Who's ready for a NedxMoze fanfic that has some actual heart in it?

I think I am!

Well, for starters, I would like to say I don't own Ned's Declassified SSG, But I wish I owned Ned! He is so cute! Ahhhhh! Oh yeah, and just pretend they didn't get together after the field trip, matter of fact, forget that entire episode!

Let's get on with the story!

Ned walked into the halls of Polk High School with a big smile on his face. It was his first day of the 10th grade. He missed Cookie and Moze more then anything because he was at his uncle's apartment (A/N: I totally made that up) working on his uncle's new house. He had got some serious muscle from lifting all summer and what not.

He found his new locker, number 157. (A/N: hehe! That was mine last year!) He did his combo and opened the green door. As he was setting up his cork board with the little sticky note, he ran across a picture of Moze from the last day of 9th grade. She was sitting in the school courtyard in a very revealing blouse and a pair of light blue jeans.

"She's so beautiful," Ned whispered.

"Who?" A voice said from behind him.

He whirled around to see no one but the love of his life, Jennifer Mozely. (A/N: How do ya spell that?)

"Hey beautiful! I mean Moze…" he looked at his shoes and blushed. Why did he call her that? How embarrassing!

"Hey! How was your-r-r-r………!" She stopped talking to stare at his incredible chest. 'When did he get so sexy?' She thought.

Ned was getting uncomfortable under her stare.


"Ehh? Oh sorry! I was….ehh….zoning! Yeah….zoning,"


Ned was looking into her deep brown eyes. Today she was actually wearing a skirt! Oh god she was just great! 'I should just say it,'

"Uh, Jennifer?"

"Yea- did you just call me Jennifer?"

"Sorry, I just have something to tell you,"

"Ok, what?"


"Hey guys!"

It was Cookie, and at the most worst possible time to! He was looking good though. He got his glasses projector installed into the top of his glasses and looked quite sleek.

"Cookie!" Moze gave her longtime friend a hug.

"Hey, Cookie," Ned said in a dead beat voice.

"What's up with you? You sound all sad," Cookie looked his best friend up and down.

"Oh! I'm just tired! That's all!"

"Whoa! Dude, when did you get so ripped?"

"I was building my uncle's new house all summer," Ned said with a shrug.

"Uh! Now he's building stuff, with wood and everything! Ah! He is so HOT!" Moze thought, biting her lip.

A light moan escaped her lips and both boys looked at her

"Sorry, I forgot to breathe," She lied and then walked away.

'I wish I could hear that again from her in my room. No! What am I thinking? I'm not a freaky pervert!' Ned yelled at himself in his head, waved goodbye to Cookie, and then carried out the day.

Through his first four periods, he only thought of Moze. Then came lunch.


"Yeah Ned?"

"Never mind," He said, pinching himself for wimping out.

"Ok," Moze said, kind of sad he didn't want to tell her something.

'Come on! DO IT! You Chicken! How will she ever go out with you if she doesn't know?!?!?!?'

They went to sit down next to Cookie at the lunch table.

'Now or never!' Ned thought to himself.

He looked over to Moze and let out a breathe. She looked over.


"I love you!"

Hehe! Cliffy! Hoped ya liked it! Please Review:D