Sasha swallowed hard. Her flaming red hair was straightened out, so it reached her chest by the ends. She wore a blue sapphire velvet gown that had thick straps at her shoulders but dipped low to her breast. The gown only reached down to about mid thigh and her chest jerked in the quick panicked breaths she was taking. Her vivid spring grass eyes were as wide as they could be, and showed her fear thickly. Her skin was pale and her hand slender and perfect. Her feet were bare, and neither her fingers nor toes held any nail polish.

She tried to ignore the feeling of the cold wood of the stage under her feet. She tried to ignore the red velvet curtain in front of her that was as large as castle doors. And she tried to ignore the fact that in a minuet the curtain would be pulled aside and she would be bared to the guests who watched her. But it wasn't having people watch her that bothered so much. It was the fact the people that watched her weren't people at all. They were vampires. And to them she was no more than a walking dinner.

She tried to push that thought from her panicked mind, for vampires loved the smell of fear, the look of it, and the last thing she wanted was to get them all excited. But when she tilted her head to the side, in her dancing pose, she was very aware that her pulse was pounding through the large vein in her neck. She quickly moved her hair to cover this, but of course, there was no having that.

Glit, the woman in control of everything, began to stomp towards Sasha. Stomp would be the only word for the way she walked, with her brown hair and eyes dark as chocolate. She was plump, and only a little shorter than Sasha's 5'8 foot height. Glit herself was not a vampire, but she did not care what happened to her girls. All of the girls, like Sasha, were nothing more than commoners. And commoners could be found anywhere. But Sasha had been born into this, for her mother was used as a breeder. She had known very little of her mother, only seeing her one of twice in her whole entire life time. Until she had died, a year ago.

Sasha's mother had seemed to accept that her fate was to live and die as a breeder, never to know what became of her children. And at the age of nineteen, Sasha had fourteen other siblings. And out of them all, she was the oldest, her two older sisters had died at the fangs of the vampires. As would soon be her fate, and her nine sisters, and her three brothers. For, Sasha's mother had been picked for the job when she was no more than ten. She was chosen for her beauty, and her strength. But the human body is only meant to have so many children, and her mother had died giving birth to Arlen, the one of many sisters and brothers she never got to see.

The humans who preformed and the humans who were bred were constantly injected with vampires blood. It kept you strong, made you more attractable to them and made your blood sweeter to them. But in Sasha's opinion, they did not care how sweet your blood was or how you looked. When they were hungry, they would take anyone. And here she was, doing the same dance her two older sister, Nikole and Asha, had done before her. She had done it so many times, and one of the times, she knew her death would come on swift wings.

Glit yanked Sasha's hair away from her throat so hard that she had to bite back a small cry of pain. Glitter Face, she sneered in her head. It was what all the girls called her behind her back. Or Glit, the death carrier. And the Glit was gone, leaving Sasha's smoother and flawless neck in plain view. Before the show, Glit had given her a shot of vampires blood, but not without a fight. If any of the vampires were to pull off her dress they would find marks of the needles all along her body. Vampires did not like their prey damaged, so the shots were done in placed out of plain sight. But no matter where they were done, it burns the skin and the veins it enters. But she had been getting these shots since she was a kid, being prepared for becoming fast food. And unlike most of the girls, she did not have to be restrained anymore, for the pain of entry of the blood makes you mad for a moment. Some girls were even addicted to the feeling, and Sasha saw them as sick fools. They were usually the girls who died first, offering themselves to be bitten, and even entering the vampires rooms . . .

The curtain was pulled away and for a moment she was paralyzed. It was usual though, and she eventually heard the music, felt the music through her body and began to move with it. And out of pure habit, she scanned the crowd for threats.

There were many male vampires in the house to night, and several females. The males came in all shapes, but all of them were built strong with muscle and extremely pale looking. But one male she noticed would be a threat above all the rest.

He was a male with light brown skin and algae green eyes. Her wore an expensive blue tux with a pocket watch in the front pocket. His shoes looked new and the shone in the dim lighting. She knew he would be a threat because of the dark look in his eyes as he watched her. But she knew better than to make eye contact. That was a mistake Nikole had made, and she had paid dearly for it. For, Sasha had watched her sister die, and no one had even flinched to try and help.

With the familiar rhythm that she moved and the feel of the music in her body, her fear melted away and she sank into her own world. Her movements were perfect, showing off how smooth and slender she was. This was intended, to try and urge any of the vampires to take her. For every girl that was fed off of, the vampires paid the host for the wonderful meal. And it brought joy to Glit's eyes.

She stuck her pose perfectly and on cue when the song ended. And there was the silent approval of the guests. But of course, Glit had something to say when the curtains shut.

"That was horrible! Could you be anymore off cue! I mean, God girl, what a disgrace! Seems you were the runt of your mothers litter." and that brought anger at the fact that her mother was spoke of as if no more than a dog. But Sasha did no dare speak a word, for it would only end badly if she did. "You are assigned table duty." and she left.

Some of the vampires did bring human companions, so some drinks or some food was ordered. And table duty put you amongst them, and it was the most dangerous job. But she could night fight it, and the anger still fresh in her veins, she stormed off stage to get the box to pick up the dishes and the pad to take orders. There was about four humans tonight, three males and female. The one female sat with the threatening vampire. Sasha bet she out lived her.

She walked silently, for she had learned how by watching the guests. No matter how much they moved, they never made any noise. She could now walk and run without making a sound. But other things was a another matter. And she walked up to the humans to take their orders and then disappeared into the kitchen to give Cook the orders.

Elli was on the stage now, a girl only two years younger than herself. And she was Sasha's sister. But her hair was died a light brown and her purple eyes were a defect of their mother being injected with too much vampire blood when giving birth. Elli was fragile, and Sasha watched out for her as much as possible. She wore a golden gown that was strapless, though she did not have much chest to hold it up like Sasha did. But Sasha felt a lump gather in her throat, as it always did when she was watching a girl dance and knew they could be on the menu when she just got lucky.

But one of human males orders came in so she took the drink and began weaving her way silently through the crowd. But when she passed the vampire with the female he grabbed her wrist and she froze. He glanced up at her and then placed her bamming pulse right under his nose.

"Mm, you have a beautiful smell, I wonder who your donor is." and then he let her go and she almost stumbled. Quickly, she placed the drink in front of the man just as a vampire in the front reached onto the stage and ripped Elli from it and slammed her down onto the table.

"No!" Sasha screamed and threw the drink she had just set down at the vampire. He jerked back and spun around to hiss at her. Elli scrambled up, holding together the top of her torn dress and ran for it. And then Sasha was grabbed and slammed onto the table of the human she was serving. And go figures, the same male vampire.

"You are a stupid girl aren't you . . ." her trailed off, his eyes admiring her. The female he was with was pouting at not getting the attention, and Sasha realized she would not be outliving that female anymore. But her sister was worth it. Her family was worth it. And in her panic, her watery eyes caught a male vampire sitting in the far corner. He had stood up in all of the commotion and she noticed his chest was bare and glorious. He had pure violet eyes, just like Elli. And she saw something she had never seen in a vampires eyes before. She saw sympathy, and she saw amazement.

"Hold her down." the male holding me instructed two more vampires and they took a hold of her arms. Then he slid down and began to slid up her gown to bare her inner thigh. She tried to hold back her tears, and she did not fight. She made this choice, she would see it through. And just when she felt his fangs against her skin, he was suddenly thrown across the room.

"Enough!" the purple eyed vampire yelled. The other two vampires stepped back and she sat up, noticing the straps on her dress were torn from being pulled back. And her arms were beginning to bruise from the strength they had used. She was breathing un-evenly, unable to believe what was occurring.

"What is the problem here!?" Glit's annoying voice shouted out, and she closed her eyes, a few tears sliding down her cheeks.

"I wish for this female to remain unharmed." the vampire spoke clearly, and it made Sasha want to cry that he did not know the rules.

"She is fair game unless you wish to buy her." and Sasha knew what would come next. She could already feel the pain of the fangs against her skin. But she was surprised by what was said next.

"Then how much do you want for her?" and she opened her eyes in surprise to look at him. But he was paying no attention to her, and any glance her gave her held no emotion. Apparently, he was only doing this for reasons of his own, not to save her.

"Come into the back with the girl, and we will discuss a price." and he reached out to give her arm the most gentle touch anyone had ever given her. Anyone, but her mother that last time she had seen her. And she followed, thinking being killed by this vampire would be better than staying here any day.