I use the term fag in this chapter. I mean no offense, I mean hello, my name is Lisa and I like girls (and boys). So don't anyone get any bright ideas saying I'm a homophobic freak here.

No that wasn't a sign of anything particular pack members referred to one another as family. Pack members. This new scent was once pack with his new found companions.

"Hello Brokk," Azrael said quietly, seemingly cowed just by the presence of this other wolf.

"Took seven years brother dear but we've finally found you and your bitch, Alrek will be most pleased."

Reid could all but feel his mate's snarl and the need to echo it but was quickly cut off by this new curiosity of a being that stood before him in the present that was from her past.

"But oh my, you seem to be missing a particular member, where is Nagi?" Brokk asked as he and two others stepped out into the light. Brokk made it quickly obvious that brother wasn't just a term of endearment, he and Azrael had many similar features marking them as literally related.

The pair behind him were just as obviously twins. Slight in build, sharp features, long hair tinged with red and a mischievous glint in their pale green eyes.

Silence was the Ipswich pack's response but the blond warlock could feel a weighted presence between his alpha and his mate.

"But then again you've recruited two more. Oh well more to kill, perhaps I shall take your heads back to Alpha, oh yes you haven't heard, Alrek rules now. Come now Az that must be appealing to a sell out whore like yourself."

"Alrek is a scavenger and you are no better," Azharan growled heatedly.

"Azharan," a new voice cut through the cool air, "That is no way to speak about your future mate."

"I have a mate Narg, you can't unbind us so this is pointless."

"An actual mate? What this little fag? Ha, please he is nothing."



Power thundered through Reid's body like vibrations. He knew his Covenant could feel his strength but wolves were oblivious, he often caught Az off gaurd and she was accustomed to his every movement.

Of course on the occasion she knew what he was doing even before the black submerged his blue eyes.

"Shit," she whispered a feral grin on her wild features.

The wave lurched forward striking the four rogue wolves back clearing a span in time for his pack to make their escape. Running wasn't exactly his first choice but confusion was riding high and he would prefer to know what was going on before getting all irrational.

'Huh, I really have grown up,' Reid pondered at the most inappropriate time as he and his pack leapt over the fallen forms. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Az blur for a moment, shifting and running was a talent she had, and a wolf burst forth from the fogged vision.

Good a plan as any. Reid jumped, ricocheted off a wall and twisted in the air, shifting in style landing on four padded paws and breaking out with a new speed.

They were a pack. They knew the movements. The movement to follow was to split. Split, regroup, split again and run till dawn.

As much as Reid loved running he couldn't help but be alarmed by the situation. If these wolves were related to his pack then why were they running? What were they running from?