Ok… this is my first (and hopefully last) attempt at making a lame crack fic. Sorry if anyone has done the same idea, I was too lazy to check…

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto… sadly I don't own this humor either, I copied it off a Simpson's episode xD How pathetic am I?

Team 7 sighed in annoyance; yet again they were made to wait for their abnormally late sensei. Every day it was the same, they were given a specific time to arrive at their usual gathering place and made to wait an extra 2-3 hours for, none other than, Kakashi Hatake. They were sure he had never once been on time, well except for—no… he was late then too… nope, never was he once on time.

Sakura grumbled and leaned backwards, over the silver railing on the opposite side of Naruto and Sasuke. Sasuke stayed his usual calm self; he disliked having to wait for their idiotic teacher but didn't make an actual fuss over it, like Naruto and Sakura always did. Naruto was content just to stare at the clouds at the moment, hoping he too would be carried away with the wind… (Sounds like Shikamaru, no?)

An hour passed and Naruto was beginning to get angry, he growled and leaned forwards on the railing, putting his elbow on it and resting his chin in his palm. He was to hot and bothered to complain today, the sun was scorching and burning his back. He took off his orange jacket and folded his arms over the railing, with his jacket safely nested in between his arms and his chest.

"Urgh! Where is he?!" Sakura pulled on her pink hair in frustration

"If we knew, do you think we'd be waiting here?" Naruto replied sarcastically but with a smile, as he no longer had a crush on Sakura

"Shut up Naruto!" She playfully hit him on the head, and huffed as she turned off to the side and crossed her arms in a minor tantrum

"Yo!" Sakura screamed at the sudden noise, but abruptly turned to face him and pointed an accusing finger at him

"Kakashi-sensei! Your late, again!" she growled and emphasized the word 'again'

"Well… you see… I was actually coming here early and saw a cat in a tree, and being the kind and loving person I am, I climbed up and saved it. Unfortunately… I'm just a teensy bit afraid of heights…" He squeezed his index finger and thumb together, when he said 'teensy'

"What kind of ninja is afraid of heights?" Sasuke interrupted sarcastically, Kakashi sent him a look but continued to speak

"Anyway… someone had to come and rescue me…" He finished and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment

"That… was… THE MOST LAMEST AND MOST LONG-WINDED EXCUSE I HAVE EVER HEARD!" Naruto yelled with Sakura alongside him

"I knew you wouldn't believe me!" Kakashi raided his pockets and dug out a neatly folded piece of paper "So I had them write me a note"

Sakura snatched the note from his hands and pressed it up against her nose, Sasuke and Naruto looked over her shoulders to read it also. Sakura read the note aloud "Dear Team 7. While we were busy rescuing your sensei, Ichiraku's burnt down…"

They were all left stunned; they all turned to Kakashi who had embarrassment printed all over his face. If looks could kill, Kakashi would have keeled over right on the spot, not even the infamous Uchiha glare could match up to the look Naruto was giving their sensei. Kakashi continued to rub the back of his head in embarrassment, "ah… ehehehe… sorry Naru--"

"Throats!!" Naruto tackled Kakashi to the ground and started to beat the living crap out of him

Saruka and Sasuke sweat dropped at the squabbling pair on the ground, Naruto was (strangely) getting the upper hand as he furiously scratched at Kakashi's clothed face. "Naruto please, can't we settle this over a nice bowl of ramen?"

"Idiot! It burnt down because of you!"

Ahaha… god I am so incredibly lame… I was just itching to do this though… waa… I suck :3