Alrite guys check it out I'm back on the Naruto boards and here is my latest story Naruto promises Hinata something to happen upon his return from his 2 and half year traning but will her latest actions destroy everything?
The Reversal
Hinata tossed in bed as she thought about her life. As far back as she can remember Hinata Hyuga has been trying to start a relationship with Naruto Uzamaki. However two things stand in her way. The mind numbing mix of nervousness embarrassment and shyness that plagues her whenever she gets near Naruto, and his complete and utter ignorance to her love of him. Her teammates Kiba Inazuka and Shino Aburame have tried to help her along as best they could but it was to no avail. Now he was leaving for 2 and a half years and Hinata racked her brain on what to do. Should she write a note asking him on a date? Nah too pathetic. Kiss him as he left? No she would faint long before that. After an hour of fruitless thoughts she decided upon one. Make him promise to ask her out when he came back. Her plan in mind, Hinata finally fell asleep.
Naruto tossed and turned, he was too excited about leaving to train for 2 and a half years that he couldn't fall asleep. However something was nagging at him the back of his head. As if he was leaving something or someone behind. Naruto sat up and looked out his window at Konoha village. The wooden buildings all lit up looked beautiful and the sculpture of the Hokages in the mountain looked awesome in the light. He watched as a late night courier rushed to deliver a package and as 2 Shinobi walked home after a late night mission. He decided that what he was going to miss was the villiage, after gazing up at the stars for what seemed like forever Naruto fell into a deep sleep.
Many people had come to see off Naruto, many came with trinkets or gifts to remember them by. Ino gave him a pressed flower that symbolized friendship, Sakura gave him decorated pen and paper so that he could write letters, choji gave him special BBQ falvored chips, Shino gave him a guide onto what bugs were good and bad, Kiba gave him a repellent that would paralyze any canine, but what perhaps was the best gift of all was a years supply of Instant make Ichiraku Ramen. As Naruto was about to exit the village he saw a frail figure shivering in coat.
"N-n-n-naruto, I have something very important to ask you." Hinata mumbled silently .
"What is it Hinata?" Naruto replied recognizing the speaker.
"When you return do you promise to take me out on a date?" She mumbled out.
"W-What?" A stunned Naruto blurted.
"I-I have liked you f-for a long time N-N-Naruto and I am going to be sad that you are l-leaving and I want you to promise to take me out on a-a-a d-d-date when you come back" She said gathering more courage than she has ever needed.
"W-why sure Hinata does the Ichiraku Ramen shop sound good?" Naruto said further citing his love of Ramen.
"I-I-I sound w-w-wonderful" Hinata said before her mouth froze up.
"See you late Hinata" Naruto said before running out of the village only to come back 2 and a half years later.
Hinata her quest over finally collapsed on the ground from a mix of excitement and exhaustion from summoning up more courage than she usually used in 2 months.
2 and 49.99999 years later
Hinata had grown a lot in the past 2 years. She was no longer the plain, petite, flat-chested girl she was 2 years ago. She was an exciting, busty, bombshell of a woman, and all the guys noticed it too. Right after Naruto left she had a growth spurt and she began to fill out as a woman. This boosted her self esteem greatly. This latest development didn't evade the eyes of men either. She started off slow but her speed increased. She quickly moved beyond the field of boys like Kiba or Lee. After a year. She began to go out with loser after loser and sleaze after sleaze. She began to drink heavily to the point where the only way she could improve as a ninja was to be watched over by her father for 24 hours. Her life was a wreck and even though she was easily the hottest girl in the village the way she treated herself made her look like the ugliest.
Naruto was in the best shape of his life he grew a foot in the past 2 years and learned a whole range of new techniques. He was ecstatic that he was finally returning to Konoha but one thing bothered him. He made sure to write to 2 of his friends everyday however after a year he received no responses from Hinata. This worried him greatly because he finally figured out that she loved him. And that he loved her. He couldn't wait to take her to Ichiraku and catch up with her.
"Only an hour till we reach home Naruto" Jiraiya informed Naruto
"I can't wait" Naruto eagerly replied and quickened his pace.
"Make that 30 minutes" Jiraiya commented.
30 minutes later
Naruto was on the home stretch he could see the front gates he was ecstatic until.
Hinata didn't remember much the last thing she remembered was being at a bar lying about her age with another guy she found and than it was day time and a man in orange clothes was standing in front of her.
Review and u can say you reviewed the best Naru-Hina fic EVAR….that and I will really appreciate it.