Two days had passed since the Resistance had defeated Adria and the Ori threat, and everything had been cooling down and mellowing out.

Once Adria had been killed and the mother ship – and consequently all the other Ori ships – had their systems collapse, it was only about an hours fighting left both in space and land before a victory was declared, all the Ori gone. It was reasonable to assume that there were more Ori out there; after all, it was doubtful that the fleet the Rebellion encountered that day was Adria's entire force, but with the two main threats eliminated, the war was won enough for the day.

Subsequently, a new pact was formed that day, joining all the Allies who had fought alongside the SGC in defeating the Ori – 12 planets pledging their allegiance to defend their galaxy. It was the diplomatic achievement of the history of the world, though forever kept a secret from Earth's people.

Once Daniel had disarmed the weapon of mass destruction, General O'Neill, although asked to reconsider for study, declared it too dangerous for any species to have possession of, and ordered it to be secretly sent off to be buried on the most remote planet they knew after Colonel Carter declared it impossible to be taken apart. Daniel assured him that without an Ori prior directly linked to the weapon, there was no way for it to be activated again.

Teal'c had decided to take some vacation time with Ishta, Rya'c and Kary'n, which General O'Neill happily approved. As things were settling down after the activity and excitement of the past few weeks, he wished he could grant everyone a short vacation after all their hard work, but with the Stargate always active, he knew anything could happen at any time.

Therefore, instead, General O'Neill held a feast in the Mess Hall as a sort of celebration dinner. He even made a toast, and expressed how proud he was of being in charge of such fine men.

While the party was in full swing, General O'Neill saw Colonel Carter step out of the room and was compelled to follow her out. They walked a far way down the corridor before O'Neill said, "Carter, where you going?"

Sam jumped, not expecting to hear his voice. "Sir! Umm… I think I just need a little fresh air, or at least, as much fresh air as they pump into these rooms." Jack smiled, yet found himself perplexed when he couldn't think of anything to say. Realising that this could turn into a staring contest, Sam spoke, "This was a wonderful idea, sir." She referred to the party.

"Well, you know me, always up for a party." He smiled as she did, though her eyes sparkled with genuine happiness, which he hadn't seen at all since he'd got there. With the threat being over and all, a lot of people had started to relax, which was a nice change of pace.

"I suppose you'll be leaving on General Landry's return." Sam guessed, picking her cuticles behind her back.

"Yep, first thing tomorrow." O'Neill admitted, though he didn't really want to go.

"Sir, while we were in the Odyssey, you didn't want me to go down with Daniel…" Sam buried a question in there she knew he'd find.

"I knew he could handle it. And besides, you know more about the new Asguard technology than anyone else, it made sense that you should stay." O'Neill rationalized.

She smiled. "It also made sense that I should go." She realized she didn't need to hear it from him, she knew why he really wanted to keep her on board.

"Yes, well…" He smiled off knowingly.

"Thank you, sir." Sam smiled, nodding her head.

"Please, I didn't really do anything, it's you with your science guys… and stuff." O'Neill smiled his lop-sided grin, his inarticulate side making Sam smile.

"Well, actually, it was more Daniel this time round." Sam said modestly.

The air between them grew silent again. "Do we really have to do this whole rank small talk thing? I mean, I'm leaving tomorrow. It might be nice to have some real conversation before I left." Jack told her, frustrated that once again they were sucked into pretending there was nothing but rank between them. "God knows I'm not gonna get it anywhere else." He muttered to himself.

Sam smiled, somewhat relieved he suggested it first. "Yes, please."

"Good." Jack smiled, and tried as subtly as possible to work in a question he'd been wanting to ask for what seemed to be a really long time. "So Mitchell is working out well as SG1 material."

They began walking side by side down the corridor, which had been almost deserted as the party was in the opposite direction. "Yeah, he's great. He's really taken to it well."

"Right." Jack nodded, not the answer he was hoping for. "Yep, young, agile, good qualities in a leader."

Sam smiled, she caught onto what he was trying to do, but she felt this should last a while. "Oh yeah, in all the training simulations, he beats us all but Teal'c."

"Right," Jack said again, suppressing a sigh. "So he's… I mean you and he are…"

"Really good friends." Sam filled in, and he turned to look at her, stopping their walking.

"Like you and I 'really good friends' or you and Vala 'really good friends'." Jack asked quietly; he knew he was crossing the line in asking Sam such personal questions and he also knew it wasn't his business, but crossing the line hadn't always been a big problem for him, what worried him was what was on the other side of the line.

Sam smiled, she felt really happy knowing he was jealous. "I'm not seeing him." Jack smiled, his embarrassment pretty hard to conceal.

"Well in that case," Jack took a deep breath, checking down the corridor left and right, then left again, he stepped into her and kissed her lightly, brushing his lips on hers.

Sam felt him move away as suddenly as he moved in, leaving her a second to rehabilitate herself. "Where, er, where did that come from?"

"Just a 'thank God we didn't die' kinda thing. And… I missed you." Jack said honestly, unable to stop smiling at her somewhat dazed face.

She smiled, a twinkle in her eye. "I missed you too, sir."

"Hey!" Mitchell suddenly appeared in the corridor, catching them both off-guard and causing them to jump away from each other as subtly as possible. "Where is everyone? You're missing the party."

Mitchell evidently didn't see anything, which both Sam and Jack were delightfully relived by. Sam replied, "Yeah, well, it got a little crowded in there."

Mitchell nodded. "Scary to think the galaxy could have been destroyed."

"No kidding," Sam agreed as they all walked back towards the Mess Hall. "If Teal'c hadn't found out about that planet and the Ori and come here with it…" She shuddered to think.

"Well, it's all over now." O'Neill sighed with relief, picking up a couple of beers for him and Carter. "I called the President who now owes me a 'debt of gratitude'." He mimicked with pride. Colonel Mitchell and Sam laughed. "It's not me though, it was a team effort."

"Man, I'm gonna miss sitting in the captain's chair of the Prometheus." Mitchell cheekily smiled. "Felt good."

Sam smiled. "Maybe you could do it again some day."

"Oh, there's no chance of that." O'Neill said dead seriously, forcing the smile from Cam's face. "I put dibs on the Prometheus as a retirement present." Sam cracked a smile again; she missed his wit.

"Yes, sir." Mitchell smiled, tossing back a swig of his beer.

"Well, I better say my goodbyes before I'm off tomorrow." Jack said, putting down his beer bottle to flash a smile at Sam. He looked around the room, smiling faces everywhere, except the one he was looking for. "Where's Daniel?"

As the party festered in the Mess Hall, echoes of laughing reverberated down the hall and the general relief of their victory showing on every face in the base, Daniel quietly entered the Medical Room where Vala lay asleep in her hospital bed, the monitor beeping consistently.

As Daniel took her hand, upset at the sight of her with wires sticking out everywhere, she slowly fluttered her eyes awake.

"Sorry," He smiled apologetically. "I didn't mean to wake you."

She smiled, happy to see his face. "It's alright." She looked around the darkened room, the yellow fake light from the lamps giving her a slight headache. "Where is everyone?"

"Jack decided to hold a celebration party in the Mess Hall." Daniel answered.

"Really?" Vala asked taken aback, and Daniel nodded. "Booze?"

"Yep." Daniel confirmed.

"Damn, the one time this place is fun and I'm stuck in here." Vala rolled her eyes and Daniel had to laugh. "I'm glad you're here though."

Daniel brushed her hair away from her face. "I would have been here sooner, but the last few days have been crazy with paperwork and alien treaties…" Daniel explained in a haze. He had actually come to see her as soon as they got back, but she looked so weakened and ill, it pained him to see her, so much so that it put him off for a while. He wasn't used to seeing Vala as anything else but strong: strong-minded, strong willed, and at times strongly annoying. It took Daniel a while to realize that she was more human to him than he thought, and she needed him now.

"I understand." She nodded. "Dr. Lam told me you disarmed the weapon."

"Yeah. If you hadn't told us what was in that temple, the entire galaxy might have been destroyed." Daniel explained, stroking her hand.

"Good." Her eyes averted. "Now I know I didn't kill Adria in vain."

"Vala…" Daniel crouched beside her, bringing him down to eye level. "There was no other way this could have gone down."

She nodded. "I know." She brought her eyes round to meet his. "But Daniel, you should have seen the way she looked at me, there was so much hate and anger…" She collapsed into sobs. Daniel gently lay down beside her, holding her in his arms and stroking her hair. Although her jerking motion hurt her sore gut, the stitches of her wound still fresh, Vala couldn't help but let out all the anxiety, sadness and pain out of her system.

"It's alright." Daniel hushed her, holding her tightly.

After several minutes, Vala had no more tears to cry and hre red, puffy eyes could take no more, her tummy sore from muscle contractions. She slowed her breathing and stopped her tears.

"It's ok, I've got you." Daniel reassured her, caressing her cheek.

She sniffled and looked up at him. "Thank you." He kissed her nose and she smiled. Daniel… before, when I was aboard the Odyssey, before I blacked out, I thought I heard you say… that you love me."

Daniel smiled at her, keeping those eternal seconds in anticipation. "I may have said something along those lines."

"Did you mean it? Or was it just because, you know, I was…" She glanced at her wound, then hurriedly added, "Because I understand if it was, I mean I would have probably said the same thing under those circum–"

Daniel cut off her rambling with a kiss, pulling back softly. "I meant it."

She smiled contently and rested her head on his chest. They stayed silent as Vala wondered if she felt the same about him. She'd never been loved before and it felt warming, like a blanket wrapped around her. She thought back to every look that he gave her, every smile he gave her and to every time he touched her… she realized she'd never felt so warm and needed than when she was around him; he brought out the best in her. And now… the fact that Daniel had told her he loved her without asking anything from her in return told her that she could trust him, that she wanted to trust him, made her realize as he held her so protectively in his embrace, that she did love him, very deeply.

"Daniel?" She looked up to him, he looking down in her eyes. "I think I love you too."

He smiled and kissed her forehead, reacting almost as if he already knew; maybe he did, but until that moment she hadn't realized that she'd been blindly in love with him since the day she'd first knocked him unconscious.


Well, I hope you have all enjoyed it, I loved writing it. Thank you for the flow of reviews, they rocked.
Well, tell me what you thought of the ending.
Til next time,
Feral x