
"NO! Let me go! I don't want to go through this again." She cried. Tears of pain spilling down her eyes. They put the green kryptonite closer to her and she yelled in pain. She was weaker than Clark so it hurt her more since she was only half Kryptonian. "No! Please just stop." A man in a dark suite walked in. "Stop. You're hurting her. I don't need her hurt. I need her in good condition."

She looked over at him. Everything was worse for her since she was half Kryptonian. She felt more pain and it killed her faster. She was weak on both sides. Her human half and her Kryptonian and she knew it. She couldn't stand being in that place anymore. They were literally killing her on the inside. A day didn't pass where she didn't cry. A day where she wished she wasn't alive for the next "treatment" as they called it. She hated it with all her will to live.

Lex walked closer to her. She looked at him whimpering and winced in pain once again. He stood next to her. The strong metal bands around her wrists and ankles to keep her down on the medical bed. She looked up at him and to her his eyes were blank. Full of evil and hatred. She thought of him as the devil himself. He looked down at her and with the back of his hand ran it along her forehead. It was full of sweat from the electric shocks they had given her.

"What have you discovered doctor?" He asked keeping his eyes settled on her, watching as she moved her head to try to get him to take his hand off her. "Well, she's stronger than any human on earth. A few things we do to her seem regular reactions a human would give but some things that we do aren't. We did what you asked and put green meteor rock close to her and she shrieked in pain. We didn't understand why."

He showed Lex their observations that they had written down on a clipboard and he ignored them. "I want you to show me doctor." He took a few steps away from Lara and she looked at him. "Doctor put the meteor rock close to her." The doctor looked at Lara and she was shaking her head. Tears once again filled her eyes. She couldn't bare the pain again. Her hands made fists and prepared herself for the inflicting pain that they were about to give her.

The doctor put on his gloves and grabbed a green meteor rock then walked towards her with it. She could already feel it and her veins started to pop out from her neck and arms. The red veins in her eyes came out as well. She threw her head back and screamed at the top of her lungs in pain. Lex stood there and watched her suffer. The doctor looked at him and Lex motioned for him to take it away. Once the doctor left she went back to normal. He nodded on the new discovery they had made. "Good job doctor. Now leave us." The doctor nodded and he walked out of the cell they had made for her. He looked through the glass walls and saw Lex move closer to Lara. He saw him lean over to whisper something to her and stood there for a moment. Lex looked at him and with his hand motioned for him to leave. The doctor nodded and left.