Shopping for Dreams
Disclaimer: I do not own or claim to own Teen Titans
The full moon was shining down on a figure settled in a tree. It was in the dead of winter and you could see the figure's breath clearly.
"What is a cute girl like you doing alone in that tree?" Jinx had sauntered up to the tree.
"I was waiting for someone," came the curt answer from the 'cute girl'.
"Who might that be?" Jinx swung herself up onto the branch next to the girl.
"That would be yo…BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!"
"GAAHHHH STUPID ALARM!!!" Jinx slammed her hand down onto her alarm clock. "Man, I wish that I would stop having these stupid dreams. I don't even know who that person is." Jinx was troubled since she had been having dreams about some girl for a few days now. She sighed and got up to get ready for the day.
Jinx was up and ready in about thirty minutes. "Hmmm… I wonder what I should do today? Maybe I will go and to some grocery shopping. Hah! Yeah right."
The Hive had broken up a while ago and Jinx was no longer hunted by the Teen Titans, although she still did some minor crimes by habit and necessity. Other than that she was doing well without too much trouble.
While Jinx detested grocery shopping, she decided that she did need to eat and was off to get some food. "Let me see now… WAHH!" Jinx bumped into someone else while she had been looking at the different kinds of fish and ended up on top of whoever she had bumped into.
"Hey! Watch where you are going you stupid… R..Raven? OH SHOOT IT'S YOU!!!" Jinx found herself sitting on top of Raven from the Teen Titans. It was then that she realized that Raven was the girl from her dream! "I..I mean…w...what are you doing here?!" Jinx was so stunned that she forgot to get off of Raven.
"Well I do eat, and I was buying some fish… could you get off of me now?" Raven managed to keep her composure even with Jinx sitting on top of her.
"Ah! Sorry about that!" Jinx all but jumped off of Raven. As an after thought she held out her hand to help Raven up. Raven accepted it while looking at Jinx queerly. Jinx decided that she had better get going because her heart had just jumped into her throat and she didn't think that she could even talk now. "Umm… I gotta go… See you later!" Jinx dashed away accidentally dropping her wallet onto Raven's dropped fish package.
"… See you later? Huh?" Raven just stared for a few seconds at where Jinx had disappeared around the corner. When she finally bent down to pick up her fish, she noticed the wallet. Raven was still in a daze and didn't realize that it was Jinx's until she opened it up and read the ID. "OH SHOOT! THIS IS JINX'S!!!". Raven looked down at it again and noticed that there was also an address on it. 'I guess that I will just have to take it back to her…' Raven thought with a sigh. 'Wow she is actually pretty cute in her picture… WAIT! What in the world?! Where did that come from?!' Raven shook her head and decided to return it after her grocery shopping.
Jinx had run all the way back to her apartment only to realize that she had dropped her wallet somewhere. "ARGH! CAN THIS DAY GET ANY WORSE!!!" Jinx yelled to no one in particular.
"Well that depends on what you would call worse." There was suddenly a man sitting in Jinx's windowsill. He flipped his hair back to reveal golden colored eyes. What was worse for Jinx was that he was smirking and that made Jinx uneasy.
"Hey! How did you get there, Rick?" Jinx was not very happy to see the stupid pervert that she had once worked with. Rick was not bad looking, but he was not good looking.
"Why so cold, hm? I thought that we were friends." Rick swung into her room and started to advance towards her with that smirk still plastered on his ugly face.
"Hah! Friends! As if I would ever be friends with you, you filthy pig! I only worked with you once and that was at least a year ago." Jinx could take this guy out without breaking a sweat from what she had last seen him do. "Maybe you should figure out that I was only there to get my money. I have no use for you so go away!" With that Jinx ran up to Rick and kicked him in the head so hard that he hit the wall straight on with his head. It looked like his neck was broken.
"That wasn't very nice… Maybe I should just repay you for that then huh?!" Rick's head snapped back up from its formerly broken-looking position to stare at Jinx.
"What the HECK?!" Jinx screamed while she made a dash for the door. Rick blocked her way though and kicked her across the room. As soon as she hit the wall, Rick was right there to pick her up by the neck and slam her back against the wall.
"I am not the same as before… Actually thanks to some pills I have been taking, I am stronger than ever. Hah! I bet that you wish that I wanted you back now huh?!" Rick was spitting onto Jinx's face the whole time, and Jinx was none to happy about that.
"Hah! As if…" Jinx choked out before being smashed back to the wall.
"Oh, you WILL regret THAT!!!" Rick screamed into her face.
"DON"T YOU TOUCH HER!" Raven came flying in through the window and punched Rick in the face while using her powers to make it stronger. Rick was thrown back into the other wall and fell through the door.
'Darn now I have to fix that later…' Jinx thought for only a second before realizing who had just helped her. "RAVEN!? What are you doing here?!"
Raven turned back to Jinx and smirked. "Just saving your butt and maybe a came back for something else too…" Jinx was shocked and had some not very clean thoughts that ran through her head at that moment. 'Geez, if I didn't know any better I would think that she was suggesting something… Oh man, stop with the images!'
That is the end of the first chapter. If you want more than it is easy to convince me, just leave a review and I will be happy to continue writing. Yup! So till then… Yeah XD