Disclaimer: J.K Rowlings owns Harry Potter and his gang of miscreants.

Chapter 10:

"You're ok!" Ron shouted as he ran over to them.

"You too. But how? What about Malfoy?"

"Luna did some crazy spell and it knocked him out cold. It was bloody brilliant," Ron said obviously impressed.

"But how did you get back in?" Hermione questioned.

"Dunno. After Malfoy was knocked out we tried to get back in and it wouldn't budge. Then we tried it again a few moments ago and it opened," Ron explained.

"It must be because Voldemort is gone," Hermione reasoned.

"He's. . . gone? Harry, you-" Ron began.

"Where is Cho?" Harry interrupted.

"Dunno. She came in with us."

Harry left the room to search for her. He found her right outside the door.

"I'm glad you're safe," Harry said.

"You're not hurt, are you?" they both asked at the same time and then smiled.

"We did it Cho. He's gone," Harry said excitedly.

"Harry that's. . ." Cho began, but couldn't even begin to explain so she hugged Harry tightly. He went to hug her back but she had already let go of him.

"Is something wrong?" he asked, noticing her quick release.

"We need to talk," she answered.

"About what?" Harry asked, his tone slightly worried.

"It's her, isn't it?" she finally said.

"What?" Harry didn't try to hide his confusion.

"She's the one who's always with us."

"I don't understand. Who?"

"You always took her with us; to the dance, to the hospital wing," Cho said, watching Harry's reaction carefully.

"I never brought anyone to the dance besides you."

"You didn't physically bring her, but she was always with you." Now she gave him a piercing stare as if she as trying to see into his mind.

"Who are you talking about?" he questioned, wondering why she was saying this.

"How long have you been in love with Hermione?" she asked sadly.

This time Harry didn't question her. He paused for a few seconds, deep in thought, and then he finally answered.

"I'm not sure. But I never knew until now. I never really let myself dwell on it. Please don't think that I didn't. . . that these 5 months haven't been amazing," he desperately tried to explain.

"I know, but she's always had your heart Harry. And you have hers. Even before you and I dated, I thought something was going on, maybe even since your fourth year. I guess Viktor and I were right about our jealousy."

"But how can you be so sure?"

Cho laughed. "I'm no Hermione, but I'm not stupid either. She feels the same way."

Harry paused and thought about Cho's words. "Cho, I think there is something you should know."

"I know, Harry."

"I don't think you do. You see, I uh. . . Hermione and I kissed," Harry said looking anywhere other than her face.

"I know," she said again.

"You knew? But how?"

"Please Harry, it was so easy to see that something had happened between you two," Cho answered, her voice devoid of anger, but full of sad understanding.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I just felt so horrible and didn't know how to tell you. I never wanted to hurt you," Harry said tentatively touching her arm.

"I think deep down I saw it coming, but I thought maybe I was wrong. I thought that maybe, just maybe, I could be the number one girl in your life." She gave a sad, ironic laugh. "The hardest part was watching you two fall in love, because deep down, I knew it was meant to be. I knew that you and I wouldn't last and it killed me. But I can't hold you back. I won't hold you back. It's unfair to all of us." A tear fell down her cheek.

"It hurts me too. I've liked your for so long and when I finally got my chance, I go and hurt you. Honestly I was worried about getting hurt. I never imagined that I would cause you pain. I can't say how sorry I am." He went to reach for her hand but then pulled back. "Can we still be friends?" he asked.

"Don't. You don't owe me that, and honestly, I wouldn't want that. Things are better this way. Harry, you're a great guy, and I'm glad that we had this time together, but you need to go to her, Harry. Get her before it's too late." Cho squeezed his hand and gave him a final kiss on the cheek before exiting the door.

Harry stared at the empty hall and then turned around and went back into the room.

"-so then I tackled Malfoy and broke his wand, and then Luna knocked him out," Ron embellished, and Hermione noticed that his story had already begun to change.

"Well done Ron," Hermione laughed, but she gave him a proud smile.

"Come on Ronald, let's get on the thestrals," Luna said. "I can't believe we didn't see any Phobicleastes." She sounded disappointed.

Hermione looked like it was taking all of her strength to not say anything, but her mouth remained closed and she even managed to put on a smile.

"Want us to wait on you?" Ron asked.

"No, go back to the castle. We'll be there shortly."

"Alright, see you there."

"They'd be proud, you know," Luna said, turning around suddenly.

"Huh? Who?" Harry asked.

"My mum, and your parents and godfather." Harry stared at her curiously and couldn't help but cheer up.

"Yeah, they would be." Harry smiled. She waved and then her and Ron left. "You ready?" he said to Hermione, and he offered her his hand.

"Now wait just a minute," a familiar voice said." Harry stepped in front of Hermione protectively.

They both sighed in relief as they saw Dumbledore approaching. "If I could have a word with you two," he said. "Just touch the frame, it's a portkey."

"Professor, couldn't you just apparate us?" Harry asked.

"Oh, this isn't really me. Well it is me, but it's a holographic image of me."

Harry looked at Hermione, shrugged, and walked over to the frame. They nodded to each other and grabbed the frame but nothing happened. They exchanged a confused look. Hermione started to walk away but Harry grabbed her shoulder to stop her.

"Maybe we should-" Harry began. All of a sudden the frame lit up and they started to spin. Harry let go of Hermione.

"Well that was weird." As suddenly as it had started, the portkey turned back to normal and they were back at the DoM.

"What is up with it? Why did it start and then stop?" Hermione asked.

"I think I understand," Harry said. "Grab onto me." Harry saw her blush slightly.

She paused but complied anyway and put her arms around him. "Ok so what was the point-" but she was cut off because Harry grabbed the portkey and they began spinning.

"How did you do that?" she asked while they were spinning.

"I'm not sure. Just don't let go of me or else we'll be back at the DoM," he explained.

As they began to spin faster Hermione's grip around him tightened, and Harry wrapped his arms around her protectively. They came to an abrupt stop and the force knocked them down. Harry pulled himself and Hermione up and looked around. They were in Dumbledore's office. They sat down in the chairs and waited for him. Soon he entered his office and smiled when he saw them.

"I see you figured out the portkey." He sounded amused.

"Yes sir, but what was with it?"

"Old magic, Harry." They gave him a questioning look and he continued. "Much like the flamencia potion that you worked with, that portkey would only work if the users were on the same wavelength. When you tried the first time nothing happened because it didn't sense a connection. However, when you two touched each other, it registered the wavelength." They looked at each other and then quickly looked away. Both then wondered how Dumbledore knew what had happened.

"I have a couple of questions, professor," Hermione stated.

"I figured as much, Ms. Granger," Dumbledore smiled.

"First of all, how did Mr. Malfoy open the door. We tried it and it was locked, and we couldn't open it with any spells."

"A good question, as expected. As I am not up to date on all the details, I can only offer you my theory. That is the door to the room of love." Harry and Hermione nodded. "How do you open the door to a room to love other than by love?"

"I still don't understand." Hermione looked confused.

"In order to open the door, love had to be present. Did Lucius just open the door?"

"No. he said he needed me. He pointed his wand at Cho and I stepped in front of her but instead of hexing me, he tried the handle. It didn't budge though," Harry explained.

"Then he looked at me and said, 'No, it can't be, and then he pointed his wand at me. Ron stepped in front of me and Malfoy looked annoyed," Hermione continued.

"Did he try the handle?" Dumbledore inquired.

"No," they said together.

"Then Malfoy pointed his wand at me and shot an Expelliarmus at me, but Hermione pulled me to the ground. Then Malfoy tried the door again and it opened." Dumbledore raised his eyebrow in thought but didn't say anything. "So how did he open it?"

"It's just as I said before. In order for Lucius to open the door, love had to be present.

"But why didn't it open when we tried it?" Hermione questioned.

"Who tried the door?"

"Cho and Ron. But don't their parents love them? Should they have been able to open it?"

"A good point Ms. Granger, but it is another love. A love different than that between parents and children.

"Professor, while we were in the room, Voldemort destroyed the walls and a pain shot through my chest. It felt like my heart was burning. What was it?" Harry asked.

"The room contains every love anyone has ever known, every love that has ever existed. If you have loved or been loved by another, you will be hurt should damage come to that room. A blow to the room is metaphorically a blow to the heart. But in order to be hurt, you must acknowledge that. It's not necessarily a conscious choice to acknowledge that love, but one that your heart makes on its own."

"When Ron, Luna, and Cho tried to take me out of the room, I wasn't able to leave," Hermione said. "It was like there was a barrier I couldn't pass through."

"The room binds certain people to that room. Those who have loved and have been loved in return are stuck there until the spell is broken."

"Spell?" they both asked.

"They must, in some way, convince the room that there is a love connection. The room must recognize the love as pure. Now I'm sure you are both still confused by what I have told you, but think about all I have said and I'm sure you'll realize a couple different things. And now I must consult the ministry about the defeat of Voldemort. You two were very brave and will be generously rewarded. You have no idea how proud I am of you both." Dumbledore said, placing a hand on both of their shoulders. He then gave them a smile and left them alone.

"So what are you going to do now that Voldemort's gone?" Hermione asked.

"I guess finish school and become and Auror. To be honest, I never really thought I'd beat him," Harry admitted softly.

"So I guess you'll finally have a normal life."

Harry gave a quick laugh. "I wish. I can't even begin to imagine what I'll have to deal with now. The attention was bad enough before Voldemort's defeat." Hermione gave him a sympathetic smile.

"But what I don't understand," Hermione began, "is how you put up the barrier again. You didn't even know you took it down, but Voldemort said you put it back up."

Harry considered for a moment. "Well, Dumbledore said that it started when my mum died. Her love created a barrier that protected me. As long as I went to the Dursley's every year until I turned 17, I would still be protected. But when Sirius came, he provided the protection and I accepted it from him. Then when he d-died I refused the protection from my aunt. So in order to be protected again I had to receive love from some one. Cho. But because I didn't acknowledge that love, the barrier was weak, too weak."

"So, when did it get restored and how?"

"The night of the ball. Today." He paused and Hermione looked at him, their eyes locking. "After we kissed, I felt something. I guess it was the barrier. You reformed it. But what I don't get is why then? Why not the first time we kissed?"

"Because. . . because that's when I realized that I loved you," Hermione said softly, but Harry heard every word. "But the barrier still would have been weak," she finished, trying to cover up her admission.

"It was, but when you saved me and I hugged you, I guess it realized the connection."

"Smart barrier," she said with a small smile.

"But. . . you love me?" he asked uncertain.

She stared at the ground but Harry grabbed her chin gently and made her look at him.

"With all my heart. It's always been you," she answered truthfully, her brown eyes full of love. Harry smiled widely and leaned in and kissed her. She started to kiss him back but then pulled away.

"Harry I love you, and that's why I have to stop. As much as it hurts, you're with Cho and I refuse to come between you two. I told myself that your happiness is all that matters. And it is."

"But in the end you did," Harry said softly.

"But I don't-" she said, her confusion evident.


"No Harry, listen. Cho loves you-"

"Hermione," he tried again.

"And she deserves you."

"Hermione," he said a little more forcefully.

"What?" she finally said.

"We broke up."

"You did? When? But I thought-"

"Hermione, will you please just shut up," Harry said gently.

"She knew about the kiss, didn't she? I'm so sor-" she said, but was cut off because Harry pressed his lips to hers. The familiar sensations shot through them. Harry opened his eyes slightly and looked at the beautiful girl in front of him. Never in his life did he expect to be loved by anyone. Never in his life did he expect to fall for anyone, least of all his best friend. But as he stared at her, he knew that this was his true reward. This was why he defeated Voldemort. This was the life he was meant to have, the love he was meant to feel. He closed his eyes and deepened the kiss, tangling his fingers in her soft curls.

They pulled apart and he stared at her, his heart pounding. As he continued to look at her, his mouth went slightly dry. He summoned up all his courage, hoping that the Sorting Hat really was right to put him in Gryffindor, as he opened his mouth and dove head first into the unknown.

"I love you Hermione," he said, still in awe that he could feel so much for one single person. She inhaled sharply at his words and stared at him. Then she put her hands in his hair and crashed his lips to hers.

"I love you so so much," Hermione said in between kisses.

"I never would have thought that I'd have more than friendly feelings for you, let alone fall for you," Harry admitted.

"I never would have thought you would either. Of all the girls, I never expected it to be me."

"But it is you. Somehow you've captured my heart." Harry smiled lovingly at her.

"You'll never know how often I wished that I was Cho, that it was me you looked at during the Yule Ball, or that it was me you wanted to be with. And you never how often I wished it was my hand you held, and me you kissed, that it would be me you were waiting for at the ball."

"But you were." Hermione gave him a questioning look. "On the train I had a dream, or a vision I guess, of the ball. I was waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Suddenly, a woman wearing a pink dress came down. I couldn't make out her face, all I could see was her hair, but somehow I knew that she was beautiful. I danced with her and I could make out her brown, curly hair. Your hair. Then I woke up and saw you and realized it was you I dreamt about." Harry kissed her on the cheek.

"I guess dreams do come true," Hermione said with a soft laugh, happier than she'd ever been.

"They sure do. You are so beautiful." Harry kissed her again, his lips memorizing hers, their tongues dancing in a timeless manner to an endless song. They broke apart and Harry gave her another peck on her lips. "I love you."

"I love you too, and I'll never get tired of hearing you say it." She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of Dumbledore's office and into the common room. Or at least, they meant to make it there, but many stops were made along the way as gravity brought their lips together time and time again.


A/N: Well that's my story. I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it. I just want to give a huge thanks to my reviewers for all the kind things said. I started to reply to the reviews, but then I thought it would be better just to thank them in my story. I'm working on my 3rd story, but with school starting up, I don't know how fast it will come along. I don't like to post stories until after I finished them so I it will probably be a while. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter. I hope it wasn't too cheesey, or to bland for your taste.