Imaginary Phantoms II: Attack of the Phantoms

Chapter 1: Conspirators Go to Work

It was just early in the afternoon and three bullies of the local Amity Park elementary school were quite upset they couldn't go and bother anybody. Ever since the rise of the stardom of Danny Phantom, kids everywhere have been creating imaginary versions of the town's ghost boy, thus, rendering any sort of bullying against them.

"I'm fed up with these clones of Danny Phantom ruining our chances at being big time bullies" said one of the kids.

"Yea" added the second one, "these Phantom clones even gave me a weggie I was planning to give to their creators."

"I know what you mean" said the third bully, "I too find it difficult to come up with some sort of strategy to out smart them. But everywhere we go, we three are always outmatched by those imaginary clones of Danny Phantom."

"So what do you propose to do?" asked the second one.

"Well, since these Danny Phantoms are just created by imagination, I say we create our own versions of this Danny Phantom to work and turn the other imaginary Phantoms against everybody else" replied the first bully.

"I like that idea quite a bit" said the third who couldn't of think about it for himself, "but just what sort of Danny Phantom should we each imagine?"

"How about one of them hooked on steroids like those wrestlers on television?" asked the first bully as suddenly a large black cloud behind him, "How about you two?"

"Mine is going to be the leader of the pack" replied the third as another large black cloud appeared behind him, "he'll have all the powers as the normal Danny Phantom, except he'll have red eyes instead of green, along with the white parts of his suit being red."

"Mine is just going to be like yours, except it's going to be a girl version of Danny Phantom" said the second.

"You're just doing that because you still have the hots for my sister do you?" asked the third bully.

"No I don't" protested the second bully as sweat ran down his forehead.

"You two knock it off" bellowed a deep voice.

Suddenly the two bullies looked toward the third one.

"I didn't say it, I swear" said the third bully.

"No, I did" said the first imaginary Danny Phantom the bullies had created who was quite muscular, "and I say you boys have done a bang up job in creating us."

"Yes" said a third voice as the leader of the pack of the three imaginary Danny Phantoms appeared, "you have done well in your creativity project."

"Just what are our orders for us to obey?" asked the female version of Danny Phantom.

"Cause as much trouble into convincing the other Danny Phantom imaginary clones to join your cause" replied the first bully as he gave an evil grin toward the three evil imaginary Phantoms then made an evil laugh as they sped off.

After school from Casper High, Danny was heading home with Sam and Tucker when suddenly the Fenton RV ran right up toward them.

"Get in quick kids" said Jack as he opened the door, "we got a Defcon One Level of infestation of out of control ghosts."

Jack immediately grabs the three right into the Fenton RV and with Maddie at the wheels speeds off into its destination.

"So what's this all about?" asked Danny to Jack.

"I'm glad you have asked" replied Jack as he turned on the television.

"Good afternoon" said the news reporter on the television news channel, "we're live with breaking news here at Amity Park. Imaginary versions of Danny Phantom have been running amuck throughout the city. We go live with a press conference with Mayor Masters."

The scene on the television then switches to the press conference of reporters outside the Mayor's Office, where Vlad Masters had just gone up on the podium.

"Mayor Masters" said one of the news reporters, "what do you propose to do in this crisis of imaginary versions of Danny Phantom running amuck?"

"I can assure all of you that everything is under control" replied Vlad, "I have the utmost confidence in one man to do the very job of catching these imaginary ghosts."

"And who just might that be?" asked another reporters.

Suddenly Danny and his friends realized they were heading straight for the press conference where Vlad and the reporters were located.

"Oh great, he's going to embarrass me on national television again" sighed Danny.

The Fenton RV then immediately stopped as the crowd of reporters got out of the way. Jack and Maddie then got out of the RV with their anti-ghost weapons readied.

"Don't worry, I Jack Fenton will be your man to catch all of these imaginary ghosts that are causing trouble here in Amity Park" said Jack.

"Mr. Mayor, are you that serious to have this so-called ghost hunter and his wife do the job?" asked a third reporter who was really a double-agent for the Guys in White as in another van not far from the press conference had members of the Guys in White secretly overhearing the conference.

"They can't be that serious to have someone like Jack Fenton hunt down these imaginary ghosts" said the head Guys in White operative.

"Yes I am" replied Vlad on the other end of the line of the double-agent, "I have known Jack and Maddie ever since I have gone to college with them, along with also getting to know the rest of the family."

"I again" said the first reporter then he turns to Jack Fenton, "Mr. Fenton, just how are you prepared to help Mayor Masters deal with the imaginary ghost problem?"

"Well" said Jack as he took out his large bazooka-like anti-ghost weapon, "I plan to use this baby on them, along with whenever those imaginary ghosties get weak, suck them into the Fenton Thermos."

Suddenly a strange 60ish-like bus appeared right next to the Fenton RV. As Danny and his two friends looked out through the window, they recognized it was the bus from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends where Frankie Foster was trying to get through the number of police officers that were there for security reasons.

"Can you please let me get through?" asked Frankie, "I need to speak to the mayor about this imaginary ghost problem."

"Sorry ma'am, no can do" said the head police officer.

"Uh, on the contrary" said Vlad as he noticed Frankie trying to get up to the podium, "I think I can pencil her and anyone else in that bus over there to step up to the plate."

"Please" said Frankie who ran through the crowd of reporters with the likes of Mac, Bloo, Wilt, Edwardo and Coco following close behind, and was quite out of breath, "you can't hurt these imaginary ghosts, they were created as imaginary friends by kids."

"But these so-called peaceful imaginary ghosts are running amuck here in Amity Park" protested Jack to Frankie, "it's my duty as this town's ghost hunter to go and apprehend them all."

"Tell you what" said Vlad as he turned to both of them, "I'll put both of you two on the same team. Therefore any imaginary ghosts Jack Fenton catches, he can just hand them over to you my dear."

"Sounds fair to me, just don't hurt them" said Frankie.

"Hey, these anti-ghost weapons are here to protect us" said Jack.

"Oh yea, if you believe these imaginary ghosts are such a harm to this town, why don't I see anyone of them attack us?" asked Frankie.

"I think make that oath of a man agree with me" replied a deep voice behind the crowd.

As the crowd turned around, they notice three strange imaginary ghosts, one was a large muscular ghost quite similar to Danny Phantom, the other ghost had red eyes and red color of where the white was on his suit, and the other imaginary ghost looked a lot like Danny's cloned cousin-Danielle.

"I got a real bad feeling about this" said Danny.