Blood Type
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
Oh God how I hate running.
You feel hopeless.
You feel weak.
And you feel like a coward.
You know that in desperate times like this,
You can only run and cling for life.
Sakura closed her eyes tightly. 'Oh gosh, why'd it go like this?' she's been running and hiding behind smelly dumpsters for what felt like hours. She felt like her throat was ready to burst out in flames, her legs were ready to snap and break any moment now, and it was even hard to breathe!
A sharp pang entered her body and she collapsed helplessly to the ground. She crawled and leaned her body against a wall, panting and wheezing like hell.
Great, she was stuck in an alleyway and her only hope was that her predator would go away, or if Prince Charming would suddenly appear and carry her through harm's way. Which is most unlikely to happen.
"Here kitty, kitty." a creepy voice suddenly called. It was getting louder and louder which meant to our heroine that it was, indeed getting nearer and nearer. "I won't harm ya."
Sakura grabbed the nearest thing, which happened to be a pointy rock that slightly cut her hand. She gulped and leaned more to the wall, her hands still clutching to the rock as if her life depended on it, and really, it did. It was her 'weapon' and 'protection'.
'Dammit! I don't wanna be tainted! No, not now!!' she thought as she shut her eyes tightly, maybe her predator won't notice her if she just ignored him and made no sound. But that was very unlikely since he was just two or three steps from her hiding spot.
Speaking of which, the owner of the creepy voice just stood there, right in front of her and scratched what appeared to be his moustache. "Now where could you be?"
Sakura closed her eyes tighter; her hands- scratch that- body was trembling with fear. Tears strolled down her cheeks as she clutched to the rock even tighter that blood started spewing from her hand. She winced, and much to her displeasure, it caused her to whimper.
Her emerald eyes widened violently as she watched the man's head snap to her. The man grinned mischievously as she just sat there, frozen with fear, the only thing that her mind allowed her to do was to shut her eyes again and cry, to hope that some miracle was going to happen.
And miraculously, her wish was answered.
Moments passed by and still nothing happened.
Sakura wiped the salty tears with her bare arms and cracked both eyes too see a boy suddenly swoop in and kick her predator on his ugly face.
The emerald-eyed girl watched in awe at her savior who was still pummeling the -probably- already dead man. She watched him turn around as a smile appeared on his blood-splattered face, his raven locks blowing from the wind and his onyx eyes locked with her emerald ones.
"I-is he dead?" Sakura managed to choke out, still not believing that 'Prince Charming' actually came. He may have not carried her through harm's way, but this was also more than good enough.
Her silent savior shrugged in return and still continued gazing at her.
"You know there's blood on your face." Sakura spoke again, just hoping to make conversation with this mysterious, young man.
"Really?" he replied smirking, although did nothing to remove the crimson liquid.
He turned to leave, seeing that the girl failed to catch his interest, but Sakura only grabbed his arm, ignoring the stinging pain and blood coming from her hand. "H-hey, this probably means nothing to you, but you saved my life. So, t-thanks." she stuttered nervously.
The boy looked behind his shoulders, not even paying attention to the girl who was still rambling about her gratitude to him, but what did caught his eye was the blood dripping down her hand and unto his black trim coat.
"I-I mean you didn't practically save my life," Sakura continued to babble. "But you did save something as important as- h-hey, mister?"
He remained as passive and quiet as before, still staring at the crimson blood.
"My name's Haruno S-Sakura. Thank you again!" she finally let go of his coat and bowed respectfully. "I owe you and if there's anything, absolutely anything! I could do for you, please don't hesitate to ask, h-here's my phone number." now Sakura, it's probably a BAD idea to give your phone number to a stranger.
"What's your blood type?" he suddenly asked, which caught her off guard. "E-excuse me?" she stammered out, pausing to look from her purse to her savior.
He shook his head and smiled at the girl. "Forget about it miss, and be more careful next time." he turned to leave again but was stopped by the pink-haired girl, again. Seriously, if he weren't such a nice gentleman, he told himself, he wouldn't be putting up with this.
"N-no!" Sakura quickly said. "My blood type is AB." she answered and smiled politely. Usually, she would've asked why he was asking such a question, but decided not to ruin the moment.
"Really?" he asked casually, finally fully facing her. If she can, she would gawk at him for being so damn tall! Her height just ended to his shoulders, and compared to him, she would be considered as a shrimp.
"Yes, really." she furrowed her eyebrows, what was that supposed to mean? His 'Really?' sounded so impolite, like he thought that type AB was impossible for her! What's that supposed to mean, anyways?
"Hm." he hummed, nearing her. "What a coincidence."
Sakura felt her back against the wall. Great, she was trapped again. She had a good look at her savior, dashing good looks, cold, almost lonely eyes, and well, almost everything was perfect in him. Her thoughts were broken once she stared at the raven-haired boy who stopped, his face was a couple of inches from hers and she didn't know whether to be angry or scared.
"Wha-what're you..." she was silenced when a smirk plastered itself on his face.
"Uchiha Sasuke, at your service." was the only words she could remember, for that time, she felt another pang, only this time it came from her neck.
She heard sucking noises as her vision suddenly became blurry and it was too late to do anything. Her consciousness gave way, her head numbly rested on his back, and everything instantly blacked out.
Sakura's eyes slowly opened as she felt her head bounce up and down on something hard, something that felt like a shoulder. What was more was that her neck hurt like hell, she lifted her hand and touched the stinging spot on her neck.
To her surprise, she could feel two deep holes on that particular spot. "The hell?" Sakura whispered.
Naruto stopped and looked over at his shoulder and to his best friend, who was currently rubbing her neck and muttering a string of curses. The ever-hyper blonde smiled worriedly. "Good Sakura-chan, you're awake." he deposited his friend on a wooden bench; Sakura was still too bewildered to say anything.
'Why the hell is there two freakin' holes on our neck!?' Inner Sakura screamed angrily.
"Earth to Sakura-chan!!" Naruto yelled, waving frantically at Sakura's face. The emerald-eyed girl continued to stare at her bloody fingertips and ignored her friend.
The fox-faced-boy frowned. "Oh, that." Sakura quickly looked at Naruto as if to ask what the hell was going on? "Oh, uh, gee..." he continued to blabber and the female continued to glare at him, demanding answers right here and now.
And without much of a warning, Naruto hit Sakura's already stinging neck, and the girl fell to his arms unconsciously.
"Sorry Sakura-chan," he muttered and carried the lifeless girl on his back. "But that's their job to explain." he trotted back to their apartment, and he threatened to glare at the people who looked their way.
"Sakura, Sakura, honey wake up."
The girl's emerald eyes cracked open and her head bolted up. She wanted to sit up from the damn bad, but winced at the pain from her neck. Tsunade glared angrily at Naruto who told her what he just did before Sakura awakened.
"Ugh." the young girl muttered, rubbing the sore spot that Naruto hit and the unknown stinging spot. She yawned tiredly. "How long was I asleep?"
"A month." Naruto answered and was accidentally slapped right across the face when Sakura's arms swayed violently.
"He's kidding." Tsunade said, reminding herself to murder the blonde when she was finished.
"Naruto, this isn't funny." Sakura pouted while Tsunade covered the two deep holes in her neck. Naruto grinned. "I was only trying to lift the mood."
"Uh-huh." Tsunade muttered back, still glaring at him.
Sakura smiled to herself when she saw the two blondes bicker, for a while back there, before Naruto came, back with her so-called 'savior', she thought that she was going to die for a moment there. She was lucky that Naruto arrived, even though she didn't know how he got there, but inside there was still this burning, stinging pain that she didn't know of.
Speaking of which...
"Tsunade-sama." Sakura spoke, earning the attention from both blondes. "Were you the one who sent Naruto to get me?"
Naruto grinned for a while but it disappeared once he began his story. "Nah, Sakura-chan, I acted on my own, but we were worried something must've happened because it was becoming late and it wasn't like you to just run off without telling us."
The roseate girl frowned. "So you know about this..." she removed the bandage and pointed at the two deep holes. "... Thing." it was not a question, it was a statement.
The two once happy blonde exchanged looks before Tsunade sighed deeply and looked Sakura right in the eye. "Sakura, dear, we're sorry, we meant to tell you when you're old enough. But it looks like things didn't go according to our plan."
Instead of getting angry with the two, Sakura smiled sadly. Tsunade nudged Naruto, muttering that he's her best bud. The boy growled before taking a step near Sakura.
"Sakura-chan, we were just trying to protect you, we wanted you to live a normal life." the petal-haired girl looked weirdly at Naruto and Tsunade also glared at him.
"What do you mean, me? What about you? Don't you want a normal life?" Tsunade glared harder and Naruto laughed nervously in response.
"Um, I, uh... damn."
"And what're you protecting me from?" Sakura questioned, turning to Tsunade. The woman sighed again. "Sakura, do you believe in magic?"
Sakura stifled a laugh. "No, why?"
From the shadows, a figure appeared. He had a trim coat, much like Sakura's 'savior'; in fact he almost looked like him, only he looked more mature, and.…colder. He had a low ponytail hanging from his back, his red, crimson eyes never unblinking as he interrupted their conversation, to join in.
"Haruno, my brother now owns you."
Chisumi: My first vampire/serious fic. Like it? Hope you do and review please!!
Or I might just delete this. : D
Heh, I know Sakura's blood type isn't really AB, but had to make it that way for the story, hope you understand!