Phantom64: Decided to do a parody of the Thief and the Cobbler. Loved that movie. Anyway here's the cast.
Tack the Cobbler: Sora from Kingdom Hearts.
The Thief: Eddy from Ed Edd and Eddy.
Princess Yumyum: Kairi from Kingdom Hearts
Zigzag: Jafar from Aladdin
King Nod: King Kai from Dragon Ball Z
Nanny: Suga Mamma from The Proud Family
King One Eye: Nightmare from Soul Caliber
Chief Roofless: Rock from Soul Caliber
Phido: Buzzie from The Jungle Book
One Eye's army: Archadian soldiers from Final Fantasy 12
Brigands: Beagle Boys from Duck Tails (minus Big Time Beagle)
Zigzag's henchmen: Pete from Disney and Kingdom Hearts, Gantu from Lilo and Stitch, Buggy the Clown from One Piece, and Big Time Beagle from Duck Tails
Extra added in characters
Skyler (me): Jafar's clumsy but good hearted apprentice in magic.
Priscilla(Amberwind993): A Princess with a lovely singing voice and Kairi's sister.
Auron from Final Fantasy 10: A mysterious warrior who acts as a father figure to Sora.
Edd(Double D) and Ed: Eddy's two partners in crime.
That's it for now. I'll be working on the first chapter!