Title: Happily Ever After
Author: CI

At the end of the Ark, the exorcists get a happy ending.

"It took you long enough." Allen says jokingly to Kanda and Krowly, but mostly to Kanda who glares and looks half-dead but wholly irritated. However Rinali breaks up the incoming needless conflict as she runs up to Krowly and Kanda and hugs them greatly.

"Thank goodness." She mutters and Krowly is sore but laughs gently and Kanda is shirtless and dead tired but hugs her back.

Allen and Rabi smile and giggle and point (mostly Rabi) when they watch Kanda get a hug and hug back. Rabi says that it's a very heartfelt moment and Kanda suddenly feels like he has enough energy to kick Rabi's ass before he himself collapses.

Allen is shaking Krowly's hand in a polite 'welcome back' manner as Rabi creeps up to Kanda.

"Touch me and die."

The long hair exorcist leers at Rabi as Rinali finally pulls away, because he can read what that puppy dog eye of Rabi's is saying and it's asking for a freaking hug because damn he's thankful they're alive too.

Krowly sighs, Rinali smiles, Allen laughs, and Rabi pounces.

We made it.

A/N: You know it's gonna happen, after all Allen can't die-- he's super awesome! But oh nos! The Ark is collapsing with them inside it and it (supposedly) already got Krowly and Kanda. But Allen can't die, so no one dies in the Ark because if it really does swallow them all up to their doom then Hoshino-san is out of a job. In the end they'll turn up alive, somehow; you can't just kill everyone and keep a story line. Unless DGM is coming to an end, then that's just sad.