"A-Asch! Wha-" stuttered the boy. Asch inched closer and closer.

"Because I love you Luke"

And with that he closed the gap between them and kissed Luke.





Chapter III: Into the Deep Abyss

Luke was more than surprised when he felt the soft pair of lips gently massaging his own. He had expected to be hit, punched or to be blasphemed by his original until his little heart couldn't take it anymore and would crumble into little pieces. Even the idea of being castrated had wandered in his mind.

What he did not expect, however, was to be kissed. Kissing, like in rolling your lips against the other one's. And being touched, by Asch, his dear original. Touched on places that will make your mind go blank and moan for more.

Slowly recovering from the – very slight – shock, he finally relaxed in his original his arms and kissed him back, nipping and sucking on his lips, the tip of his tongue gently wandering outside his own mouth to ask permission to penetrate the moist cavern, which Asch willingly approved.

"Mmhm… A-Asch…" Luke groaned when Asch's hand wandered down his chest, resting it there, and gently caressing it. Asch realized he had wanted this, for such a long time, but it's only now with the boy before him that he'd became aware of this feeling.

He didn't want to hurt Luke anymore, or aimlessly wander around the world all by himself. Asch wanted to be with the replica.

"Heh, stupid dreck," he said in a low voice. Luke heard it though, and flinched. Had Asch tricked him? What a fool he was! To believe someone would actually love him. No one could love a replica.

Almost on the verge of tears, and just when he wanted to push Asch away, the ex-God General spoke again, softly.

"You have no idea what you do to me. I've always thought my purpose was to hate you—kill you. And actually, I strongly believed this. For many years I pushed my feelings to the deepest part of my existence, so I would never be distracted by emotions when I fought or killed. It made of me a great killing machine—but unhappy." His face showed sadness, and Luke couldn't help himself but feel guilty.

"I'm sorry. If I had never existed, you wouldn't be the person you are today. I ruined your life…" Luke did feel responsible. Who knows what a great and gentle person Asch would be, if he had never been there?

He felt a strong hand grabbing his chin, which made him look up—right in Asch's eyes.

"Dreck, what the hell are you saying? It wouldn't have changed anything. I'd still become a God General and kill. And you say you ruined my life… but actually, if you hadn't been there, I think I'd die miserable, only with hate in my heart." He now took Luke's face in both hands, and stared lovingly into those beautiful emerald eyes.

"You have no idea," Asch whispered, "how worried I was when I found you wounded in the woods. I thought I had lost you," his whisper ended in a cracked voice.

For the first time ever, and probably for the last time, Asch shed tears. He had been holding them in for such a long time it felt good to cry.

"Asch… even though you love me… and I love you… how can we ever be together?" it was horrible, because deep inside Luke knew they couldn't be in each other's company.

The ex-God General wiped his tears away and all seriousness came back, like he had never broken down. "Because I will make it so that we can be together, even if I have to kill anybody who stands in our way."

Luke blinked. It was astonishing how Asch had changed. He smiled. Maybe, maybe he was given a chance to be loved after all. Truly loved.

His hand moved to Asch, caressing his cheek and Luke smiled warmly. "So.. this means you won't be calling me dreck anymore?" he asked hopefully.

Asch cocked an eyebrow, and snorted. "You'll always be my little dreck, Luke. That won't change."

"Hmm, I think I can live with that." And just when he finished his sentence, Asch captured his lips a second time, wrapping his arms tightly around Luke.

Luke laughed into the kiss, and played with Asch's hair, moaning whenever the original bit lightly on his lip. It was strange, how the ex-God General could make him feel so good. And he knew he could even make him feel better.

Asch's hands trailed slowly but sensually from Luke's chest towards his pants. He grinned.

"Seems like you're really enjoying this, huh?" The replica looked with glazed eyes to him, but shortly grinned afterwards when his own hand stroked Asch's lower regions. "You could say the same for you, stupid."


The kissing became more heated; clothes got thrown on the side. When they were both naked, Asch took a second to enjoy the sight before him. Luke was blushing and panting, his body in a glorious state. Little sweat drops made their way down Luke's neck. How he lay there, so vulnerable and yet trusting Asch, it made the ex-God General feel like he wanted to own the boy for himself.

"You're beautiful… your skin is so soft, and your body is wonderful. Asch gave butterfly kisses on Luke's belly, all the time staring at the young man. He made his way up again, capturing Luke's mouth and slowly started working on Luke's flesh. It didn't take long before the boy came, but it didn't matter, as Asch was not done yet.

Using his spit, he lubricated his own flesh and parted the replica's legs.

"You ready?" he asked, although he couldn't wait much longer.

Luke just nodded, biting his lip for the pain that would surely come. With a deep sigh, Asch slowly and gently penetrated Luke. The replica groaned and clenched his fists against the ground.

"It… feels weird…" he said through gritted teeth.

"Does it hurt much?" Asch was trying not the hurt the boy, so once he was completely inside, he kissed Luke on the forehead.

"Do you want me to stop, Luke?" The boy shook his head. No, he didn't want to stop. For the first time in his life, someone truly loved him and he wouldn't ruin this moment. Their moment.

"No… don't stop!"

That was all it took for Asch to slowly start pushing in and out of Luke, both men moaning in pleasure. The heat of their bodies entwined, and it was like they were one person. Asch gave another thrust, panting heavily while Luke was moaning his name in pleasure.

At this sight, the pleasure in Asch's lower regions increased even more, and he knew he was about to come. Giving a few more hard thrusts, Luke was also going to come, and finally they both climaxed together.

With a heavy sigh, Asch fell down on Luke, both panting and gasping for air.

"It was… like we made…" started Luke, exhausted.

"A connection," finished Asch. And it did feel like they had made a connection. The ex-God General could feel it in his heart and soul.

"Yeah," a sigh escaped the replica's lips and he nudged Asch. The latter got off of him and instead laid down and wrapped his arms around Luke. The boy rested his head on the crimson-haired male, hearing the beating of his heart.

They fell asleep in each other's arms, believing that nothing could tear them apart.





A loud explosion woke them up. Asch, his instinct to immediately sense danger, was the first to stand up and dress. Something was wrong, terribly wrong.

"What's wrong?" Luke could see in Asch's behaviour something bad happened.

"I don't know, stay here. I'm going to take a look."

"But—" the replica protested, but was quickly being silenced by the original.

"Stay here!" And Asch rushed to the mouth of the cave. At first, he didn't see anything unusual, but then another loud sound of explosion and a big plume of smoke rose up in the sky.

Eldrant was under attack! Which meant they were going to come after the ex-God General too, whoever those people were.

"Damn it, just when everything was going well!" He rushed back inside the cave, ordering Luke to dress up. Luke didn't argue. There was danger and he could tell, his isofons started to act up.

Asch grabbed his weapon, "Luke, we need to get away from here before they find us." Without further ado, he quickly left the cave, Luke following in tow.

They started running as fast as they could. They didn't stop, not even when trackers had found them and started attacking. Asch got hit in the arm by trying to protect Luke from an incoming attack of a tracker.

Asch thrusted his sword into the tracker's chest. When the coast was clear, Asch turned around to check upon Luke. But the sight made him freeze in his steps. The boy was crouching, holding his head in both hands, panting heavily.

"Luke!" Asch hurried to his side. Everything was falling apart! It made him so mad, but he didn't know what he could do. In the distance, voices could be heard. They were quickly approaching, he had to do something!

"Luke, I'm sorry, this will hurt but I don't have a choice." He concentrated and started reaching out to Luke's mind. Once he made a connection, he started to focus his power and transfer it to Luke's body. The procession was rough, and Luke started screaming in pain. Even for Asch it hurt like hell, but anything to save the boy.

He broke the connection and fell on the ground.

It was a dangerous task, not to be repeated daily. It could endanger them both. The screams and yells from the trackers came closer. Asch lifted himself off the ground and took Luke by the elbow. He would have to carry him on the back; Luke had passed out.

"Hold on, Luke."

Hold on.

And he ran, as fast as possible, he ran. He would not get caught and he would definitely not let them take Luke away from him.

This pushed him further and further. He was running so fast he wasn't even paying attention to his surroundings anymore and saw too late the edge of a cliff.

He tried to stop, but it was no use. They fell, into the deep abyss before them. Asch tried to hold on onto Luke, but they were going so fast he lost his grip on Luke. The replica fell next to him, just not in reach for Asch to grab him except for his hand. The abyss got closer, and somehow, the ex-God General, knew that there was nothing more he could do, but close his eyes and hold onto Luke's hand.

They fell deeper and deeper, until they were gone.

It was a few years later, into unknown woods where no one ever set foot. The sun was shining brightly, and laughter could be heard coming from a wooden house. Someone rushed out of the house, the door slamming against the wood. The person was laughing loudly, chased by another person.

"Come here you! You'll regret this!"

"Catch me if you can, stupid!" the wind rushed into his red hair, emerald eyes sparkling with mischief. He didn't get far as the other person with crimson-red hair tackled him to the ground and grabbed his wrists so he couldn't escape.

"Dreck, that was a very daring prank, I hope you know what the consequences will be?" Although he tried to sound angry, he failed pretty badly when the boy underneath him pouted.

"Aww, Asch! I didn't mean it. You know I only do that because I love you."

Asch smiled, "Yeah, I know Luke, I know." He released his grip and stole a fast kiss from Luke, chuckling when Luke made a face. "Come on, let's get back home."

Luke got up and followed Asch back to their house, entwining their fingers. He smiled, humming softly. Asch looked sideways at his Luke, and also smiled gently.

They could finally be happy together.

The End


A/N: After a hiatus of 5 years, and a recent review for this story, I got fed up with my procrastinating. It was hard to write this last chapter. Simply because I didn't continue it for such a long time, so I had to re-read some things and do some research. Some things are not from the game, as I still haven't played it (can't, never got released in Europe), so I just did my best to keep it to the facts. Sorry if some things aren't accurate with the story.

Anyways, even after five years, I still hope you enjoyed this story, and the last chapter. I am now writing again, so check out my other stories! And please, don't forget to review! :)