Heya, people, I'm twilight-crescent-moon, and an extremely new writer. This is my first ever fanfiction, so I apologize early for any poor writing. I know it's a lame intro, so don't just sit there and read it...read the story and remember to help me by reviewing!

Oh yea, and another thing:

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto T.T

"Tou-san, WATCH OUT!!!"

"I can't stop the car!"


3 hours later...

"Oh, look, Sasuke-chan, she's waking up!"

"I can see that, Mother…"

He didn't know why he decided to stay at the hospital with his mother to watch over this girl. Itachi was the one who accidentally forgot to watch for cars when he was speeding. 'Maybe it's because you never could resist Mother's eyes when she asks us to do something for her,' his inner voice answered. He was going to have to fix that….someday...


The girl's soft voice distracted him from his thoughts. Sasuke watched her with analyzing, onyx eyes.

Light, pink locks framed a gentle, porcelain face. He couldn't see much of her body, covered as it was by the hospital sheets. Her slim eyebrows were creased into a frown, apparently reliving a horrible incident. "Mother….don't leave me….." Her eyelids opened to reveal bright, emerald eyes. Strangely, he found them very attractive.

Without even knowing it, he asked, "Is that hair color natural?" 'Why the hell did you say that?!?!?!' Inner Sasuke screamed. He didn't know himself; it just came out.

All she did was stare at him, unable to understand what the guy with the magnetic eyes just said. When it finally hit her, she couldn't help it; the laughter bubbled out of her. She didn't notice when an older woman slapped the guy's hand very hard.

After a few moments, she finally managed to choke out, "Yea, of course it is!"

Sasuke was rubbing his stinging hand absently. "Huh?" He was so busy enjoying her musical laughter, he missed her answer.

She smiled and said, "Yes, my hair color is natural."

The lady seated in the chair at her bedside finally spoke up. "I am so sorry for my son's forwardness. He isn't always like this." She frowned at the Sasuke. "By the way, I'm Mikoto Uchiha, and this is my youngest son, Sasuke."

"Nice to meet you, Uchiha-san. My name is Sakura Haruno," she replied. She didn't know why she should trust these people, but her strong, and usually right, instinct told her to.

Mikoto smiled brightly. "Sakura! What a beautiful name! Hmm, Haruno...that sounds familiar... Anyways, tell me, Sakura-chan, where do you live?" Seeing the uncertainty in Sakura's eyes, she added hurriedly, "Your car is...not in working order. I wanted to drop you and your father off at your home."

Sasuke snorted. It was a wonder the girl and her father made it out of the wrecked car alive; the car was ruined beyond repair.

"Oh, about that. May I ask where my father is and what I am doing here?"

"You are currently in the Konoha Hospital. You and your father have been in car accident which was unfortunately caused by my oldest son, Itachi. He's in the room next door."

Sakura frowned. "Itachi-san?"

"Oh, no. Gomen, I meant your father, dear. Itachi is currently...indisposed. Now, back to the question. Where do you live?"

Sakura looked uncomfortable. "W-well, we were just driving back from the realtor's because Otou-san had to sell the house out of debt after Okaa-san's expensive funeral..."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Sakura-chan," Mikoto said comfortingly.

The door opened then, revealing a tall, serious-looking man. Mikoto rose from her chair with a smile on her face. "Fugaku-san! How is Sakura-chan's father?" To Sakura, she said, "Sakura-chan, this is my husband, Fugaku! He was keeping your father company."

Fugaku lifted an eyebrow. "You don't recognize the last name, Mikoto? Wasn't Haruno the name of the man that married your best friend?"

"Oh my gosh!! So that's where I heard it!!" Mikoto squealed, which was really unexpected from someone her age. "What did you come in here for? You should be taking care of Haruno-san!"

"About that," Fugaku looked uncomfortable.

"What is it, Uchiha-san?" Sakura asked. Though she hadn't known him long, she could tell that he was not one to normally act uncomfortable.

"Sakura, your father is dead."

A/N: Yay!! I finished the first chapter. Sorry the short length. My best friend (asianangelgirl READ HER STORY) kept nagging me to finish, so if I hadn't posted this I would've been dead. I'll try to post again as soon as possible. Anyhoo...review please!!