Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon, nor do I own some of the characters in this fanfic. But, I do own other characters that you'll find in this fanfic.
"Pokémon Stories."
"How It All Begin:"
"With A Battle & A Rayquaza."
Chap. 05. –
"Lannessee Town, Checotah Island."
A month after the "Anne & Oakley" incident, we moved to a small city on an remote island. Not a bad place, but very good either. For instance, when this flower shop owner yelled at Mewtwo, he blew up her shop.

"Oh man, Mewtwo, this is very upseting?!" I growled at my own anger.

"(I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble ?!)"

"It's not you, Mewtwo?! You have every right to be angry about that. But that woman didn't have to sue?! What happened to her flower shop is my fault, if I had just warned her about your temper, &/or warned you not to break anything, none of that would have happened, you see?!"

"(No, I don't think so?!)"


Then I heard it: someone singing something very sad. "Do you heard that, Mewtwo? Or is it just me?!"

"(Yes, I hear it too. So, no, it isn't just you?!)"

I wanna be perfect, but I'm me
I wanna be flawless, but you see
Every little crack, every chip, every dent, every little mistake, yeah
I wanna be perfect, just like you, but there's only so much that a girl can do
When I look in the mirror, what I see makes sense to me, yeah
Perfectly, perfectly

"Come on Mewtwo, help me up here...wow!" O.K., so fell over a fence; but I couldn't help myself, whoever was singing seemed very sad.

"Oh, hi there; don't mind me; I was just...I shouldn't have done that!"

"That's O.K.; by the way, my name's Abby! & are you..."

"No biggy, my name's Amber."

Then Mewtwo came on over. "(Amber, there you are, thank goodness you aren't hurt!)" I looked him, from the he worried 'bout me it was hard to believe that about a year ago, he almost kill me. But almost doesn't get you ahead in life, it only gets you almost.

"Well of course I'm not hurt Mewtwo, don't be silly. Mewtwo, this is Abby, Abby, this is Mewtwo."

But when Abby looked Mewtwo, she screamed! "Aaaaahhhhh!!!!! Cat! Cat! Get it away! Get it away!" She suddenly backed away.

"What's the matter?" I asked her, of course, she'd surely never seen a Mewtwo before.

"I guess I should tell you..." She explained everything about herself, her fear of feline pokémon, her parents' divorce, even her pest of sister, Joey.

"& I thought I'd have it rough!"

"You don't know the half of it, because of some pokémon making a mess her shop, Mom's making such a fuss! I've seen Tyranintar sweeter then her!"

"Your Mom?! By any chance, is your mom named Delores Clarence?! & she wouldn't happen to own a flower shop!?"

"Yeah, it used to be Delores Souther, that is, when she still married to my dad. How'd you know?"

"Oh man?!" I said as I slapped a hand to my face. I then told her the truth, & to my surprise, she wasn't mad at either one of us. We all became friends that day. A week later, Abby's mother found out about that friendship, she wasn't too happy about it. But she got to it, soon or later?!

Anyway, with each passing day, I grew more & more comfortable...with this place, with...life. It was the same for Mewtwo! I'd never felt so good since my mom was alive?! I'd even found out what the pokémon that attacked Mewtwo all those months ago was: it was a Rayquaza! & to think, none of that stuff would had happened if it hadn't been for Rayquaza & the battle that it started?!

Disclaimer: Sami-SDGForce here!! Well, I've finished, haven't I now?! Don't worry ya'll, I'll let ya know what happens next real soon!! Just read the "The Other Mewtwo," to find out?! See ya later!!