Beforehand: Fans agree that a sequel was needed I see. Well, thanks for all of your reviews guys I appreciate them. And now enough noise from me eh? You came here to read the next chapter right? Well here we go!

Chapter 2: Dreams

Naruto, Tayuya, and Blaze had entered a thick forest just moments ago. They had stopped for a midday snack here. Blaze had gone off to get some berries and fruits, while Naruto and Tayuya settled down to rest.

Tayuya was resting her head on Naruto's shoulders. It was times like these when he remembered when they had first been in love. He could remember clearly the starry night sky, the cool, crisp air, and the redheaded ninja by his side. They never had to say anything at these times. They were completely at ease.

"Do you remember…," Tayuya began.

"When we first went out?" Naruto finished. Tayuya nodded on his shoulder Naruto smiled. It seemed like years ago from now. But their love was still going strong. They would do just about anything for each other nowadays. They risked their own lives on some occasions. But their affections for each other never seemed to die down. What's more, they hadn't made love since that night a few years back, but they didn't seem to need them to keep their relationship strong. Tayuya had told Naruto that she wanted to wait before they did it again so it would be extra special. Sometime when they were older and ready to be parents. Naruto respected the decision. And he loved Tayuya all the same.

People thought them as a perfect couple. Some people who were cruel and insensitive thought it for reasons other than that they cared deeply for each other. They thought it because they were both demons and deserved each other. Naruto and Tayuya thought that as another reason they were perfect too. Because they could sort of understand each other both being possessed by creatures.

Naruto sighed. He noticed that Tayuya had nodded off on his shoulder. He smiled and lightly caressed her cheek. He decided to take a little nap too. This was the perfect day for one.


A small fire lit up the campsite where Naruto, Tayuya, and Blaze were. Naruto and Tayuya sat close together on one side of the fire while Blaze roasted a marshmallow on the other side. Tayuya had long since fallen asleep. Naruto was fixed on the fire in front of him. It was so comforting. It was an opportunity for him to think and be alone in his thoughts. Or at least for a little while.

Naruto looked up at Blaze who had eaten his marshmallow and was gazing at the flames with a sad look on his face. Naruto studied the young man's face. He was 25 now. He really had no recollection of the evil deeds he had done as Genkai. He was a respected member of the village now even though he was also the village troublemaker. Many people would think him and Kakashi to be brothers because they acted so similar sometimes, but Naruto knew that inside, Blaze knew that his life was missing something. Maybe Blaze couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew something was wrong.

Blaze looked up from the fire and noticed Naruto watching him. He gave a half smile and said, "What are you lookin at blue-eyes?"

Naruto grinned. "Not much obviously!" Blaze laughed.

"You're one to talk Naruto!"

"Am I gonna have to show right here that I'm a way better ninja than you?"

"Do what you gotta do cowboy," Blaze said. The two looked at each other for a second then busted out laughing. Tayuya stirred from her rest. Naruto looked down to his shoulder to see the redhead yawn and fall back to sleep. Naruto smiled again.

"Hey Blaze," Naruto said. "I'm retiring to the tent for now." Blaze nodded and Naruto carried his girlfriend and himself over to the tent they had set up. Blaze remained outside by himself. When he was sure Naruto was asleep, he stood up.

"Come on out Kakashi," he said. The white-haired ninja appeared in a flash. He was once again reading his Make-Out Paradise book.

"Perceptive," Kakashi muttered. Blaze didn't respond. Kakashi put away his book and sat on a log. He waited for Blaze to say something. Blaze sighed, then finally began speaking.

"Kakashi, can I tell you something?" Kakashi didn't know what was on the man's mind but he responded with a yes and Blaze continued on.

"For the past few nights I've been having recurring dreams. In them, I always her a girl screaming, an inhuman howl, and a young boy screaming. I can never make out the figures, but the inhuman figure seems to also advance and attempt to kill the people. I can sense his murderous intent. He's like a monster that won't be stopped until he gets his way. Whenever I wake up after the dream, I immediately think of Naruto and Tayuya. Not that I think my dream has anything to do with them, but I'm just saying, this has been bothering me for some time now, and that's why I haven't retired to sleep yet." Kakashi looked up at Blaze. He was seriously worried. Kakashi was mildly worried and believed that he should inform the Hokage when he returned to the village.

"Don't beat yourself up over it," Kakashi said. "Chances are it's just a dream." Blaze knew Kakashi was correct but there was also something else that was bothering him.

"Kakashi, my memories of the past have been foggy. Whenever I dwell on the past or try and think of when I was a child too much, I get these strange headaches. And I hear a small girl's voice calling me. She asks me for help and someone is keeping me from her. And when I try to help her, someone else gets in my way and then my mind goes blank for a second. It's strange." Kakashi's face was beginning to pale. It didn't show much over his mask, but he was afraid that Blaze had perhaps only suffered short-term memory loss. Perhaps he would soon regain full memory and remember the hatred he had towards Naruto and the rest of the village.

"Kakashi-san, I don't mean to trouble you with my own worries, but thanks for listening," Blaze said as he stretched and yawned. Kakashi nodded.

"Hey Blaze, Kakashi said. Blaze turned to him. "Anything else you wanna get off your chest?" Blaze smiled.

"Sometimes I think I'm a demon. At night, I dream that I kill random people in the village. Not important people, maybe people that are just passing by the village. It's the strangest thing. I always wind up dumping their bodies in the Forest of Death." Kakashi's eye widened. Blaze looked at Kakashi for a moment, then smiled.


Kakashi flushed red. Blaze laughed uncontrollably.

"You're too easy Kakashi!" he said. "Anyways, I'll see you later!" Blaze headed for the night tent. Kakashi blew a sigh of relief. At least that last part wasn't true. He had been joking about it.


That's all for chapter two guys. The next chapter will be action-y. Preview You say?


Kabuto and Tyrone ran through the village of the leaf. Any person unfortunate enough to get in their way was killed with a kunai. Behind them, ANBU was hot on their tails.

Kabuto stopped. Tyrone turned to face ANBU.

"You're all fools!" he yelled to them. Tsunade made her way through the crowd. Kabuto said nothing while his underling spoke.

"You've played right into the Lord Orochimaru's trap! Soon this village will be decimated! And there's nothing you can do to stop it!"