Cornelia sat on a bench at a local park, and reclined back a little, lost in thought. The sun had begun to set, splashes of pinks and oranges adorning the skies as the sun began to fall below the horizon, a final display in it's seemingly defiant effort to stay in view.

"Cornelia!" A voice roused her from her thoughts, and she turned to see Caleb.

"Caleb?! How did you.." Cornelia asked, confusion evident in her features.

"I found a portal." Caleb said, giving a shrug of his shoulders.


"Just a short distance from here." He said, studying her closer, as though noticing something.


"What's wrong?" He could tell something was wrong, as she seemed different today.

"Nothing.. I'm fine, Caleb." Cornelia said quietly, avoiding his gaze.

"You're not good at lying, Cornelia." Caleb said, sitting next to Cornelia on the bench, and she scooted over to give him more room.

"I.. I don't know what's wrong with me." She admitted, her eyes filling with pain and uncertainty.

"There's nothing wrong with you." He assured her.

"Then why does Will hate me so much? I don't know what I did wrong but she just hates everything about me.. I don't.. I don't get it."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you will sort it out soon." Caleb said comfortingly, smiling reassuringly at her.

"Caleb.. There's something else I've been unsure of." She hesitated visibly, avoiding his gaze yet again.

"You can tell me." Caleb persisted, touching her arm with his hand.

"It's just.. I don't get why I feel like this.. It's just that... you.." Cornelia laughed miserably at herself. "I'm falling for someone who doesn't even live in my world."



"I.. I feel.. I feel the same, I don't understand it either but.." His voice faltered, before he cupped his face with her hands - she was startled, though seemed to melt against him as he kissed her sweetly on the lips, and she deepened it slightly, before they pulled back, but his arm remained around her shoulder, as they looked at eachother for a moment before she smiled, her entire face lighting up with an emotion she never felt before, she recognized it in his eyes, too...


Standing a good distance away, was a figure hidden by standing against a tree, pretending to be looking the other way, but his gaze was on the couple, and his eyes narrowed and his teeth clenched, before he smirked, as though coming across something within his head...