Disclaimer: I don't own Storm Hawks, characters, show, & all. They are own by whoever owns them. I do, however, own a couple of characters.

"Kindred Spirits."
Chap. 02./Pt. 01. --
"Take Me There."
"You know, Trashla?! The Dark Ace seems to be after you for some reason. Do you know why?" Aerrow asked, only to elbowed by Junko & Piper.


"Show some respect?! Boys?!"

"I was just asking?!"

"I'm not sure, actually." the young gentrall sighed. "Even if I did, what would it matter!?"

"Everything the Dark Ace does is usually for a reason, Trashla."




"Come on, team?! We'd better hurry up so Radarr & Twilight don't go & eat Finn." Aerrow said as his teammates followed him, one by one. But Trashla stopped by a hand belonging to Junko.

"Hey Trashla?!"

"Yeah, Junko?!"

"You know, If there's ever anything you need to talk to me about, I'm open anytime."

"Thanks, Junko. That's means a lot."

"No, problem!"

'Maybe I should tell him the truth?!' Trashla thought to herself. 'No, I can't do that. If I tell that him I'm a princess, he...he wouldn't think of me as the same person; he treat me differently.'

"Uh, 'you O.K, Trashla?!"

"I'M FINE! YOU DON'T HAVE ACT LIKE I'M WEAK!" Trashla yelled as in to reply, only to clamp her mouth shut with her hands. "I shouldn't said that?! 'Shouldn't said that?!"

"I don't think you're weak." Junko said, putting a finger under Trashla's drooping chin, pulling it back up. "I worry about you, that's all."

"Yeah, yeah! That means you think I'm a helpless girl who can't take of herself."

"No, my mom used to tell me that just someone worries about you doesn't they think you're weak, but rather they lov-- I mean, care about you."

"Oh, really?!"

"Really, really."

"Thanks, Junko?!"

"No problem?!"

Much later.....
"Trashla?!" Piper said as she walked down the hallway of the Condor, as she was looking for something to do for her 'spring cleaning', & wandered into Trashla's room. "Whoa! & I thought Finn's room was a mess?!" as she was cleaning, she found some ballroom growns & jewelery & things -- things a mere servant would not have. "What is all this? & How Trashla get her hands on these things if she was just a servant?" & that's when Piper saw it! It was the Heartstone of King Fury I! "Oh my gosh! Trashla's.....the.....the Princess of the Wallops!"

"Oh, my?!" Trashla gasped as she rushed into the room. "Piper, it's not what you think?!"

"Why didn't you say you were a princess?"

"What are you doing in my room? Only Twilight's allowed in here!"

"Don't change the subject! I know the truth!"

"Fine, if you swear not to so much as breathe a syllable to anyone, I'll tell you.....I'll tell you everything."

"Very well, I'm listening?!"

"First of all, those stories I told you & Junko about my mom & Twilight the other day were true." Trashla began. "I ran away to protect my people.....from Master Cyclonis. If she gets a hold of the King Fury's Heartstone, not only would she have control over every territory that belongs to the Wallops, but she'll unstoppable."

"But why?!" Piper asked. "I mean, sure! It'll give control of the Wallops' homes, but how will that make her unstoppable?"

"It'll make her unstoppable because of the Stone's ability to heal the sick & wounded, even sometimes the dead back to life."


"Uh-huh, she's even captured my father." Trashla explained with a sigh. "Now, you know the turth....." she continued as she paniced & grabbed Piper by the shoulders. ".....But you can't tell anyone!" she exclaimed. "Not even Junko....." she then blushed. ".....Especially not Junko."

"O.K., I guess."

"You've gotta promise me."

"O.K., I promise."

"Swear it!"

"O.K., O.K., you win. I swear I won't tell a soul." Piper said in the most sincere way she knew of. "But I think you should."

"The others.....they just wouldn't understand."

Disclaimer: Sami-SDGForce here!! Gotcha u w/ a cliffhanger, heh?! Don't worry; u'll all find out what happens next soon.