This is the last chapter. Don't kill me!


Many years had past since that day. It was a cold snowy day and many people were dressed in black, but visible from the cemetery was a flamed Peterbuilt. A newly grave had been made and the person was put in. An old man stood next to the grave stone and started crying. Next to him were his children and grandchildren. There was a huge crowd there and slowly they departed. When all was clear except for the family members, the flamed rig transformed.

Optimus Prime walked over to the humans and knelt down. "Grandpa." The grandchildren exclaimed through their tears. Optimus picked them up and held them close to his chest. These were his great-grandchildren. Times had flown since that day. When Breanna had gotten older she had started to date Bart. Jetfire was more of a friend now. He supported her decision and so did Optimus.

Soon years after the two were married and had two kids, Marry and Josh. Those two also got married when they grew older and had two kids each. He had four great-grandchildren and two grandchildren. Marry and Josh walked over to him and gave him a hug. Their spouses had stayed behind. They still hadn't gotten used to the fact that their father in law was a giant robot from the planet Cybertron.

But of course with them being adults they moved out and made their own lives. Optimus had babied Breanna so much that she stayed with him. She was a daddy's girl and she never wanted to leave him. Of course Optimus didn't mind and neither did Bart. Megatron and the Decepticons had finally been defeated completely. Nothing coming back from the dead.

Optimus snapped back from his memories and set the humans down. They ran to their parents and walked off. Optimus bent down to the gravestone and placed his finger on top of it and rubbed it. "I love you Breanna. I will always love you." He whispered. He felt tears form in his optics. He had wished he would have never seen her death. He wished he could have taken her place since the parent of the child should always die first since they had lived longer.

"I will never forget you. You were the joy in my life and you live in your children, and your grandchildren. I hope you're very happy right now."

"Grandpa! Hurry up we need a ride!"

Optimus looked down at Bart who was still crying. He had couldn't believe she was gone. 88 years old and gone. He was 90 and still living. "I wish it was me that had died."

Optimus picked up the old man and walked over to the family. He was going to be watching over all of Breanna's family for now on. He would witness many deaths in the future, but that's the circle of life. He set the man down and transformed. Everyone piled in and Optimus drove off back home.

There will be no sequels.