Title: Turn On
Drabble: #9
TK's prompt: Nipple
Randomly selected pairing: Yakeru
Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon.
Notes: Yes, I know it's incest. No, I don't care. I'll be damned if I leave out any Adventure pairings on the basis that they're incestuous.

Yamato had always been a bit on the weird side; it's hard for forget his bizarre childhood haircut. To this day, Takeru can't for the life of him figure out what compelled his brother to style his hair like that. Everybody else always thought it looked funny, although Taichi was the only one who had the nerve to openly make fun of it. It was a relief to everyone when he changed the way he styled it because it erased the underlying guilt that they felt whenever they spoke to him and thought it looked stupid.

This, however, has got to be the strangest thing yet.

Yamato came home from a three month tour; yes, that was normal. Yamato usually comes home after tours. He was greeted by Takeru with an eager, sloppy kiss. This is normal too; Takeru misses Yamato so much while he's away, he doesn't think about controlling himself when his brother gets back. Taking the fact that it's summer into account, Takeru doesn't think it's strange when Yamato takes off his shirt either.

But a nipple piercing? When did that happen?

Yamato smirks at Takeru's shocked expression, knowing exactly what's caused it. He looks downwards, the smirk still in place, and tweaks the silver ring with his forefinger.

Takeru's eyes ask all the questions.

He got it done a couple of days into the tour, Yamato answers. He got it done on a whim, and a good thing too; it looks cool, doesn't it? He didn't tell him because he wanted it to be a surprise when he returned and yes, it hurt at first, but it's healed now so it doesn't. He tweaks it again to prove his point.

When his younger brother's expression remains the same and he doesn't say a word, Yamato pretends to be hurt.

Then the smirk comes back and Yamato knows what the answer will be when he asks his brother if it turns him on.

Takeru blushes.