Chapter One: 3 to 1

Uzumaki Arashi stood patiently as the Sandaime quietly organized the papers on his rather messy desk. He mumbled as he worked.

Arashi had been waiting patiently for well over two hours in the hall for his turn with the Sandaime. He was still grumpy about the manner of his awakening by the messenger bird. The blond had been standing for the last twenty minutes, staying silent until spoken to. Arashi found he was utterly bored. He cleared his throat to alert the Sandaime to his presence.

The man, fully aware of the other, glanced up.

"You wanted to see me Hokage-sama?" inquired the tired man.

"Yes, yes," the Sandaime said to himself. "Yes," he said, addressing Uzumaki, "As you know, being a jonin, it is a responsibility you have to take on three Academy graduates, deeming them genin or not, if they pass your test," he put some extra emphasis on your, "test."

Arashi, completely familiar with the system and its inner workings, nodded and gave a brief, "Hai, Hokage-sama."

"Well," the Sandaime continued, "it has come to my attention that a couple of genin and one chunin have had the misfortune of their sensei being called on for a … rather important mission." The man faltered.

Arashi, taking notice immediately of the man's discomfort quickly responded, "You mean the more permanent kind."

"Yes," he glanced downwards, "a more permanent kind. To get back on track, I want you to take over for him, and create a four man cell. Do you accept this task?"

Arashi didn't really need to think about it. It wasn't the kind of mission you could say no to. "Hai, Hokage-sama, I would be honoured," Arashi bowed deeply. "If I may ask… where are they currently situated?"

"They're waiting at training ground number…"

"Three?" Arashi questioned good humouredly.


"Hai," Arashi responded with a bow and proceeded to poof to where he was needed.

The Sandaime stared at where the jonin had previously been standing, "Yes," he whispered to himself, "he'll be a good one." He subconsciously began to chew his lips before returning his attention to war treaty.


"What do you think he'll look like?" one of the boys drawled.

"What do you mean 'he?' baka, it could be a woman!" hissed the lone female of the three.

The third member sighed. They were at it again. Every single day, it was inevitable. He wondered if they called each other to yell some more, it wouldn't surprise him. As it were, he was the only one to notice that a man had very casually walked up and was now staring with distaste at the fighting genin.

"Do they always fight like this?" he asked the masked genin. Chunin, he corrected, there was one chunin, and he was damn sure that it wasn't one of the other two. Arashi took in the supposed chunin's features, his gray hair, his impassive face, come to think of it, he reminded him of the White Fang… this must be his son then.

At the same time, the boy regarded this… man. He must be their new sensei. He looked familiar. He thought for a second. He looked like one of the jonin people thought were candidates to become the next Hokage. Using his knowledge on the matter, the boy quickly determined that he was then Uzumaki Arashi, being one of the two nins with blond hair in the running for Hokage, the other being female. Was he their new sensei?

"Hai, Uzumaki-sensei, they do fight all the time. You get used to it."

Arashi, not the least bit fazed, responded, "I bet they do...," he glanced at the masked boy, "Hatake Kakashi."

The two genin had by now stopped fighting and had realized that their team mate was talking to could very well be the new sensei the Hokage had told them about.

"Hey! You're late!" yelled the girl. Suddenly realizing she was making an extremely bad first impression quickly sucked up to the man with "Gomen! I'm Rin, and this is Uchiha Obito, who is-"

"-Right about our new sensei being a guy!" finished Obito, grinning widely.

Rin gave Obito a dark look, daring him to continue. He took the hint.

"Hi, I'm Arashi-sensei to you guys. I understand that I'm to give you a test to see whether or not you can become genin." Arashi said.

Rin looked confused. "But aren't we already genin, and Kakashi-kun is chunin… I mean," Rin stopped.

"I know, I know, but I've been appointed as your new sensei, therefore I get to decide if you're worthy to be a genin. If I don't think you are, you go back to the Academy for another year, just like the first time around with your old sensei. Kakashi, well he'll get demoted to genin if he doesn't pass." Arashi smiled. "So, I need you to skip breakfast tomorrow, otherwise you'll just throw up. What with the test I'm giving you. Meet back here at seven am." He turned, and began to walk away. He took one last glance back, saying, "We'll get to know each other better after you pass."

Poof. He was gone.

Arashi could hardly contain his laughter when he saw their faces from his tree, hidden from view. His stomach growled. It was Ichiraku time again.


They had passed, barely. Rin feeding Obito at Kakashi's command was all he needed. He honestly didn't expect them to get the bells. He personally thought team work was an important part of the shinobi lifestyle, and tested on that principle.

Three students to one teacher.

yay! first chappie is up!

Oh, I plan to make this a Yondy/Sakura. Not sure how, but it'll happen...