
Flashback...7 years ago

"Mommy, mommy! Let's go to the park!! Please????" said a young, 5-year old blond girl. Her mother chuckled softly, "Alright, alright! We'll go to your favorite park." The father of the home walked out the front door to watch as his wife and daughter walked to the park together.

While at the park, the mother looked down at her child and smiled, "Sweety, I'm going to go and get some ice cream for us. Stay over by the swings ok?" The young kid nodded, "Ok mommy!!" The little blond girl ran over to her favorite swing that rested on the middle of the swing-set, only to find a golden haired boy occupying her swing. The young boy looked up, but as soon as he laid eyes on her, he scooted back, afraid. The girl tilted her head slightly to the right, "What's the matter? I'm not going to hurt you." He blinked, "Y-you're not? But what about your mommy? I know she's going to hurt me." The little girl giggled softly, "My mommy's not going to hurt you either. Hey! You wanna play with me??" The young boy blinked yet again, "Play with me? You wanna play with…Me?" He pointed to himself as she giggled, "Well are there any other kids around here?" He shook his head softly. The blond girl smiled, wiggling her pinkie at him, "My name is Yamanaka Ino. Let's be friends!" The young boy grasped her pinkie with his own, "M-my name is Uzumaki Naruto."

They took turns pushing each other on the swing until a hand yanked Ino away from the blond boy name Naruto, "C'mon hunny, let's go. It would be best not to talk to a demon like him. Besides, we have to get home to pack up because we're going back home tomorrow." Ino struggled against her mother, trying to break free, "Unh, Naruto-Kun!! Here!" She threw a piece of paper with a picture on it. He bent down to pick it up, but when he looked up, Ino was gone. He looked down at the paper she threw. It was a picture of her.

Present Day…

Ino lay in her bedroom, looking up at the ceiling, staring off into space. She could hear her mother yelling, "Ino!! You're going to be late for your plane flight!!!" Ino sighed, "I'm all ready mom!! I'll be down in a minute!" The now 12 year old blond got up off of her bed and grabbed a picture of a young, golden haired boy, and ran down the stairs, "See? I'm ready." Her mother grabbed her daughter by the arm, "Good, now let's go."

When they arrived at the airport, Ino got out of the car, "Ja ne mom! I'll see you in a few weeks!!" Her mother, Pam, smiled, "Ok sweety! Call me everyday ok?? Aishiteru! Ja ne!" Ino waved to her mother as she drove off.

After checking in her bags, she went upstairs and looked at the stores just to kill time. She ran into a sushi restaurant in the midst of exploring, "Aww, sweet! Sushi! One California Roll, one onigiri, and a 6 pc. Tuna Sashimi Please!" The cashier smiled, "You must be a hungry girl! How old are you, 15 or 16?" Ino giggled softly, "No, sir, I'm only 12." The boy's eyes widened, "And you're all alone? Well then, your meal is on me!" Ino gasped, "But, but I can't have you pay for all that. That would be rude of me!" The cashier laughed, "Please, miss, I insist! Now you just go sit by that table over there and I'll sit with you for my lunch break." The blond girl nodded and bowed, "Arigato!" she said as she ran over to the table he pointed at.

The young man walked over to the table and set down her and his food, "Here you go miss!" Ino smiled and started eating her lunch. He put out his hand, "My name is Inuzuka Kiba." Ino shook his hand, "My name is Yamanaka Ino." "Ino-Chan, hmm? I could've sworn I've heard that name before." The blond blinked, "Really? Where?" Kiba glanced at Ino, "It's called Konohagakure." Ino blinked, "Konohagakure??? I've only heard of that place in old books! It really exists?" Kiba nodded, "Oh, yeah. It's a hidden village though. I'm going on the plane that flies to the Fire Country and go from there to Konohagakure!" Ino smiled, "I'm going to the Fire Country too! So we'll be on the same plane together!!!" The young man nodded, "I guess we will…"