Underaged Love


"Come with me," he said.

It was just the middle of the school year. Kids were acting wild and crazy. Some were acting precious and innocent. And out of everyone he came up to me. Me? Why me? Not poor innocent, angelic Haley James.

I remember how my heart pounded against my chest as he leaned over my shoulder. It was like hell was rising under me. I remembered him waiting for my answer, staring me down strongly with his deep blue eyes. I could smell his sweet cologne against me. He was incredibly gorgeous. I just couldn't resist. He was no ordinary high school senior. No, not even close. He was far from the preppy, ignorant jock who went around town chasing girls. He was different.

He was rebellious. He was Nathan Scott.

On that day, we became the new Bonnie and Clyde.

Nathan Scott was the well known bad boy in town. He was chased by policemen every weekend for doing something hazardous. It was impossible to not know who he even was. Strangely enough, the very next day he would be back in the classroom acting like nothing had happened at all. Usually he was at the back picking his teeth with a toothpick and tapping his pencil against his desk. He never answered a single question when the teacher asked him about a calculus problem. He shrugged and started storming inside the cabinet at the back corner. And what do I usually do? I just sit back, stare and pretend he doesn't see me.

I'm Haley James and I'm an all around good girl. No I'm not one of those ditzy, perfect girls who are afraid of crossing the line. No, I'm not like that. I am like every normal girl around this earth. I put makeup on and love to dress up and fix my hair. I don't' study my butt off for college that I wish to go to like most good girls do. I simply do the usual things that a teenage girl does. But if you lived in such a small town like Tree Hill, everyone knows who you are and what you do.

My mother is the town mayor. Surprise?

Yes my mother is the town mayor, a female leader of a small southern town in North Carolina.

Impressive right? Well not really.

I'm the mayor's daughter. Everyone knows who I am, so I'm just like Nathan. Everyone knows who we are. They just didn't think they'd know that we would mean both of us together.

The bell rang, and the students of Tree Hill High had to come back from their Holiday vacation. I had to stay in Tree Hill with my mom and my dad so that my mother could keep her eye on the town and work on stacks of paper.

And unfortunately, Nathan stayed in town as well. My dad was the sheriff, which was another hard part about my life. I remember when came in to visit him one night during the break. I was just walking around town when I saw my father's cop car pull up to the police station. I was about run over and greet him until I noticed him pulling out a familiar face from the back seat. It was Nathan Scott. I paused from where I stood under the street lights and he caught me staring. He gave me a small smirk and my eyes widened. My dad looked up and saw me standing there and he said "Come in baby girl, let me just put Mr. Scott here in the cell for a minute." He said to me. I nodded as I watched him move inside the building. I breathed deeply and looked around me then towards the police station.

"Why me?" I asked myself as I walked inside the place that I grew acquainted with since I was younger. I came in here a few times, some when Nathan was there and some when he wasn't. It was a so-so kind of thing.

My dad was at his desk and beside him was a small jail cell. It was only big enough for person to stay in. Nathan sat on the bench playing on his little game boy that was apparently already in his pocket.

"Hey daddy," I greeted with a smile. Nathan looked up from his game and saw me. Sometimes he would look a little shy and then sometimes a little scary with his devilish smirk. I sat there in the chair across from my dad, my back facing Nathan.

"Nice to see you again, Miss Haley," Nathan said to me. I looked over my shoulder and sneaked a peek of him with my peripheral vision. Nathan wasn't looking up at me; he was focusing on his game.

"You too, Mr. Scott. So what did you this time?" I questioned, as I turned my body around to face him. I wasn't afraid of him; I was just intimidated by him like Bugs Bunny running away from Wilmer Fudd. We usually had these small, occasional talks but it never lasted long enough. I was intimidated by him remember? Or maybe just scared.

"Actually, I didn't do anything this time," he answered. He looked passed my shoulders and stared at my dad. I turned to his direction and he was eating a glazed donut while reading a newspaper.

"Your dad caught me walking across the street holding a paper bag in my hands," he explained. "I don't know what he thought I was doing, but he grabbed me and handcuffed my wrists and brought me here," he finished with a straight face. I furrowed my eyes and stared at my father. He looked up at me and shook his head in amusement.

"Fine, I went in the liquor store and stole myself a bottle of Smirnoff. What's the big deal?" Nathan confessed.

"Boy, do you even know how old you are?" My dad asked, putting his doughnut down. "You're only 17. And not only are you a minor, you stole. Is that clear enough for ya?"He continued with a low tone.

Nathan started to chuckle in the jail cell. "Miss James I think you need to tame your dad over there. I think his blood pressure is getting a lithe high," he suggested. I wanted to laugh because it was kind of funny. I've seen my dad angry a few times in my life and he really needs to cut down, but that's not the point.

"Haley, do not listen to him. He's bad news. Don't even bother talking to him. You understand me?" My father ordered. I nodded and turned away from Nathan and returned to the magazine that I was reading.

I didn't see him ,but I could feel that Nathan's little game was over and continued to play on his game boy.

It was pretty much like that most of my vacation. I went around town helping my mother out or hanging with my best friend, Brooke. Then I would see Nathan walking around town with something up his sleeve. Eventually he'd get caught and get turned in again. And that last part isn't exactly the fireworks to my holiday.

When I went back to school I was happy and exhausted from all the chores and errands I had to do over the holiday, but it wasn't over for me. Nathan was in my morning class, sitting in the back with a toothpick in the corner of his mouth and that annoying pencil tapping on the edge of his desk. I was really agitated and intimidated again. And I realized that the Bugs Bunny/ Wilmer Fudd metaphor wasn't even related to how I felt. Bugs Bunny actually wasn't that much afraid of him. He made fun of him. Anyways my point is, I was scared of him, but in a strange way I was completely attracted to him.

"So H. James, how was the rest of your vacation without me?" Brooke asked with a grin on her face. I looked behind me, staring from over my shoulder over at Nathan Scott. Brooke looked where I was looking at and she smirked.

"Thinking of the jailbird?" Brooke asked with a devilish smile.

"What, no!" I gasped quickly turning around and grabbing notebooks from my bag.

"Right, I'm suppose to believe that," I stared at Brooke in vengeance and took one more glance at Nathan. And from my surprise his pool of blues caught up with my hazels. I nearly drowned in them for that one second then I quickly looked away.

Moments past in class and our teacher left the classroom, thinking that a group of seventeen and eighteen year old seniors can handle being alone for just a moment. But she was wrong. Everyone started roaming around in their seats, talking and even making out. Ben and Margie really weren't afraid to show off their love for each other in the back of the room. All did I know, I was going to be approached by that gorgeous bad boy.

While I was trying to concentrate on my calculus, I felt a tap against my shoulder. Before I could turn around to see who it was, I felt a warm breath against my ear saying "Come with me." When I finally had the chance to look up, sudden chills ran up and down my spine like nothing I've ever felt before. We were never this close in my life. His icy blues made me look like a block of ice. Literally, I froze to death, still as the waters.

"Come with me," he repeated again.

"Why?" I finally asked him, my hands shaking from whatever feeling I was having.

"Let's ditch this class and leave. Let's roam around town," he smiled so innocently. I stared at him longingly, confused of what I should do. I was scatterbrained and tried to say

"Don't you trust me?" he asked, as he pulled away a little bit and leaned against the desk beside me.

That was quite a questions, I must say. How could I trust someone with his reputation, but as I stared back into his eyes, away from my thoughts, I couldn't believe what I was doing.

I nodded my head, and he smiled. He grabbed my hand and he pulled me gently away from the classroom. I tried to run back inside to grab my purse and I saw Brooke's face. Her jaw dropped all the way to the floor. Her eyes were wide ,but I can tell she was grinning from ear to ear through her eyes.

Oh no what was I getting myself into.