A/N: Hey everyone! This is the final chapter! It's a bit longer than the other chapters. I hope you really enjoyed the story and this chapter. It took a long time to finally complete the story and I'm finally happy that I was able to do it! Thanks to those who have motivated me to continue because without you I don't think I'd be able to continue at all. And I would like to give a special thanks to Kianna, my friend from the forums who was kind enough to pre-read the last two chapters. Thank you so much my love! You are the best. I hope to create more stories that you will all enjoy soon. I'm going to try to not take so long to complete like I did this one. lol. Don't you hate when you read a story and there's no more chapters left to read and you wonder what will happen next? Yeah, I hate that too and I didn't want that to happen to this story or any of my future stories. lol That's why I pre-wrote most of the chapters to PLL so that I could update faster and complete it faster. Anyways thank you all for the kind of words every has given me throughout the story. They mean a lot. And thank you for reading my story! I am certainly blessed to have such amazing readers! :) You give me inspiration

lots of love


Chapter 31.

"You ready?" my mother asked as she looked over her shoulder to look at me.

I nodded and glanced outside my window to see the high school – the place where I grew up, where I met Nathan, where I cut class, where I punched Matthew in the balls, and where I made my first step out of my comfort zone.

"More than ever," I answered.

My mother turned back around as my father found a parking spot in the crowded area. There were so many people here. I was kind of nervous because I was chosen to make the speech for our whole class. Despite all the mess I created in the past several months, I was still the valedictorian. Just because you fall in love with a rebel doesn't mean that will change your whole high school career. I still managed, just like Bailey Higgins said.

I remembered the moment I told my parents about my decision about Yale. I told them that I visited THU to see how legit it was for me. At first, they didn't like the idea of me spending their money to stay at a local university, but once I told them that I was going to Yale, they were thrilled. The only part they were kind of skeptical about was the fact that I'd probably change my mind. I told them that if I didn't like it at Yale, I'll return to Tree Hill and go to THU. But that's only if I didn't like it in Connecticut. I even crossed my fingers, hoping that they'll support the idea. It took them a while to answer, but they finally agreed. I thought it was a pretty fair game. I won't have any regrets. And I was happy that my parents finally gathered enough strength to believe in me and trust my wishes.

As my parents made their way into the auditorium, I walked into the back room where the rest of my class was waiting and getting ready. I had my robe and hat over my arm when I searched through the crowd for my walking partner. Brooke said she was going to be here earlier to meet me at the doors, but somehow she was nowhere in sight.

I pushed through many people to get to the bathroom, and I was surprised to see what I saw at the corner of my eye.

"Brooke?" I questioned as I found her making out with the last person I thought I'd ever see her with.

Brooke quickly pulled apart from Matthew and wiped her lips with the back of her hand.

"Hey Hales!" she greeted nervously.

"What the hell is going on here?" I asked as I tried to hold back my grin. She glared at me and quickly grabbed my hand to walk away from the corner where Matthew was stood.

"You didn't see anything!" she stated.

Her grip on my arm was so strong, I wanted to cry. And she was walking pretty fast too, like she was trying to escape. I would be too if I were her. I never thought I'd see them lip locking like that in my life especially on graduation day. I guess the hate they had for each other was pure passion rather than pure dislike.

We stopped right in front of the girl's bathroom when I decided to peel her black polished nails from my arm.

"I better hope you don't hold on to me this way when we walk to our seats," I stated, wincing at the marks she left on my skin.

"Sorry," she groaned.

I rubbed my fingers over the redness and then glanced at her. "How did that happen anyways?"

"I don't know!" she snapped.

"Really, Brooke? You don't know how your lips attached itself to Matthew's lips?" I raised an eyebrow at her as he decided to put my gown on to cover the marks she made.

She groaned and wiped the corner of her mouth to see if her lipstick smudged off her lips. "We were arguing about something again because he was being an ass and I guess it just got heated up and we pounced on each other," she stated.

I chuckled. I couldn't imagine something like that happening between them at all. The tension was too strong. Oh gosh. I knew Brooke hated Matthew but for what reason? The fact that he liked me or because he was just not her type? Who knows? What ever happened, I'm pretty happy about it. I no longer have Matthew trying butt into my relationship with Nathan anymore. Phew!

"Heated," I repeated with a smile.

She quickly hit me across the arm. "Shut up!"

"Ow!" I yelped. "Are you trying to kill me before I graduate? I'd like to be alive by the end of today, thank you!"

"I don't know what happened!"

"Are you two going two going make out some more after the ceremony?" I joked.

"I was lost in the moment."

"Right. You like him."

"No!" she snapped.

"You do! You wouldn't have made out with him if you didn't like him. You're not even drunk."

Her eyes widened and she quickly turned around to push her way towards the bathroom.

"YOU LIKE HIM!" I sang as I followed her inside.

"Mommy, do I look pretty?" Sammy asked as she stepped outside of the car.

Deb climbed out in a pair of gray skirt and a fancy blue blouse and glanced at her darling daughter. Sammy twirled around lightly as she held both sides of her pink dress.

"You don't look pretty, you look beautiful!" Deb complimented as she leaned over to tuck a lock of her curly hair.

"I thought I was beautiful, mom," Nathan joked as he walked around the car wearing a nice button up shirt and a pair of black slacks.

Deb glanced at her well-dressed son and glared at him.

"You're a boy. You can't be beautiful!" Sammy stated.

They both chuckled.

"Since I can't be a beautiful boy, what am I?" Nathan asked.

"Hmm," Sammy thought as she observed her big brother. "You're a handsome man," she stated.

Nathan slowly grinned at the word man.

"She's right, you know," Deb stated as she walked up to him and adjusted his black tie. "You're a very handsome man. I never thought I'd ever see this day come. My little trouble maker has grown up." He could see her eyes filling with tears as she finished fixing his collar.

"Mom," he began. "It's okay, don't cry."

"Can you stay in high school for four more years?" she begged.

He smiled. "That's not going to happen," he stated.

"A mom can wish, right?"

He nodded. "You guys better get inside before everyone gets the best seats," he ordered.

Deb wiped her eyes and quickly grabbed Sammy's hand. "We're going to scream for you when they call out your name, okay?"

"It better be really loud," he suggested.

"Yes master!" Sammy saluted.

He chuckled as he watched them leave to walk inside the auditorium. As soon as they disappeared he walked into the building where most of the students were going.

It took about thirty minutes until the ceremony final began. Brooke and I held hands tightly as we waited for our turn to walk inside the auditorium. Nathan was right behind us. He walked with some guy I never really got acquainted with. I don't think Nathan really knew him either but it's because Nathan didn't really socialize with many of the guys of the school. He was an outsider, and I didn't mind that at all.

Brooke and I flashed our pearly whites at the crowd when he saw our parents. My mother was going crazy with the pictures, I thought I was about to go blind from all the flashes. Then we both waved at the camera man who was video taping the whole ceremony.

Once we were all seated, the principal and vice principal said their speeches – stating how much we've grown in the past four years, experiencing new things and learning new lessons. And then once they were done, my name was called up for the class speech. I felt myself shaking from the nervousness. I didn't think I could ever be this nervous in my life. It was probably scarier than running from the cops with Nathan. Public speaking was not my forte.

I glanced at Nathan the minute I stepped on stage. He was moving his lips as if he was chanting magical words to me. I couldn't figure it out because I was quivering, but I figured it was supportive words to help me calm down.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked down at the paper on the podium filled with semi-inspiring words for my high school class. I drew out a deep breath and looked up, observing the crowded auditorium of all of my peers that have looked up to me before I met Nathan and all the peers who have dissed me for being with Nathan. I saw many people who panicked because of my behavior and my relation with Nathan. I still remember all the stares they gave me when I walked down the halls or around the neighborhood and all the gossip that have been spread around town. Before, that would've bothered me, but now I realized that I had someone that made me happy. It shouldn't matter if everyone didn't like him or liked our situation; it wasn't their problem. My love for Nathan wasn't harming their lives. If it was, then I'm sorry. That's their fault, not mine.

I cleared my throat and glanced at Nathan one last time. I grinned when I saw his blue eyes sparkle from the light that was beaming from the windows. And so I began.

"Families, friends and this year's graduation class . . . , "I began and bit my lip as I glanced at my paper. "We finally made it to the end of our high school career. We can now reminisce about all the lessons we've learned in the class rooms, the memories we developed in the cafeteria and in the quad. But we're not done yet. We're not done reminiscing or done making memories. We're just starting.

In the past several months I have faced more than I've asked for. It's funny because I was the golden child of this town – safe, intelligent, and responsible. I know it was surprising for all of you to see me jump out of my comfort zone to experience something different from what I'm used to. But to me, making that change has helped prepare myself for the real world. Although, I haven't completely entered that world yet, I've experienced failure, hypocrisy, cruelty, and many other troubles.

But in those moments, I was able to look at myself in the mirror and remember that I am strong, I am intelligent, I am passionate, I am courageous, I am independent, I am beautiful, and I am human. I didn't let the sound of other people's opinions drown out the voice and determination inside of me. We will face many obstacles after we leave this room and enter that world of money and selfishness. But if we can look inside ourselves and believe that there is more to life than status, we will find our happiness. We should remember to think of ourselves. It sounds foolish and wrong to say that, but our happiness is what helps us get through the day.

Our journey isn't over yet. We have so much more to experience. So fight your way to fulfill that void in your heart. Follow the path that you feel is the right one to walk on. And remember that you are allowed to be foolish, a little selfish, a little rebellious and always courageous."

Once I finished the last words of my speech, I heard a roar of claps from around me. Slowly, everyone stood up applauding me for my speech. I could feel my cheeks warming up from the happiness that I felt inside. I glanced at my parents in the audience and noticed a few tears on my mother's cheeks. Then I glanced at Brooke who was hollering at me and waving her hand above her head. I looked over at Matthew who was clapping for me and smiling at me not as an admirer but a supporter. And lastly, I moved my eyes to Nathan – the man who changed my life for the better. I almost felt like I was falling in love with him all over again. He was my inspiration, my life, and my future. Just watching this whole auditorium applauding me made me feel proud of myself to be able to speak about my experience to the crowd who didn't really believe in me. But now, I could see that they finally understood or I at least hoped they did.

Seven Months Later

It was Christmas time and I finally finished my first semester at Yale. Although it was the hardest semester ever because I was away from Nathan, I actually enjoyed my time and experience on campus. I met the most amazing people I've ever met in my life. But I missed the people back in Tree Hill more.

I reached over to turn on my radio because I was tired of the silence. I've been driving for eleven hours and it's been a tough drive since its winter time. Snow and icy roads are the worst. I would've thought about flying, but I wanted to drive.

". . . and that was Rudolph the red nose reindeer," the dj stated as I finally past the sign that said "Welcome to Tree Hill."

My windshield wipers were on because of the light rain and I stopped at the stop light as I continued to listen to the radio.

"Let's continue with our holiday love stories. We have a caller named Wanda on the line – hey Wanda! Tell us your special holiday love story."

"Hi! I'm a sixty five year old woman who's been married to a stubborn man for forty years," she began.

I laughed. "Wow, forty years! Congratulations," the dj replied.

I smiled at the thought of the old woman and her husband sitting in front of a fireplace holding hands. The red light turned green and I headed towards my neighborhood.

"Yeah, it's been an experience. I'll tell you that," she laughed. "My holiday story is about the day my husband proposed to me. We were twenty four years old and we were pretty rebellious at the time. I was still living with my parents and one night he threw rocks at my window. He wanted me to sneak out with him to go get a cup of hot chocolate at the nearby coffee parlor. I told him that I didn't want to go, but he said it was important. So I gave in and decided to go anyways. He wore this thick green scarf around his neck, so when we arrived at the parlor, he asked me to unwrap it for him. Once I finished unraveling the scar from around his neck, I noticed that he was wearing a necklace with a diamond ring hanging on it. I looked at it and thought it was pretty. I thought it was his until he asked me if I wanted it. I was shocked at first, but then I finally answered him and said yes."

"Wow, that's really romantic. Hiding an engagement ring underneath his scarf. That's clever!" the dj stated.

"Really clever," I smiled as I drove past the ice cream shop that Nathan and I ate at after I almost got myself ran over while chasing after that boy.

"I thought it was too," Wanda stated. "So if you could, can you play me a Christmas song for me and my husband?"

"Of course, Wanda. This is for forty years of marital bliss to you and your clever husband."

And so All I Want For Christmas by Mariah Carey started playing on my radio. Oh the joy of wonderful Christmas music. I'd probably play Christmas music during the summer just so I could put a smile on my face.

As I past the police department, I was hoping to see Nathan walk out but there was no sight of him anywhere. When I turned the corner, I found Brooke carrying two huge bags on her arms. I smiled at the sight, not totally surprised to see her with shopping bags and beeped my car at her. She jumped, startled by the sound, and almost tripped over her boots.

I laughed to myself and drove close to her, rolling down my windows in the process.

"Hey there, Missy. Do you know where I could find my best friend, Brooke Davis?" I asked in a southern accent.

Brooke's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "OH MY GOSH! YOU LITTLE WHORE! You never told me you were coming into town today!" she exclaimed, quickly making her way around my car. I climbed out and embraced my beautiful best friend in the tightest hug possible.

"Look at you!" she stated, glancing at my outfit. I had a pair of dark blue boots, a pair of black jeans, and a gray jacket with a shiny blouse underneath. "Miss Yale student is looking sex-see!"

I laughed and observed her attire. "Look who's talkin'. You're wearing a skirt! And it's cold!"

She scoffed. "I'm wearing leggings! I'm not that stupid."

"Oh how I missed you, Brooke Davis!" I stated, leaning again for another embrace.

"I missed you too, rebel girl." We parted and I smiled at the nickname she gave me.

"Speaking of rebel, have you seen mine anywhere?"

"Oh, yeah! He's been really committing to this whole cop career lately. I see him all the time."


She nodded. "Definitely. He's been on his best behavior too. He's a changed man. "

"I have my skills." She rolled her eyes and adjusted the bags on her arm. "So what about you?"

"Huh? What about me?" she questioned.

"Did you and Matthew end up together?"

She groaned. I couldn't help but laugh as I remembered that moment during graduation when I found them making out in the corner. "You will never let that die will you?"

I shook my head. "Of course not."

She poked me in the shoulder and glared at me playfully. "And no, we're not together. He's not even my type. I was just in the moment. You know how I am. I like kissing. Just because I like kissing, doesn't mean I like kissing him."

"You're never going to change."

"Be glad, Hales, because this is the best I could ever be."

I smiled and observed her shopping bags. "So do you have anything in there for me?"

"Um, unfortunately these are all mine. I won a couple of hundreds at Bingo night with my grandmother and I just couldn't help myself."

I pouted. "I bought you something."

"You did!"

"Yes! And it's pretty too!"

"Aww, can I see?"


"Why not?"

"It's not fair to exchange gifts if I'm the only one exchanging gifts."

"It's not about receiving gifts, Hales, it's about the spirit of giving!"

"Giving shmiving. Buy me a gift, Brooke. I don't care if it's a dollar. It better be special," I smiled as I climbed back into my car.

She scoffed as I rolled my windows back up. I couldn't help but laugh at her shocked expression through the glass. I lightly waved at her and told her I'll see her later. And I drove off to my next destination.

When I finally reached my house, I could smell the delicious scent of my mother's special ginger bread cookies. Oh how I miss those cookies. I entered the house and immediately felt the warmth of the fireplace against my face. After a long drive in the cold, I was relieved to finally be able to sit in a warm room.

The Christmas tree was set up with all of our vintage ornaments that dated back from my kindergarten days. It even had a few that I've created in elementary school.

I sighed when my mother walked in with a plate of cookies and milk. She didn't age at all. Even if it had been a few months since I left for Yale, things would've changed a bit. But she was still the same woman I always new. She was still the boss of town, but the best boss I know.

"Where's daddy?" I asked as I bit off a piece of my cookie.

"He's still working at the department. He's been busy helping Nathan with his training."


"They've actually bonded since you've been gone. I never thought I'd see the day where they'd laugh together at dinner."

"Dinner?" I questioned, almost choking on my cookie.

"Yeah, Nathan came over for dinner a few times."

"You're kidding!" I smiled.

"No. We even had dinner with his family too. His little sister, Sammy is such a joy! She reminds me of you, you know."

"You guys all had a family dinner without me! That's so cruel, mom. Too cruel."

"Well it's not like you can just come into town for dinner, Hales. You live ten hours away."

I pouted and drank some of my milk. "It would've been nice if you all waited for me to be here to have a joined family dinner."

My mom wrapped her arm around my shoulder and caressed my hair. "I'm sorry, sweetie. We'll have one tonight. Is that okay?"

I smiled; pleased by how my mother was catering to me like I was a little girl. "Sounds perfect!"

For the rest of the day, I tried searching around for Nathan, but he was nowhere in sight. He wasn't even answering his calls which worried me. I've been here for the past few hours and I didn't even get a chance to greet him or hug him or kiss him. How dare he act like a stubborn man and not answer my phone calls.

I walked around town, near all the boutique shops and restaurants when I spotted Matthew walking out of a store. I stopped once I noticed him looking at me. He was holding a present in his arms when I lightly waved at him.

"Hey," he greeted, holding the door for the woman behind him. Once she was out, he let the door go and walked up to me.

"Hi," I replied.

"When did you get into town?"

"Just a few hours ago."

"For how long?"

"For the next two weeks."

He nodded. I noticed that he was still sporting his letterman jacket. I guess he didn't leave high school yet. I shouldn't be surprised. This was Matthew were talking about here. Football player/Party boy/Secret Admirer/Relationship Ruiner.

"You look good," he stated, glancing at me up and down.

I smiled. "Thanks, you too," I stated. I reached over to touch his newly buzzed hair cut. "I like your hair this way. Keep it."

"Since you said that, I just might," he smirked.

I nodded. I could feel the awkward tension between us. We haven't been really friendly since graduation because I still had a tiny bit of hatred towards him, but seeing that we've finally moved on with our lives – at least I did – it was best to push those feelings away.

"Matt," I began.


"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" he replied, looking at me strangely.

"For beating you up in high school," I smiled shyly. I couldn't help but laugh inside with the image of him rolling on the ground in my head.

"Oh," he replied, clearly embarrassed. "Don't worry about that. I deserved it. I wasn't really the best person during that time. I should've thought about your happiness instead of thinking about myself."

I sighed. "Are you happy now?"

He shrugged. "A little bit."

"That's good. I want you to be. I'm sure there's a girl out there that's well suited for you," I stated as I adjusted his letterman jacket.

"I hope so."

"I know so," I smiled. "I better get going. I have a boy to search for."

"I'll see you later then?"

"Definitely," I replied as I lightly waved at him and walked off.

It was nice being able to walk around town without anybody looking at me strangely anymore. People were finally looking at me as Haley instead of that girl who ran off with the bad boy of town. I felt matured and content with life now. And I'm glad that the people in town were able to do the same.

As I walked around town a bit longer, searching for that peculiar rebel, I decided to sit down at one of the benches at the park. It was tiring and frustrating too. Where could this boy be!

I sighed and pulled out my phone from my pocket. I searched for Nathan's name on my list and was about to call it when I felt someone whisper in my ear.

"Come with me," the voice said.

I felt myself shiver from the warmth of his breath and smiled happily. I slowly turned around and found none other than my favorite man on this entire planet. Nathan Scott.

"Where have you been!" I questioned.

"Everywhere," he replied.

"You got me worried," I stated as I stood up from the bench to wrap my arms around him. "You didn't go run off with your drug buddies again, did you?"

"You mean Lena? Oh she's in my bedroom right now waiting for me. So I better hurry out."

I glared at him and poked him hard in the chest. "Don't you dare joke with me, mister!" I threatened.

He chuckled and looked at me his with his impressive blue eyes. He looked better than the last time I saw him. He looked toned, well groomed, his hair was shorter and his style was pretty conservative but still had that sexy edge he always flaunted.

He held my face in his hands as I felt him caress my cold cheeks. I closed my eyes at the touch and sighed. My heart was racing like crazy. I was so happy to be able to stand here with the man I loved again. It had been too too long.

He slowly leaned in and kissed me slowly. Then our lips parted and it became deeper and more passionate. I wasn't the kind of person who was a fan of PDA, but I didn't care. It was Christmas time and I was madly in love with this man.

As soon as we parted, I stared at him intensely and said, "Come with me."

"Hey that's my line!" he retorted.

I laughed and quickly grabbed his hand. "That was the line the started our love," I said. "If you never asked me to come with you that day, I would've never fallen in love with you."

"You love me?" he teased.

"Of course I love you," I replied, glaring at him playfully.

"I love you too," he whispered, placing yet another kiss on my lips.

"So come on," I stated, guiding him to my car.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see," I turned to him with a mischievous smirk and quickened our pace. "This time, I get to be the bad girl," I said. He chuckled as we both ran towards my car and drove off for our next adventure.