case! (He holds up a handful of sugar packets, smiling)
Cloud: Oh, I fixed the camera. (points to camera)
Squall: (shocked) It's on now!?
Cloud: (indifferent) Yah.
Squall: (immediately combs his fingers through his hair, then begins to frown staring at the camera, conforming his face to the eternally-angry- teenager look) Whatever.... (glares at Cloud)
Cloud: You don't have to act like this just for the camera, you know.... Why do you try to impress Sephiroth by acting like you hate me when we film? I thought we were friends!! (teary-eyed)
Squall: Um, no, that's not it... (Sephiroth walks in) .... (whispers to Cloud) Let's talk about this later!!
Sephiroth: Gentlemen - I've found us a new friend to talk with!
(Tidus walks in, smiling to Squall and Cloud, carrying the Brotherhood. A second man dressed in blue walks in with Tidus.)
Man Dressed In Blue: Hey guys! I'm Tidus!
(Sephiroth, Squall and Cloud all stare in disbelief and horror as they hear him talk)
Cloud: (to Tidus) You've...You've... You've got a VOICE ACTOR!!
Tidus: (nods)
Man Dressed In Blue: That's right! Now I can just stand around and have someone else do my talking for me!
Cloud: But you still have to do some text talking too, right?
Tidus: "..y..e...s.."
Man Dressed In Blue: Sorry, I'm not used to text talking. My voice actor usually just takes care of everything. (smiles at Tidus)
Sephiroth: That is just downright scary...
Squall: Whatever... (eating a donut)
Cloud: Well, since our special guest Tidus is horrifying all of us, we will get a NEW special guest shortly...Hold on.. (runs into hallway)
Sephiroth: (to Squall) I don't think any of us expected him to do that.
Squall: Well, what are the topics for today...and wait, where's Zidane?!
Man Dressed In Blue: He told me he quit because he was sick of FF7 always winning. He's across the hall in the arcade, actually, playing Dance Dance Revolution.
Cloud: (rushes in, very excited) Hey guys! There's a Dance Dance Revolution Tournament going on across the hall!! Can I go, please?!! (hopping up and down)
Sephiroth: Um, aren't we supposed to be discussing different aspects of the Final Fantasy Games?
Man Dressed In Blue: Yeah, Cloud, don't leave when we just started! I just got here!! And I'm the important one!!
Tidus: (stands tall and smiles)
Cloud: Hey, there can only be one hot blonde guy in here! (glares at Tidus)
Man Dressed In Blue: Well, you're certainly not one of them!
Cloud: Yes I am!! All my fangirls love me!!
Man Dressed In Blue: In your dreams, spikey!
Tidus: (Flashes another smile)
Cloud: Hey, YOU'RE the one who's just a dream!
Man Dressed In Blue: Screw you, at least I wasn't a clone of someone else!
Cloud: Yeah, but you were just a dream created to serve as a memory of a once great time, which in fact IS a 'clone'! And I wasn't a clone!!!
Tidus: (glares)
Man Dressed In Blue: That's it, I'm leaving! I don't wanna be part of your dumb conversation anyway!
Tidus: (leaves, followed by his voice actor)
Squall: That was unpleasant.
Sephiroth: Most unpleasant. Where were we...?
Cloud: (seems to have forgotten his previous anger) Ok, I'll be right back! I have to play the new Dance Dance Revolution Xtreme! (rushes out of room!)
(Sephiroth and Squall are left alone, eating donuts. A long period of silence follows.....)
Sephiroth: Hm... You know what... I think I like the pink frosted donuts the best.
Squall: Mmm.. yeah.
Sephiroth: ....So, is the camera still on?
Squall: Yeah... (takes a sip of his coffee) Well, what should the topics be today.
Sephiroth: Do you really think Cloud is a hot blonde guy? He told Tidus there was only room for one hot blonde guy....
Squall: Well, it depends if you think Tidus is a hot blonde guy...
(They both realize how strange their conversation is sounding)
Sephiroth: I think we need to ask a girl... Um, stay here (leaves really quickly, as he opens the door the techno beats of DDR can be heard from across the hall.)
Squall: ............
(Sephiroth returns a second later with Claire Redfield from Resident Evil)
Claire: Um, I really shouldn't be in a Squaresoft room... Capcom would KILL me!
Sephiroth: We just need to ask you if you think Tidus and Cloud are hot blonde guys.
Claire: (thinking) Well, that spiky hair IS pretty hot... but Tidus's soft fluffy blonde hair is also hot....
Squall: (rolls his eyes, sarcastically) Can't make up your mind... or are they BOTH 'hot'?
Claire: Umm.......(thinking more)
Sephiroth: Hey, Claire, I have a question. How come the Spencer Mansion is so freakin' clean in RE1 even though it's abandoned? I mean, you'd think there'd be dust or something, but most of it is really clean...(nodding thoughtfully)
Claire: Um, I don't know. I never saw the Spencer Mansion. You should ask Jill that!
Sephiroth: And doesn't shooting zombies and Hunters and what-not get boringly repetitive after a while?
Claire: Well....
Squall: Ok, you two, stop it! We're supposed to talk about Final Fantasy! Not Resident Evil!!
Sephiroth: Riiight. (sips coffee)
(The door slams open and Cloud suddenly runs in, out of breath, with a huge grin on his face)
Cloud: (panting) I ...just... beat Zidane at DDR! He thought he had the crowd until I went up there and wowed everyone by doing Scotty D's "Drop the Bomb" on the "Maniac" Setting!! It was soooo hard, but I did it!! (grins proudly)
Sephiroth: (clapping nonenthusiastically)...yay...
Claire: Um, I'll just be leaving then...Can't let Chris catch me hanging out with Squaresoft characters... (quickly leaves)
Cloud: (still smiling) AND look who I ran into! (pulls Yuna in from the hallway)
Sephiroth: Cloud, we can't have people from other games coming in here. We need to continue our discussion about Final Fantasy seven and eight, since Zidane left.
Yuna: I could replace Zidane and talk about Final Fantasy X with you guys.
Squall: Wait, where's your voice actor?
Yuna: Actress. I don't like her, so I usually don't hang around her unless we have to do a sequel or something. Tidus likes having his voice actor around because it makes him feel important. All that fame's gone to his head.
Cloud: Oh yeah, the sequel! I want a sequel to FF7!
Sephiroth: The sequel is: I come back to life, kick your ass, resurrect Jenova, and rule the universe. (pauses) ... (sarcastically) Oh wait! That's already happened! Ha ha ha!
Cloud: You don't rule the universe!
Sephiroth: Tell that to my fans.
(Fangirl runs into room, screaming and jumping up and down)
Fangirl: You rule MY universe Sephy!!! (screeches)
Sephiroth: (covers his ears) Ahh! Don't call me Sephy!
(Fangirl runs away, looking for another bishy to drool over)
Cloud: Alright, now that I'm back from beating Zidane at DDR, let's talk FF.
Yuna: Alright! Hey, are you guys excited about my sequel?
Squall: Yes, except I'm not excited about the sudden loss of clothing there seems to be among the girls.
Sephiroth: (grins) Hey, I'm not complaining about that!
Squall: I just think a girl is classier when she covers up a bit.
Sephiroth: Explain.
Squall: Well, it's nice to see some skin, but too much skin (like Rikku's new outfit) makes me think she's just a slut, since every guy gets to see what I see. I mean, if she's showing her body to just anybody, then I don't think I'd like to imagine her as my girlfriend or anything. It's fun getting to know a girl and getting her to take her clothes off, but if the girl's clothes are already off...well, what's the fun in that!? There's no work for me to do! It's too easy and therefore I conclude that SHE'S easy! (sits back and crosses his arms, frowning) Not Rikku specifically....just in general...
Yuna: (realizes she's half-naked) Oh....well....I guess Squaresoft just wanted to attract more of the male audience....
Cloud: You got MY attention!
Squall: (to Cloud) Shut up! Don't you have a girlfriend!
Cloud: (quietly) Yes...and I love her very much. (cheesy grin)
Sephiroth: Ok, back to Final Fantasy talk... Why is it taking so long for us to get settled and start the discussion?
Squall: I blame Cloud.
Cloud: Ok! Everyone shutup! I have another topic. (stares at camera and starts yelling) SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT!!!!! SPOILER ALERT!!
Sephiroth: Shut up! What's your idea?
Cloud: Endings.
Squall: Ah, that's easy. FF8 wins! C'mon, don't tell me you didn't feel just a bit sad for me wandering alone all by myself without Rinoa. (smiles) AND the ending was real long! A great FMV!
Yuna: I had the saddest ending! Tidus DIED!!...or he at least dissipated into the air and will perhaps be found again in ff x-2!
Squall: I DIED too!!.....or did I? (stares, smiling)
Cloud: No, you didn't die... I saw you on the balcony in the end with Rinoa...
Squall: Or was that merely in Rinoa's mind? Did you notice that Selphie's camera ran out of batteries just as it reached Rinoa standing alone on the balcony? Rinoa merely imagined me being there with her because she was heartbroken over my death. It was bittersweet. In death, I could be with her, but only in her mind.
Cloud: (getting teary eyed) But...But....Rinoa found you and saved you! Remember all the flowers and the field?!
Squall: But did she save me or just find me? Her emotional state at finding me dead caused her sorceress powers to burst forth and conjure that field and flowers.
Cloud: But...No! She smiled at you!
Squall: Or was she crying?
Cloud: Stop confusing me!! Did you die or not?
Squall: (drinking some coffee) ....(shrugs) That's for you to decide.
Cloud: ....That's actually really sad...
Squall: Yeah, definitely. But Tidus dies in FFX...
Yuna: But it was happy because even though he leaves me, I know I can go on without him and help Spira...
Sephiroth: What about FF7? I mean, Meteor plunging into Midgar and the Lifestream struggling to contend with it... Wasn't that heart-wrenching? (laughs)
Cloud: Especially when Aeris's spirit flashed by the screen in the end. The beginning scene of the game is Aeris's face and the end scene of the game is Aeris's face....It's almost like completing a circle...
Sephiroth: Of course, we know Midgar is destroyed, but that life lives on when we see RedXIII 500 years later with his cubs. But what exactly happens to good ole 'cloud & co'...did they die? (laughs) Again, Square left an ending open to interpretation.
Squall: Where did those cubs come from? Were there any girl RedXIIIs?
Cloud: (shrugs) I don't know... But, I mean we all have good endings. Mine was more solid...
Squall: (nods) ...And mine was more metaphorical. The empty barren land after time compression was merely a lost part of my mind that my soul was trapped within. I couldn't escape my own past - it was the only time in my life where I was actually happy.... I didn't want to go back to the present with the rest of them....(sulks) So I became lost without Rinoa....(trails off sadly)
Cloud: And then you died!! (wipes a tear)
Squall: Or did I? It's open to different interpretations!
Yuna: FFX had the shortest ending (and the easiest final boss, let me add), but the ending has a deeper meaning than it initially portrays....
Cloud: Yeah...hmm...this is a hard decision...but, oh what the hell - .... FF7 wins!
Sephiroth: It was thanks to ME that FF7 had a good storyline because without ME Meteor would have never been summoned!
Cloud: Yeah, well, without ME, you would've never gotten the Black Materia!
Squall: Wait, no! FF8 wins!!
Sephiroth: It's a tie between all three... Next topic!
Squall: So, Cloud, I've been meaning to ask you, who do you like more: Aeris or Tifa?
Cloud: (shifty eyes) Um, that's a very tough question. I don't know if I can answer that...
Sephiroth: Aeris was trying to get with you too soon in the game. I mean, the girl hardly knows you and she's already trying to bribe you with a date asking you to be "her body guard".
Cloud: Um, haven't we already talked about this??
Squall: Well, we're talking about it again!
Cloud: Ok...(thinks carefully) I'll put it this way: Aeris is dead and Tifa is a lifelong friend. I can never have Aeris no matter what and Tifa has healed the wounds dug by Aeris's death (glares at Sephiroth)
Sephiroth: (shouts) She deserved it!! That dumb Cetra was prayin' for Holy! I couldn't let her do that!!
Cloud: Well, you didn't have to almost make ME kill her!!
Sephiroth: (throws his hands up and shakes his head) It was Jenova! I swear! ALLLLL Jenova's fault! (winks)
Cloud: Grrr...
Squall: Ok, so Aeris is dead, so you like Tifa, is that what you're saying?
Cloud: (arms crossed) I'm not saying anything... (glares more at Sephiroth)
Sephiroth: (whispers to Squall) He'll forget about it in a moment and start talking again. He does this all the time.
Squall: Next topic.
Yuna: Well, while I'm here, let's talk about battle systems and the sphere grid and all the new wonderful features of my game!
Cloud: (springs to life) NO!! No....We....um, we can't have any other video games being discussed except for FF7 and FF8 ......and possibly 9... but NOT 10! You actually should be leaving now! (begins to drag Yuna towards the door)
Yuna: (protesting) B..But I want to talk about 10!
Cloud: (shoving Yuna out the door) Nope! Sorry! Not allowed! Only for 7 and 8 and 9! No 10! No PS2 games allowed!! (slams the door in her face)
Sephiroth: Was that necessary?
Cloud: Yes! If we started talking about FF10's battle system, it would've beaten FF7!! I mean, it's got the greatest battle system!
Squall: So you won't let anything beat FF7? And you rid yourself of any possible threats to FF7's winning streak by throwing them out of the room?....That's low....
Cloud: (nervous) Well, I just thought this room was only for Final Fantasy Seven and Eight and possibly Nine discussions.... The FF10 room is down the hall. Those voice actors freak me out. (shudders)
Sepihroth: You liar... (sighs, looking at his watch) We got practically nothing discussed and already our time is up.
Squall: Yeah, I'm surprised that for once we didn't prove FF7 is the best...(rolls his eyes)
Cloud: Well, we haven't talked in a while, so ... we just have to get back into the swing of things!
Squall: We need more special guests.
Sephiroth: Yeah, next time, though. (looking at his watch) I gotta go out to dinner with Mother. I'm meeting her in ten minutes.
Cloud: Oh, tell Jenova I said 'hi' when you see her!
Sephiroth: .......
Squall: Alright, I guess we'll defiantly talk more next time, whenever next time is.
Cloud: (walks over to camera) Ok, FF7 did not win this time...but neither did FF8, 9 or 10 and that's what counts! Hahaha!! Get it? COUNTS!!! 7,8,9,10?!! AHAHAHA!!!
Squall: Do you always have to say something stupid?.....
((The camera switches off...))
------- Alright, this chapter sucked, I know, but I haven't written this in a while, so I forgot where I left off...Anywho, I WILL be writing more some day (perhaps soon). It just depends how I'm feeling. But in the meantime...go read my other stories!! I like to torture Cloud a lot in my stories!! *shamelessly promotes other stories*------
((The camera hisses and turns on. A giant blue eye is staring in the camera. It zooms out to reveal Cloud))
Cloud: (talking to himself) Hm, ok, I guess it works now. (Yelling to someone behind him) See?! I TOLD you I could fix it!!
Tifa: Alright , alright....
(Tifa rolls her eyes and leaves as Squall enters)
Squall: Yo, I bought us all some donuts and coffee. You like yours black, right? Well, I brought some extra packets of sugar just in case! (He holds up a handful of sugar packets, smiling)
Cloud: Oh, I fixed the camera. (points to camera)
Squall: (shocked) It's on now!?
Cloud: (indifferent) Yah.
Squall: (immediately combs his fingers through his hair, then begins to frown staring at the camera, conforming his face to the eternally-angry- teenager look) Whatever.... (glares at Cloud)
Cloud: You don't have to act like this just for the camera, you know.... Why do you try to impress Sephiroth by acting like you hate me when we film? I thought we were friends!! (teary-eyed)
Squall: Um, no, that's not it... (Sephiroth walks in) .... (whispers to Cloud) Let's talk about this later!!
Sephiroth: Gentlemen - I've found us a new friend to talk with!
(Tidus walks in, smiling to Squall and Cloud, carrying the Brotherhood. A second man dressed in blue walks in with Tidus.)
Man Dressed In Blue: Hey guys! I'm Tidus!
(Sephiroth, Squall and Cloud all stare in disbelief and horror as they hear him talk)
Cloud: (to Tidus) You've...You've... You've got a VOICE ACTOR!!
Tidus: (nods)
Man Dressed In Blue: That's right! Now I can just stand around and have someone else do my talking for me!
Cloud: But you still have to do some text talking too, right?
Tidus: "..y..e...s.."
Man Dressed In Blue: Sorry, I'm not used to text talking. My voice actor usually just takes care of everything. (smiles at Tidus)
Sephiroth: That is just downright scary...
Squall: Whatever... (eating a donut)
Cloud: Well, since our special guest Tidus is horrifying all of us, we will get a NEW special guest shortly...Hold on.. (runs into hallway)
Sephiroth: (to Squall) I don't think any of us expected him to do that.
Squall: Well, what are the topics for today...and wait, where's Zidane?!
Man Dressed In Blue: He told me he quit because he was sick of FF7 always winning. He's across the hall in the arcade, actually, playing Dance Dance Revolution.
Cloud: (rushes in, very excited) Hey guys! There's a Dance Dance Revolution Tournament going on across the hall!! Can I go, please?!! (hopping up and down)
Sephiroth: Um, aren't we supposed to be discussing different aspects of the Final Fantasy Games?
Man Dressed In Blue: Yeah, Cloud, don't leave when we just started! I just got here!! And I'm the important one!!
Tidus: (stands tall and smiles)
Cloud: Hey, there can only be one hot blonde guy in here! (glares at Tidus)
Man Dressed In Blue: Well, you're certainly not one of them!
Cloud: Yes I am!! All my fangirls love me!!
Man Dressed In Blue: In your dreams, spikey!
Tidus: (Flashes another smile)
Cloud: Hey, YOU'RE the one who's just a dream!
Man Dressed In Blue: Screw you, at least I wasn't a clone of someone else!
Cloud: Yeah, but you were just a dream created to serve as a memory of a once great time, which in fact IS a 'clone'! And I wasn't a clone!!!
Tidus: (glares)
Man Dressed In Blue: That's it, I'm leaving! I don't wanna be part of your dumb conversation anyway!
Tidus: (leaves, followed by his voice actor)
Squall: That was unpleasant.
Sephiroth: Most unpleasant. Where were we...?
Cloud: (seems to have forgotten his previous anger) Ok, I'll be right back! I have to play the new Dance Dance Revolution Xtreme! (rushes out of room!)
(Sephiroth and Squall are left alone, eating donuts. A long period of silence follows.....)
Sephiroth: Hm... You know what... I think I like the pink frosted donuts the best.
Squall: Mmm.. yeah.
Sephiroth: ....So, is the camera still on?
Squall: Yeah... (takes a sip of his coffee) Well, what should the topics be today.
Sephiroth: Do you really think Cloud is a hot blonde guy? He told Tidus there was only room for one hot blonde guy....
Squall: Well, it depends if you think Tidus is a hot blonde guy...
(They both realize how strange their conversation is sounding)
Sephiroth: I think we need to ask a girl... Um, stay here (leaves really quickly, as he opens the door the techno beats of DDR can be heard from across the hall.)
Squall: ............
(Sephiroth returns a second later with Claire Redfield from Resident Evil)
Claire: Um, I really shouldn't be in a Squaresoft room... Capcom would KILL me!
Sephiroth: We just need to ask you if you think Tidus and Cloud are hot blonde guys.
Claire: (thinking) Well, that spiky hair IS pretty hot... but Tidus's soft fluffy blonde hair is also hot....
Squall: (rolls his eyes, sarcastically) Can't make up your mind... or are they BOTH 'hot'?
Claire: Umm.......(thinking more)
Sephiroth: Hey, Claire, I have a question. How come the Spencer Mansion is so freakin' clean in RE1 even though it's abandoned? I mean, you'd think there'd be dust or something, but most of it is really clean...(nodding thoughtfully)
Claire: Um, I don't know. I never saw the Spencer Mansion. You should ask Jill that!
Sephiroth: And doesn't shooting zombies and Hunters and what-not get boringly repetitive after a while?
Claire: Well....
Squall: Ok, you two, stop it! We're supposed to talk about Final Fantasy! Not Resident Evil!!
Sephiroth: Riiight. (sips coffee)
(The door slams open and Cloud suddenly runs in, out of breath, with a huge grin on his face)
Cloud: (panting) I ...just... beat Zidane at DDR! He thought he had the crowd until I went up there and wowed everyone by doing Scotty D's "Drop the Bomb" on the "Maniac" Setting!! It was soooo hard, but I did it!! (grins proudly)
Sephiroth: (clapping nonenthusiastically)...yay...
Claire: Um, I'll just be leaving then...Can't let Chris catch me hanging out with Squaresoft characters... (quickly leaves)
Cloud: (still smiling) AND look who I ran into! (pulls Yuna in from the hallway)
Sephiroth: Cloud, we can't have people from other games coming in here. We need to continue our discussion about Final Fantasy seven and eight, since Zidane left.
Yuna: I could replace Zidane and talk about Final Fantasy X with you guys.
Squall: Wait, where's your voice actor?
Yuna: Actress. I don't like her, so I usually don't hang around her unless we have to do a sequel or something. Tidus likes having his voice actor around because it makes him feel important. All that fame's gone to his head.
Cloud: Oh yeah, the sequel! I want a sequel to FF7!
Sephiroth: The sequel is: I come back to life, kick your ass, resurrect Jenova, and rule the universe. (pauses) ... (sarcastically) Oh wait! That's already happened! Ha ha ha!
Cloud: You don't rule the universe!
Sephiroth: Tell that to my fans.
(Fangirl runs into room, screaming and jumping up and down)
Fangirl: You rule MY universe Sephy!!! (screeches)
Sephiroth: (covers his ears) Ahh! Don't call me Sephy!
(Fangirl runs away, looking for another bishy to drool over)
Cloud: Alright, now that I'm back from beating Zidane at DDR, let's talk FF.
Yuna: Alright! Hey, are you guys excited about my sequel?
Squall: Yes, except I'm not excited about the sudden loss of clothing there seems to be among the girls.
Sephiroth: (grins) Hey, I'm not complaining about that!
Squall: I just think a girl is classier when she covers up a bit.
Sephiroth: Explain.
Squall: Well, it's nice to see some skin, but too much skin (like Rikku's new outfit) makes me think she's just a slut, since every guy gets to see what I see. I mean, if she's showing her body to just anybody, then I don't think I'd like to imagine her as my girlfriend or anything. It's fun getting to know a girl and getting her to take her clothes off, but if the girl's clothes are already off...well, what's the fun in that!? There's no work for me to do! It's too easy and therefore I conclude that SHE'S easy! (sits back and crosses his arms, frowning) Not Rikku specifically....just in general...
Yuna: (realizes she's half-naked) Oh....well....I guess Squaresoft just wanted to attract more of the male audience....
Cloud: You got MY attention!
Squall: (to Cloud) Shut up! Don't you have a girlfriend!
Cloud: (quietly) Yes...and I love her very much. (cheesy grin)
Sephiroth: Ok, back to Final Fantasy talk... Why is it taking so long for us to get settled and start the discussion?
Squall: I blame Cloud.
Cloud: Ok! Everyone shutup! I have another topic. (stares at camera and starts yelling) SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT!!!!! SPOILER ALERT!!
Sephiroth: Shut up! What's your idea?
Cloud: Endings.
Squall: Ah, that's easy. FF8 wins! C'mon, don't tell me you didn't feel just a bit sad for me wandering alone all by myself without Rinoa. (smiles) AND the ending was real long! A great FMV!
Yuna: I had the saddest ending! Tidus DIED!!...or he at least dissipated into the air and will perhaps be found again in ff x-2!
Squall: I DIED too!!.....or did I? (stares, smiling)
Cloud: No, you didn't die... I saw you on the balcony in the end with Rinoa...
Squall: Or was that merely in Rinoa's mind? Did you notice that Selphie's camera ran out of batteries just as it reached Rinoa standing alone on the balcony? Rinoa merely imagined me being there with her because she was heartbroken over my death. It was bittersweet. In death, I could be with her, but only in her mind.
Cloud: (getting teary eyed) But...But....Rinoa found you and saved you! Remember all the flowers and the field?!
Squall: But did she save me or just find me? Her emotional state at finding me dead caused her sorceress powers to burst forth and conjure that field and flowers.
Cloud: But...No! She smiled at you!
Squall: Or was she crying?
Cloud: Stop confusing me!! Did you die or not?
Squall: (drinking some coffee) ....(shrugs) That's for you to decide.
Cloud: ....That's actually really sad...
Squall: Yeah, definitely. But Tidus dies in FFX...
Yuna: But it was happy because even though he leaves me, I know I can go on without him and help Spira...
Sephiroth: What about FF7? I mean, Meteor plunging into Midgar and the Lifestream struggling to contend with it... Wasn't that heart-wrenching? (laughs)
Cloud: Especially when Aeris's spirit flashed by the screen in the end. The beginning scene of the game is Aeris's face and the end scene of the game is Aeris's face....It's almost like completing a circle...
Sephiroth: Of course, we know Midgar is destroyed, but that life lives on when we see RedXIII 500 years later with his cubs. But what exactly happens to good ole 'cloud & co'...did they die? (laughs) Again, Square left an ending open to interpretation.
Squall: Where did those cubs come from? Were there any girl RedXIIIs?
Cloud: (shrugs) I don't know... But, I mean we all have good endings. Mine was more solid...
Squall: (nods) ...And mine was more metaphorical. The empty barren land after time compression was merely a lost part of my mind that my soul was trapped within. I couldn't escape my own past - it was the only time in my life where I was actually happy.... I didn't want to go back to the present with the rest of them....(sulks) So I became lost without Rinoa....(trails off sadly)
Cloud: And then you died!! (wipes a tear)
Squall: Or did I? It's open to different interpretations!
Yuna: FFX had the shortest ending (and the easiest final boss, let me add), but the ending has a deeper meaning than it initially portrays....
Cloud: Yeah...hmm...this is a hard decision...but, oh what the hell - .... FF7 wins!
Sephiroth: It was thanks to ME that FF7 had a good storyline because without ME Meteor would have never been summoned!
Cloud: Yeah, well, without ME, you would've never gotten the Black Materia!
Squall: Wait, no! FF8 wins!!
Sephiroth: It's a tie between all three... Next topic!
Squall: So, Cloud, I've been meaning to ask you, who do you like more: Aeris or Tifa?
Cloud: (shifty eyes) Um, that's a very tough question. I don't know if I can answer that...
Sephiroth: Aeris was trying to get with you too soon in the game. I mean, the girl hardly knows you and she's already trying to bribe you with a date asking you to be "her body guard".
Cloud: Um, haven't we already talked about this??
Squall: Well, we're talking about it again!
Cloud: Ok...(thinks carefully) I'll put it this way: Aeris is dead and Tifa is a lifelong friend. I can never have Aeris no matter what and Tifa has healed the wounds dug by Aeris's death (glares at Sephiroth)
Sephiroth: (shouts) She deserved it!! That dumb Cetra was prayin' for Holy! I couldn't let her do that!!
Cloud: Well, you didn't have to almost make ME kill her!!
Sephiroth: (throws his hands up and shakes his head) It was Jenova! I swear! ALLLLL Jenova's fault! (winks)
Cloud: Grrr...
Squall: Ok, so Aeris is dead, so you like Tifa, is that what you're saying?
Cloud: (arms crossed) I'm not saying anything... (glares more at Sephiroth)
Sephiroth: (whispers to Squall) He'll forget about it in a moment and start talking again. He does this all the time.
Squall: Next topic.
Yuna: Well, while I'm here, let's talk about battle systems and the sphere grid and all the new wonderful features of my game!
Cloud: (springs to life) NO!! No....We....um, we can't have any other video games being discussed except for FF7 and FF8 ......and possibly 9... but NOT 10! You actually should be leaving now! (begins to drag Yuna towards the door)
Yuna: (protesting) B..But I want to talk about 10!
Cloud: (shoving Yuna out the door) Nope! Sorry! Not allowed! Only for 7 and 8 and 9! No 10! No PS2 games allowed!! (slams the door in her face)
Sephiroth: Was that necessary?
Cloud: Yes! If we started talking about FF10's battle system, it would've beaten FF7!! I mean, it's got the greatest battle system!
Squall: So you won't let anything beat FF7? And you rid yourself of any possible threats to FF7's winning streak by throwing them out of the room?....That's low....
Cloud: (nervous) Well, I just thought this room was only for Final Fantasy Seven and Eight and possibly Nine discussions.... The FF10 room is down the hall. Those voice actors freak me out. (shudders)
Sepihroth: You liar... (sighs, looking at his watch) We got practically nothing discussed and already our time is up.
Squall: Yeah, I'm surprised that for once we didn't prove FF7 is the best...(rolls his eyes)
Cloud: Well, we haven't talked in a while, so ... we just have to get back into the swing of things!
Squall: We need more special guests.
Sephiroth: Yeah, next time, though. (looking at his watch) I gotta go out to dinner with Mother. I'm meeting her in ten minutes.
Cloud: Oh, tell Jenova I said 'hi' when you see her!
Sephiroth: .......
Squall: Alright, I guess we'll defiantly talk more next time, whenever next time is.
Cloud: (walks over to camera) Ok, FF7 did not win this time...but neither did FF8, 9 or 10 and that's what counts! Hahaha!! Get it? COUNTS!!! 7,8,9,10?!! AHAHAHA!!!
Squall: Do you always have to say something stupid?.....
((The camera switches off...))
------- Alright, this chapter sucked, I know, but I haven't written this in a while, so I forgot where I left off...Anywho, I WILL be writing more some day (perhaps soon). It just depends how I'm feeling. But in the meantime...go read my other stories!! I like to torture Cloud a lot in my stories!! *shamelessly promotes other stories*------