Yes, you all want to kill me. And I bet 10 bucks that I lost like all my readers. Whatever, I guess better late than never. I've just been so busy. I'm planning on seeing RENT one more time before it closes. I'm not upset it's closing. I mean I've seen it at the Nederlander with Adam and Anthony. And cause now I have a chance of being the revival Mimi. Muahahaha! TITTLE CHANGE! I hated the old title. I hope you all like the new one. (:

I got the new title from "Our Time Now" By Plain White Tee's. And the title of this chapter is a song by Paramore. (:

Disclaimerrrr: I own nothing. Except YOUR FACE!...jk.

Chapter 5: CrushCrushCrush

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

Ding! Ding! Ding!

"Thank god!" Mimi said to Maureen and Angel.

"Seriously, I thought I wasn't gonna make it!" Maureen placed her hand on her head.

"Don't be such a drama queen." Collins rolled his eyes playfully.

Maureen stuck her tongue out at him then walked over to Mark's desk. "Did you have a good first day?" She asked him.

"Eh, I've had better, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." He said picking up his binder.

"You gotta go to your locker?" She asked.

Mark nodded.

"Let's go!" Maureen yelled a little too loudly. She looked around the classroom. It was empty. "Those bitches ditched me!" she rolled her eyes and lead her and Mark to the sophomore hallway. When she spotted her friends she ran up to them and poked them each three times. "Thanks a lot for just leaving!"

"Chillax, Mau." Angel said opening his locker.

"Ang, didn't you say your locker was in the basement?" Maureen asked, confused.

"Yeah, it is...But Mimi said she would share her locker with me." He said with a smile.

"I wanna share a locker with you two!" Maureen whined.

"Maureen, your locker is like ten lockers down." Collins pointed out.

"So?" And with that said, Maureen stuffed some unwanted books in Mimi's locker.

"You're welcome!" Mimi said sarcastically.

Maureen smirked. "Okay so...Anyone staying after?"

"It's the first day of friggen school!" Collins said shutting his locker. "Why would anyone want to stay here any longer than we must?"

Maureen shrugged. "You never know..." she looked toward Roger who had just shut his locker. "Hey you, Rog, You staying after?"

Roger ignored her then walked down the hallway.

"Well...FINE!" Maureen yelled.

"That boy has got to get over it." Collins said.

"He will eventually." Angel added.

"I hope so..." Mimi said. "So, Angel, we walking?"

Angel nodded. "See you guys tomorrow!" he said.

"Bye!" Mimi waved.

"So Mark, where do you live?" Maureen asked.

"I live on Stillwater road." He said.

"That's on the way to my house! You wanna walk with me? I could fill you in on how things roll around here." She laughed.

"Sure, that'd be great." He said.

"Collins, you walking?" Maureen asked.

"Nah, I'm getting picked up." He said adjusting his backpack. "I'll catch up with you guys later."

"Bye" Maureen and Mark said in unison.

"A reminder to all students that sports tryouts is today and there is a chess club meeting in room 208." Said the lady over the loudspeaker.

"Let's get out of here." Maureen said, leading Mark out of the building.

Ha! The nerds and jocks have to stay after on the first day!

"So, was your first day okay?" Angel asked Mimi during their walk home.

"It was...Fantabulous!" Mimi sang.

"Where did you get that from?" Angel asked.

"My sister was watching this weird ass movie on TV last week, and it had this blonde nerdy looking guy, his name was Anthony...something...It was like the easiest name…Ra…whatever, I don't remember, anyway, he was singing this song when he was selling the house and it was pretty funny but I left the room when the song was done, so I don't know how the house selling turned out." Mimi explained.

"What was that movie called?" He questioned.

"I'm pretty sure it was Open House or something similar. You know my sister, always watching those crazy movies." She laughed.

"I should go rent it." Angel said with a laugh.

"Ha! I'll totally watch that one part with you!" She laughed harder. "I might even get that song on my iPod."

"I can just see you running down the halls and does it go again?"

"Fantabulous! Fantabulous! This house is near miraculous! A gloroific something, something fantaborificous! something, something emphasis! You're the first ones here, now there's a plus! The decision is quite obvious! This house is fantabulous!" Mimi sang quite loudly.

Angel burst out laughing. "Wow...that's all I have to say."

"So, how was your first day?" Mimi asked between giggles.

"Eh, it was okay. Nothing special." He said. "Say Meems...?"


"Would you ever stop being friends with me?"

Mimi looked at him funny. "What do you mean? You have been my best friend since like kindergarten."

"It's just that I think...Uh, it's nothing."

"What?" She wanted to know.

"Nothing. It's stupid." He wouldn't give in.

"Please, tell me!" She begged.

"Maybe later." He said.

Before she could protest further, they were in front of her house. "You win, but I'm holding you to that!" She said before running to her front door. "I'll be talking to you later Mr. Shunard!" She said with a smile before departing into her house.

How does one tell their best friend that they are gay?

"So, what was your old school like?" Maureen asked Mark on their walk home.

"It's actually really boring and not exciting at all." He replied.

"And this is?" She said gesturing the school that was far behind them.

"No...but, for me, it's something new." He smiled.

"Yeah, I love new things too...but I don't think I could ever leave this place." She said. "Especially my friends, we've been together since...a long time ago." She giggled. "Like kindergarten."

"I didn't want to leave my old town either, but I had no choice." He said. "So you and everyone else have been friends since kindergarten? I hate being the new kid."

"Why?" She questioned.

"Everyone's been friends for so long; it's hard to just get in with it...if that makes any sense." He chuckled.

"Well, it's not that hard, when you get used to the whole 'social system'." She said.

"Care to elaborate?" He said.

"Okay, I'm just gonna tell you the basics. Me, Meems, Ang, and Collins have been really good friends since elementary school. Roger too, but I like excluding him due to his nasty attitude towards everyone since that stupid break-up with April. Now April, she's one of the school 'druggies'. They are always high on something, even during school. Like last year I heard that April's friend, Randy came into junior prom completely baked and wasted...And that was the same night Allison Grey got in a fight with Nicole Algbert. Ha! I wish I was there to see it."

Upon hearing Allison's name Mark was intrigued to hear more about this so called fight. "What'd they fight about?" He asked.

"Uhh, I heard they were fighting over some senor and Allison got the punch bowl dumped on her! I would die to see that!" Maureen laughed.

"Is she really that bad?" Mark asked.

"Well, I barely know her, but to me she seems like a total snot. of those girls that thinks she's the center of the universe and everything revolves around her...But I heard she is kind of nice...But I also heard that she uses people. But hey, what do I know? I'm just the crazy kid in school that has a slight obsession with cows." She smiled.

Mark laughed. "Have you ever talked to her?" He asked.

"Talked to who?"

"Allison." He said.

"Why..." She paused. Then a light bulb turned on. "Oh Em Gee! You like her!"

"What? No..." He tried to cover up.

"You have a crush on the first day of school! That is so cute!" She giggled.

"I do not!" he defended.

"You have a crush! I knew something was up! I knew it, I knew it! I knew it!" She giggled more.

"Come on, I don't li-"

"Oh come on! Admit it!" She stared at him. That special kind of stare that only few people are born with. The kind of stare that can make the biggest liar tell the truth…in some cases. Well, Maureen had it. And Mark had to admit it.

He sighed. "Fine." He muttered.

"What was that?" She pretended she didn't hear it.

"I like her, okay?" He said. Maureen smiled triumphantly. "Happy now?" he joked.

"Yes, I'm very happy." She giggled.

Mark jokingly rolled his eyes. Then he looked up. "This is me." He said to the house in front of them.

"Woah…" Maureen stared at the house in awe. It was one of the houses that the super rich people lived in. It had a three-car garage, brick sides and prefect lawn with a white picket fence. "That's your house? Like seriously?"

"Yeah, why?"

"That house is absolutely amazing! I would probably get lost in there." She said with a small laugh.

"Well, I have never gotten lost in it; it's not even that big on the inside." He shrugged.

"Sure." She said. "Well, I better get home. My mom always makes cookies on Wednesdays." Maureen smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow in bio, Mark!"

Mark gave her a wave, and with that Maureen was already out of site. Mark turned around and entered his house.

"Hello?! Anyone home?!" He yelled.


Peace and quiet is a good thing when you got so much on your mind, a girl for example.

Again, I'm so sorry about not updating in so long. If you review it will make me very happy.

So hit that periwinkle button. And submit that review! Yeahhh. (: