Story by Yaoi415
Edited by VernaJast
Hey guys! Bay Cafe is still happening, I promise!
This chapter was edited by the lovely and beautiful VernaJast who is also an amazing writer! If you are really into angst, this is the author for you! Anyway, let's get rolling!
Disclaimer: Naruto and Sasuke belong to Kishimoto and each other!
Bay Cafe, Chapter 14
By Yaoi415
"Alright boys, you know the drill." Kakashi waved from behind the pages of his book. He was sitting behind a desk at the front of the classroom designated for detention.
Naruto and Kiba entered the room reluctantly, annoyed at the fact that they were about to miss part of their favorite show's marathon, which started in thirty minutes. This wasn't fair. Not only was Kakashi at fault for not enforcing the rules on Friday, but he had even encouraged them by letting them leave in the first place. This trick was definitely not cool.
Naruto sat by a window at the front of the class while Kiba was all the way on the other side. Kakashi knew better than to let them sit next to each other; no, the boys had detention so often that they practically had assigned seats.
Naruto stared out the window, letting his mind drift from the annoying reality of this confusing outcome. An hour of nothing would kill him if he didn't have something to look at.
Cars passed the building in a constant stream, hypnotizing the fox. His vision began to lose focus as his thoughts wandered to what Sasuke was up to. Sasuke hadn't come to school on Friday, so today was his second missed day-luckily, it had given the blond an extra day to avoid feeling awkward after his Sasuke-free weekend.
Last Friday after school, he stayed at Kiba's and returned the next morning to an empty apartment. He had noticed his note was balled up and in the garbage by his bed's nightstand, and had Naruto been a bit more observant, he would have noticed the torn edges that hinted at the reader's unsettling anger.
But, of course, he wasn't.
Whatever, Naruto thought as he looked at the clock. He glared at the remaining forty-five minutes that were passing far too slowly.
Last Thursday night...
Naruto was sitting on his bed listening to Sasuke explain what he expected while he was away doing laundry.
"—and don't you dare do anything else."
The blond crossed his arms and sneered as Sasuke grabbed the basket, heading towards the door.
"But I don't have to go to school tomorrow!" Naruto exclaimed.
"I don't care. Pill, then sleep." Sasuke slammed the door on his way out.
"Ass!" Naruto shouted after him.
Once Sasuke was gone, Naruto picked up the pill he was given and examined it. There were a lot of problems revolving around the tiny blue capsule twirling between his fingers. He wondered why it scared Sasuke so much.
"Isn't there another way?" Naruto remembered overhearing Sasuke ask the doctor as the pair stood outside of his bedroom. "It's just bothersome when he's in...certain moods..." Sasuke had sounded upset.
The doctor hadn't been much help. "That's just how some people deal with the side-effects. It can't be helped. Mr. Uzumaki's body can't handle a stronger dosage, but anything lighter might not work at all. I suggest you just ride it out."
What was up with Sasuke's reaction? Naruto eyed it suspiciously. Hmm...
"Argh!" He flopped over. "I don't care!" He shook his head. "I don't care about the things that bother him. Jeeze!" He got up and started setting up his video game system. Right before turning it on, he grabbed his phone and set the alarm clock. Naruto, who did his own laundry every 2 weeks, knew exactly how long it was going to take the Uchiha. If he played video games and feigned sleep as soon as his clock went off, how would Sasuke ever know? Besides, it's not like the bastard was his keeper.
The blond turned on his game, but then, he remembered that he had left the disc on his nightstand. He leaned over to grab it from beside the bed and sure enough there it well as...Sasuke's bag...
Naruto realized it was the first time that he had been alone since getting sick... His mouth twisted into a devious grin. "Leaving private information in the company of a fox?" He slowly looked towards the door, as if waiting for Sasuke to suddenly come back. When there was no sign of the jerk anywhere, he continued on his sneaky mission. " dumbass..."
Naruto opened the bag and hastily rummaged through it. Inside, he found a bottle of headache pills, homework, Naruto's assignments, his laptop, and...
"What's this?" Naruto looked at the new found stack of sheets containing some rather personal information...
Two and a half hours later, Sasuke finished the laundry and returned to the apartment. When he reached Naruto's room, he could tell that the idiot was cocooned inside of his blankets, fast asleep. He opened the blonde's closet as quietly as possible, placing the laundry basket inside, and then began to get ready for bed.
When he finally climbed under the covers, everything just felt too...light? It was hard to believe it contained a second body at all, but surely it was just stress messing with his perception. Still, he reached over to make sure the idiot was okay. He pressed his hand inside of the cocoon. Narrowing his eyes in suspicion, he shoved both hands deep into the blankets and felt nothing but sheets. He grabbed the covers and pulled them up, revealing only blankets and pillows. His eyes widened in disbelief as he began to search for the real asshole.
What if he got in a car accident? This neighborhood isn't safe. The idiot could get mugged and is completely fucked in his condition! The raven began to speed towards the exit, grabbing his keys and jacket. What the FUCK is he thinking?
"ohhnf…" Before Sasuke could get out the door, the bathroom...moaned.
Ever since Naruto had gotten sick, it wasn't uncommon for him to need to use the bathroom at odd times like—Sasuke glanced down at his watch—12:15 AM. While he was annoyed, he could at least relax a little knowing the idiot was just taking a bathroom break. But Sasuke reasoned that he should still check on him, so he reached for the door handle and tried turning it. The handle wouldn't budge; it was locked. He held his breath, and leaned against the wooden door, straining to hear what was happening on the other side.
"Goddammit..." the voice behind the door muttered and huffed. Naruto sounded frustrated about something.
The stressed brunet decided it was best to just leave it alone. Naruto didn't get a lot of privacy lately, and it wasn't fair of him to snoop into every corner of the blond's life.
Against his better judgment, Sasuke turned back and went to the kitchen. Since he had started taking care of Naruto, he had developed the habit of opening the door, leaning into the fridge, and scanning its contents to plan out the next day's meals. When he was alone, he didn't have to plan—cooking was a simple follow-the-rules procedure—but with Naruto around, part of his responsibility was ensuring that the blond got balanced meals and the right amount of calories to help him heal.
Sasuke heard the bathroom door open, and looked up, closing the refrigerator door behind him. From a distance, he could see Naruto's profile in the darkened hallway.
The blond had closed the bathroom door and was leaning against it, seemingly fascinated with the ground. His mind was working overtime, obviously still thinking about the thing that had been bothering him. Naruto huffed, closed his eyes, and tilted his head back, sighing. Whatever it was, it was obviously something that went against the fox's principles.
Finally, the blond opened his eyes and resolutely turned toward the bedroom door. Had he come to a decision?
Sasuke watched Naruto go inside and close the door behind him. He wondered if he should follow or just wait for a few minutes. Normally, he would just stay out of other peoples' business, but since it might be a problem with the medication…
He gave into his concern—though he wouldn't have called it that—opened the bedroom door, and went inside. He sat down on the edge of the bed in the dark. Naruto was lying with his back to Sasuke. The covers hugged his body. The Uchiha leaned over and lightly shook him. "Hey," he whispered, "are you okay?"
Naruto didn't respond.
Maybe it was the medication. He had taken the blue pill earlier, and with every dose, Naruto seemed more thoughtful, pensive, and contemplative. Two side-effects the doctor had warned Sasuke to watch out for were depression and suicidal thoughts. Plus, whatever Naruto had been thinking before taking the pill was magnified ten-fold.
Sasuke tried again. "Naruto…" His fingers trembled slightly. "Are you okay?"
The blond shivered beneath the blanket.
"Are you cold?" Sasuke asked.
Naruto's response was muffled; "No." He turned over to look at Sasuke. He seemed completely different than the glimpses Sasuke had caught in the hallway.
Especially his eyes…
The blond sat up and leaned against the wall. The night shirt he had been wearing earlier was missing, discarded carelessly on the floor. The boy's biceps, abs, and chest were exposed, and his eyelids looked heavy, like he was still dreaming, entranced by his own thoughts. He looked at Sasuke, but to the Uchiha, it was more like looking through him. Deep blue eyes easily mesmerized Sasuke like the waves that gave them color…pulling him in, drowning him in the intense atmosphere surrounding the boys. It made him want to forget all reason and give into the demands of Naruto and that stupid blue pill.
Before he was able to realize what was happening their lips and teeth were clashing, mouths pressing and pulling, opening and, sucking, gnawing, teasing.
Naruto's lips heated Sasuke's body, his organs worked harder and faster. Adrenaline flowed.
Naruto's hands explored every inch of Sasuke, nails dragging down his skin. Sasuke huffed, lungs burning. The knot in his throat pulled, urging his core to wake up the rest of his senses. He couldn't help but notice Naruto's scent, the heat of his body, the brush of his skin. Fuck… Summoning all of his self-control, Sasuke placed his hands on Naruto's biceps and grudgingly shoved him away.
"What is it?" Naruto huffed. He was looking at Sasuke, longingly, wishing for the Uchiha to continue.
Sasuke turned away, licking his lips. He wanted to, oh god, did he want to, but...this was wrong. It wasn't Naruto; it was his medication. Yes, he wanted Naruto, oh god, did he want Naruto… but he didn't need the assistance of drugs to get him. On the deepest level, the Uchiha was proud. Taking this any further, as far as he was concerned, was considered rape.
"What's wrong?" Naruto asked again.
"This isn't what you want." Sasuke exhaled deeply.
"What do you mean it isn't what I want? I know exactly what I want!" Naruto's voice suddenly rose. "I want YOU!" The furious Uzumaki shoved Sasuke over, shifting his weight and crawling on top. He pinned Sasuke's arms over his head and pressed his hips down against the Uchiha's. "I fucking want you!" He bit Sasuke's bottom lip and dragged it through his teeth.
Sasuke huffed. He had never seen Naruto so sexually frustrated in his life. It was everything the Uchiha had ever wanted. He had never expected Naruto to initiate anything outside of his dreams.
"Mngh! Sasuke..."
Sasuke licked his lips. He could still taste his kisses. God, he was sexy... Sasuke turned his head. He was adamant about not letting Naruto kiss him again. "This isn't you. It's just your medication."
Naruto leaned closer, aiming for Sasuke's neck, and the Uchiha could feel his teeth and tongue and suction drag across his skin.
Growling in frustration, Sasuke shifted Naruto's weight and pinned him to the bed.
Naruto was taken aback by the sudden change in positions. He wrapped his legs around the Uchiha's waist, hands tugging at Sasuke's body insistently, pulling him down on top of him. Sasuke wrapped his fingers around Naruto's wrists and raised them above his head.
It felt so good, but...Sasuke was feeling very uneasy. He didn't like losing control when he spent so much time holding on to it.
The blond was strong, and despite both arms being raised over his head, Naruto's hips were moving against Sasuke's. The Uchiha pressed his free hand down on Naruto's hips to force them to stop. He could feel the muscles in Naruto's legs where they held him; his body felt so fucking good, but the goal was to get Naruto to stop before...Sasuke couldn't stop himself anymore. When Naruto leaned up and tried to kiss him, Sasuke dodged and glared down at bright blue eyes that were practically screaming, "Fuck me!"
"No more." Sasuke's words were unshakable. "I'm not interested."
Naruto looked like he was about to fight back, but then something unexpected happened...instead, he twisted his frown into a smug smile and whispered between them: "Alright..." He loosened his legs from around Sasuke's hips. "I'll just take care of this in the bathroom." He lightly nudged the Uchiha off of him, and Sasuke complied willingly.
Naruto stood and stretched, and Sasuke couldn't help but admire every beautiful muscle flexing.
The blond sensually strutted toward the bathroom.
Sasuke could feel the night encouraging him to betray his disciplined control, but as an Uchiha that was definitely something he couldn't do. To give in would be weak.
Instead, he stared at the floor, trying to gather his thoughts. Something was off. Naruto wasn't the quitting type. He was passionate and emotional. So why hadn't he fought back when Sasuke told him to stop? The troubled Uchiha was desperate to uncover the reason behind the blond's sudden change of heart.
He heard a sound from the hall: "Ngh..."
"What?" he muttered and turned toward the door. He suddenly found himself walking towards it and swallowed thickly.
"Oh..." Naruto's huffs echoed through the room from across the hallway.
Is he really...? Fuck! The slick fox was going to leave him alone outside, listening to those undeniable sounds...sounds that...danced in his ear drum...caressing every soft tissue...and...stimulating...
Sasuke huffed, and instead of moving toward the bathroom, he closed the bedroom door.
Why him? Why was Naruto the only person that made it hard for him to stay indifferent? He couldn'
Sasuke leaned his back against the door. He could feel an annoying streak of red crossing and heating his pale cheeks. "Dammit..." He quietly cursed the night. Then, he looked around for something, anything, that would distract him.
A blue glint in the moonlight caught his eye by the foot of the dresser. The raven had been cleaning the fox's home all week, so anything out of place was definitely new. He picked up the tiny object and examined it. "Hn..."
In the bathroom, Naruto stroked himself harder. He propped himself up by leaning a hand against the sink. His eyes were shut. He was concentrating completely on cumming.
"Ngh...Sasuke!" he tightened his grip against the shaft, fingers pressed against pulsing veins that only added texture to his hard, oozing cock. The shimmer of cum at the tip glinted in the moonlight; he couldn't hide the fact that the thoughts of fucking Sasuke were driving him over the brink, even though the original plan was to just annoy him...
"Sasuke...Sasu—" Naruto's moan was suddenly interrupted by two arms slithering around his waist from either side pulling him back against the Uchiha's delicious torso. Lips kissed, bit, sucked, and played with Naruto's neck triggering the blond's body to shiver making him stroke harder.
Sasuke had lost it. Naruto knew he was the reason behind the way his boss scratched his chest, tattooing ownership over his unsettling, chaotic tendencies, wetting them with pre-cum and making him wish Sasuke would trigger the climax they desperately needed.
"Nng!" Oh God did it feel good. "Touch me..." Naruto rubbed against Sasuke, hands reaching back, fingers entangling into the Uchiha's locks, pulling him forward, demanding more. Sasuke's hands crawled downward, playing with the tip of Naruto's shaft, sending immense shivers, convulsing down his body. Reaching that sweet point...and then... Sasuke stopped, his thumb covering the tip of Naruto's cock, restraining his relief.
"What the hell?" Naruto turned but was limited to Sasuke's tighten grip.
Oh fuck! Naruto's eyes widened. The Uchiha was holding the blue capsule. The one he had been ordered to take three hours ago. The same pill that, up until now, Sasuke had thought was the reason behind the kyuubi's odd behavior.
Naruto froze.
"Explain." Sasuke ordered.
" ..." Naruto didn't know what to say. After Sasuke had left to do laundry, he had found a stack of papers in the Uchiha's bag containing information about his own behavior. It described in full detail the side-effects of the medication he had been taking. Sasuke, who wanted to keep a record of everything revolving around the kitsune's sickness, wrote a log every night while Naruto slept.
"I-I...your bag..." Naruto stuttered.
Sasuke's eyes narrowed. "What the hell are you doing looking through my stuff?" His grip tightened.
"Ah..." How was this exciting him?
Sasuke huffed. "Why would you...willingly..." He dropped the pill and gripped Naruto's hair, inhaling his scent and feeling his heat. The finger covering Naruto's tip brushed aside and teased it. "Idiot..." Sasuke bit the back of Naruto's neck. Knowing Naruto was doing this on his own was enough to lose the last amount of self control he had been desperately holding on to.
"Agh!" Naruto shut his eyes and felt the explosion of cum shoot out, barely missing the toilet's rim. "Sa-Sasuke, I—"
"Shut up." Sasuke turned Naruto around and slammed him against the sink, forcing his body to lean hard against it while his head lightly bumped the mirror as Sasuke's teeth sunk into the Uzumaki's lips, gnawing and sucking while pale hands trapped tan arms, pinning them to either side of the sink's edges.
Naruto could feel Sasuke lean over him, partially lying on top of the blond.
"Oh fuck." Both boys huffed and gasped with heaving lungs. The natural, tense itch of craving bodies brought them together. Naruto grabbed Sasuke's hair while his other hand rubbed the Uchiha's back. Sasuke grabbed either side of Naruto, digging his nails inside hot skin.
Sasuke pulled Naruto off of the sink, slamming him against the wall of the hallway, turning the blond's face away, like a predator who couldn't get enough of the fox's skin. Naruto clawed the wall, groaning. He surprised his rival by turning the tables and pushing him onto the door of his bedroom, sinking teeth, sucking tongue tangling with his.
While pinning Sasuke, Naruto turned the door handle, never stopping his assault on the Uchiha's body. They stumbled into the room, tangled, tripping, and finally falling into the bed. Turning, rolling, fighting for dominance.
Sasuke pinned Naruto as he pressed his fingers inside and stretched his entrance using some of the fox's cum.
Naruto arched his back. His tan skin turned red with the limited amount of oxygen his shallow breaths allowed in. Tightening his stomach and gripping the sheets behind him, pulling them down, showing Sasuke how much of a masterpiece he truly was.
The moonlight through the window shimmered as it hit the sweat of their heaving bodies. Sasuke added an extra finger, thoroughly stretching the panting, huffing blond.
Naruto's eyes widened as soon as the Uchiha hit his natural sweet spot. It caused his body to tremble as he clutched the raven, wanting more. Sasuke's long thin fingers stretched him wider, spreading the natural wet texture of Naruto's cum.
"Fuck." Sasuke couldn't wait any longer. "God, fuck!" His hand went faster. He looked up at Naruto, whose eyes were shut and face showing he could feel every hit. The blond's mouth bit his own bottom lip and dragged it out.
Sasuke, unable to take it anymore, grabbed Naruto's legs, pressing them near the Uzumaki's chest, comfortably setting Naruto's knees over his shoulders. The stretch made it easier reach Naruto's prostate, hitting it with every thrust.
"Oh God!" Naruto's nails scratched Sasuke's back, bringing the Uchiha closer. Naruto's head felt feverish. Sasuke's hands pressed under Naruto's legs stretching deeper, pounding against his prostrate, sending fire all throughout the blond's body. Sasuke was easing an itch Naruto didn't known he had been developing.
Naruto reached over his own head to grip the edge of the bed. His rear and abs tightened as he pushed against Sasuke, tightened around Sasuke's cock. "Mngh!"
Sasuke's knees weakened for a second. "Ngh!" He tightened his grip on the blond's knees and moved faster. He could feel his clix beginning to build up.
Naruto's cock twitched, the blood coursing through it was practically boiling. He was reaching his limit.
"Sa-Sasuke! I-I'm...Ngh!...I'm—" he warned. Sasuke only moved faster. "Fuck!" Naruto's cock erupted with slick, white cum, hitting Sasuke's torso and dripping down towards him.
Sasuke, who also came, collapsed on top of the blond, smearing Naruto's cum between them. While both laid there, sapped of energy, Sasuke could feel his heavy eye lids closing. Never had he ever come so hard in his life...
He tilted his head to look at Naruto who was already fast asleep. Sasuke slowly pulled out of Naruto's body and shifted to lye beside him. He lightly brushed blond strands away from the fox's forehead, admiring his sleeping face. There was a new feeling Sasuke couldn't help but feel. It almost felt like basking in a type of glow. If the glow had a color, Sasuke suspected it would be pink.
The Uchiha sighed as he watched Naruto's peaceful face. His pale fingers traced Naruto's scars, mapping out the lines that gave him such carefree and wild features. He really was... Perfect...
"Idiot..." Sasuke allowed his eyelids to fall, drifting into calm sleep.
The following morning Naruto woke up, still groggy. He breathed in the kissing rays of the sun and realized he felt great! After a week of nausea and vomiting, he finally felt healed. He stretched and smiled towards his ceiling before suddenly realizing he was naked. Not only was he that, but he was also—sticky—with an aching...body.
Suddenly, rules and morals came crashing down on him. This wasn't possible. Last night was just an experiment. One that wasn't supposed to have ended the way it did! Wait...even if he did sleep with Sasuke, then, it was fine, he was still straight. Rule number one, your only gay if you take it up the— Naruto felt a sharp pain along his rear. FUCK!
Naruto took a quick shower and got ready for school. He didn't want to be around when the Uchiha woke up. Unable to decide or even want to face the outcome of his apparent sexuality, Naruto wrote a note and left.