A/N: I came up with this extraordinarily random oneshot during our many vacations this summer to some amusement parks with Danny Phantom rides (my idea, by the way). So…it's sort of odd and I'll understand if you don't like it because it is WAY out of my range of writing. My brother didn't like it, anyway. I liked writing it, but I'm not so sure about how it turned out. Please leave me a review and let me know what you think. Thank you!

Free Fall

Danny smiled contentedly as he held Sam close. He enjoyed flying and he knew she did as well. So far, this little romantic escapade of a first date was turning out better than expected.

He felt a warm night breeze as he closed his eyes. They were soaring higher and higher until they reached a peak and began to even out. Then, all of a sudden, they stopped. Danny looked around to see what was the cause of such an unforeseeable action, but saw nothing. They began to rock back and forth erratically. Confused, Danny held Sam closer to be sure she didn't fall.

"Danny," she asked, "Are you okay?"

Just as she finished asking, they both began to plummet toward the earth! Danny shut his eyes and concentrated hard, willing them to fly back upward. He wouldn't worry so much if it was just him falling, but with Sam in his protection, he needed desperately not to hit the ground.

Finally, they began to fly forward again. He could sense the ground beneath them, but they hadn't hit it. He grinned as they flew vertically, at last no longer in danger of being squashed like proverbial bugs.

He loosened his grip on Sam a bit, allowing her to breathe. "Danny, what's wrong with you?" she asked worriedly.

"I don't know. I just lost control there for a minute."

"Lost control? Danny, what in the world are you—," she was cut off when Danny tightened his grip on her again.

They were falling. Closer and closer to the ground, and fear welled up inside of Danny. He began to panic, begging whatever powers were in control that they would at least slow down. It seemed to work! At long last, they came to a smooth stop a few inches above the ground.

When their feet finally reached terra firma, Danny let go of Sam, but continued breathing heavily. Sam gave him a nervous look.

Just then, Tucker rushed over to them. He had been in the same park as them with a mystery date, the identity of whom had not yet been disclosed to either Danny or Sam. This was their first time running into Tucker.

"Danny! I saw the whole thing! Are you okay, dude? You looked really scared up there."

"Yeah, Danny. What's up?" Sam agreed.

"Nothing major, I guess. I just don't like not having control," Danny said, settling down from his delusional state a bit.

Then, Tucker burst out laughing.

Danny lowered his eyebrows in anger. "It's not funny, Tuck!"

Still chuckling, Tucker said, "Are you kidding? Man, that is hilarious! You, of all people. Danny Phantom is afraid of…" his laughter escalated, "Ferris Wheels?!?"

Sam began to chortle a small bit as well, angering a still-hyperventilating Danny even more.

"Come on, guys! It's not that funny! I'm all shaken up, now. I swear, one more scare and I might just pass out."

"Hey, guys!" a familiar feminine voice called out of nowhere. "Don't you just love this giant teddy bear Tucker won for me?"

Unbelieving, Danny looked up at the voice's source. There, standing right in front of him, holding a giant bear (as advertised), was his very own sister, Jazz Fenton.

Then, everything went black.

Yes, he passed out. Tucker/Jazz is too much for Danny to handle. So…what did you think? Did you like it? Did you get it? They were riding a Ferris Wheel the whole time. So…please leave me a review and let me know if it soared or fell. I would like to know. :) Thank you.