What I Want My Words to Do to You
A Series of Extracts Belonging to the Epistolary Courtship of Hermione Granger and Severus Snape, with Suitable Additions of Edifying Thoughts and Actions

by Severus Snape and Hermione Granger
edited by Lm. Samiko


Editor's Notes


This letter marks the last extant missive of the Granger-Snape archive, though, as their heirs have informed me, the habit of letter writing continued throughout the course of their seventy-year marriage. It would seem, however, that the letters written after this one have either been destroyed or permanently hidden. The spokeswoman for the Granger-Snape family, Apollonia Patil, née Granger-Snape, has recounted to me a memory of her mother burning a number of letters shortly before her death, telling her daughter, "Your father would hex me into oblivion if I let anyone else read them." One can assume that the destroyed collection referred to matters of even greater personal detail than those that have been published in this collection. Mrs. Patil speculates that they would have portrayed her father's most personal side - and that such a blow to his reputation would have infuriated him.

The editor would like to thank Mrs. Patil and the rest of the Granger-Snape family, including children and grandchildren, for their cooperation on and encouragement of this project. Not only the donation of this archive but their collective opinions, memories, and spells have been invaluable in the course of collating and augmenting this text. If there are errors in this humble addition to the corpus of material concerning this famous couple, they are mine alone.


Lm. Samiko

Tortoise Greene

13 Apr. 21xx


(an.s - Honestly, thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed and kept up with my erratic posting. I hope it has proved an enjoyable read. Cheers, Lm. S.)