'Bella I don't want you to come with me.'

'You...don't...want me?'

'You're not good forf me, Bella.'

'If...that's what you want.' (New moon, chapter 3)

All of a sudden, I was woken up by a child jumping on me and giggling like mad. "Mommy! Get up! Get up! I'm hungery!"

I opened my eyes and saw my five year old daughter, Desiree Elizabeth Black, grinning at me and trying to pull the covers off of me. So, naturally, I pretend I'm still asleep and grab her and pul her in to the covers with me.

She started squirming, play screaming, and pretending to get away from me. It was a game we had played since she had gotten her 'big kid bed'. "Mommmmmeeeeeeeeeeee! Let me go! Feed me!" Sha said between giggles.

"Fine, fine." I grabbed her hand. "What do you want, love?"

She put her hand under her chin and pretended that she didn't know what she wanted even though we both knew what it was "I want waffles! With peanut butter!"

"I never did understand how you and your father ate that." I started laughing.

While I made her waffles, Desiree went into the livingroom and grabbed her doll that Jacob had gotten her when she was four. That was the last birthday that he lived to see. The doll looked almost exactly like her, I think that's why he got it for her. Ever since he died eight months ago, Desiree never went anywhere without that doll. She called her Alice. God knows how she picked that name out.

Desiree looked like both of us. She had her father's soft dark hair, warm eye color, and when she was around people, she made everybody happy she was around her. Nobody could feel sad when my personal sun was around, she could warm the coldest of hearts. She had my pale skin, and sadly, my tendency to fall down a lot, but it was cute. The only thing scary about her was that when she got mad, she had a tendency to talk real fast like certain vampire.

After she was born, I wasn't sad anymore. That hole that Edward caused was almost gone because of her. All that was left was a tiny hole, the size of a pea, left. But I only felt it when I slept now.

For awhile I didn't even know it was there until Jacob died. Then I started feeling it again. I guess he kept the coldness out with his body heat. I never hurt when I was around him. But as long as I had her, I knew that the whole wouldn't bother me.

"Mommy, do you think daddy misses us?"

I picked her up. "Of course he does! How could he not? You remember him, whenever he wasn't here, he called, like, every five minutes. Just to talk to you! Right now he's probably watching us. Which reminds me...you've been brushing haven't you? Because he can see it..." My child didn't like brushing her hair, or her teeth. I had to give her some insentive.

Her eyes bulged so much out of her head that I thought they'd pop out. "...He can see that?"

"Sure can"

"I don't think I like that."

"Babe, look at it this way, you'll always have someone watching out for you."


Jacob, I need you. We need you. Look at our child, she's still hurting. Please help us. I hugged Desiree, who was now sobbing uncontrollably. In one arm was my head, and in the other was Alice. Whose head was flat from being squeezed so much.

We hugged like that for about five minutes, both of us refusing to stop. We both knew that the situation was hopeless.

"Mommy, I'm hungery."

I laughed and put her down. The timer for the waffles went of and I gave her two. She smiled and said thank you.

"Dear, we're going to visit Uncle Embry today, alright?"

"Sure mommy! Do you think that if I ask he'll change form again and let me ride him?" Desiree started to jump up and down.

"I don't know, but I'm sure he will if you ask."


Sometimes its so easy to make a child happy.

Author's note: I plan to add another chapter today, so it should be up in about an hour or so. Review. Tell me what you think!