Ok this story is Completely A.U. the majority of the characters are going to be female especially the ninjas (the rookie 9. team gai, the sand sibs, as well as their sensei's , the sound five and the sannin are all going to be woman), so if you don't like that then turn around now. Before I get started I have a few things to say.
I don't know you and I don't care what you think
just because I don't like yaoi doesn't mean I 'm a homophobe
for the people who are going to flame me are the same ones who have naruto as aGUY getting pregnant by Sasuke, how this possible I don't know, if you like yaoi that's o.k. but if its m-preg it's easier just to change someone's gender
pretty mush this is naruto getting paired up with almost all of the pairings on this site but their all just girls
flame all you want all just laugh at them
I own nothing except the O.C. I made or any other characters I make, everything is owned by Masashi Kishimoto( lucky bastard)
Blah-blah talking
Blah-blah thinking
Blah-blah yelling/inner sakura/kyubi
It was October tenth his 3rd birthday, most children would have a party with all their friends with presents and games, not being chased through an ally. But things like this always seem to happen to this particular boy, his name is Naruto Uzumaki. The boy was running for is life as fast as his little legs could take him he was being followed by 4 men. Turning a corner he ran into the dead end.with the men coming behind him.
"W-Why do things like this happen to me, did I do something bad did my parents do something bad,what are these men going to do to me?"Naruto thought as one of the men grabed him by the arm and draged him to the other men, all of them present had the most sick and discusting smirks on their faces." Your time has finnilly come" one said "time to die demon" anothor said as he grabed naruto in a choke hold so he wouldn't struggle. The leader of the group then pulled out a butcher knife and said" its time to pay for everything you've done to this village" after that he walks up to naruto while raising the knife over his head. Naruto closeses his eyes preparing for what is going to happen. He then hears a cracking sound and a sceam of pain coming from the man. Naruto opens his eyes to see the man from before being lifted up by his rist by a new unknown person. The person looked to be about 6 feet tall, above the average height for men in the village , short black hair that covered his eyes and looked to be all muscle, he wore baggy dark blue pants combat boots and a plain white T-shirt, but the thing that confused naruto was that his face looked that of 11 year old boy.
"let me go you son of a-" the man couldn't finished as he was thrown like a ragdoll into garbag cans. The two other men ran at the new comer trying to over-power him , it didn't work as he punched one in the face sending hin flying past naruto and crashing into the wall behind him creating a small crater in the wall. after this show of strength the other man left leaving only naruto the man holding him and this stranger.
The man and almost sence tears forming in his would be assalents eyes, "d-do-don't yo- holding naruto was shacking in fear after seeing the show of power naruto could feel the vibration you know what this is, what this thing has d-done to this village" the man said trying to reason with the the person in front of him" he's a demon, he atacked the vilage three years ago this vert night, don't let his apperance fool you we need to kill him". The man didn't say anything he just took a step closer to them. This act was enough however to make the man holding naruto let go of him and ran….
He however ran right into the wall that his friend crashed into knocking him out.With that done it only left naruto and the strange "man" alone in the ally. The stranger slowly began to walk over to naruto, without saying a word, naruto was freaking out right at the moment after seeing what this guy could do to grown men he didn't want to know what he could do to a kid like him. Suddenly the stranger stoped in front of naruto and got his knees, out of reflex naruto closed his eyes and flinch preparing to get hit.
"Are you O.K?" the "man" asked, naruto was taken back by the gentleness and worry in his voice.Naruto slowly opened his eyes to get a better look at the person who saved his life, he was right thinking he looked young, he seemed to be the same age as an graduate of the ninja academey if not younger, though his height,build, and strength would disagree naruto knew that the person who save him was just a child."yes I'm alright thanks for saving me" naruto said. The "man" smiled"you don't have to thank me, why were those men chasing you in the first place?" he said noticing naruto's face droping slightly as he said "I don't know why, things like this always seem to happen to me" naruto looked like he was on the vurge of tears as he said this, " it's o.k. , it's o.k. come on lets find your parents" he sid trying to calm the younger boy down but at the mention of parents naruto ushered forth the tears that he was holding in, " I d-don't have p-parents" naruto sobbed, "o.k. now don't cry is there anyone you know, who do you live with?'pleaded the man trying to calm the sobbing 3 year old down " I was thrown out of the orphanage because the people their said no one would want me, so I was going to go see Baa-chan to find a new place to live" naruto said finilly starting to calm down. "O.k. were can we find her?" naruto then pointed to the hokage tower and the two were on their way naruto being carried on the young "man" shoulders. " do you have a name? mine's naruto" naruto asked woundering more about his new friend "I don't really have a name" he answered honestly " everyone has a name" the larger persons answer confusung the 3 year old very much, who heard of a guy with no name right, "well I don't" "then I'll give you a name,now what sounds really cool hmmmm how doeeesss Ganjousound?" naruto said with a big smile on his face" I like it naruto, for now on just call me Ganjou"
Hokage tower
The third hokage, the newly reinstated leader of the village hidden in the leaves, was just finishing up the daily paperwork. She was in her late fifties to early sixties wearing the traditional hokage robes, she was a wise and very experienced woman who had an aura of a mother protecting her children and would do anything to ensure its safety, but no matter how mush she love protecting her village their was one part of her job she hated with a passion
"Motha f$king paperwork, why did I agree to do this job again" yep she like all kages before her hates paperwork. She was about to call it a day until she heard a tapping at her window she looked and saw naruto on Ganjou's shoulders, she was about to get into a fighting stance until she noticed naruto waving at her on top of the man shoulders.
She opened the window so the two could in naruto then immeditlly jumped of Ganjou's shoulders and ran up to the third to give her a hug "Baa-Chan I missed you".After the greeting and the thirds daily rant about how it's rude to talk about a womens age, she asked why naruto was here and who his new friend was. "well baa-chan( the third had a huge sweat drop on her forehead as he said this) I would a place to live because I was kicked out of the orphanage, and this is my new frieng, I named him Ganjou!"naruto answered happily the third was a little confused at first I meen come on if she didn't know hear it she would have thought naruto found a pet " hmmm naruto what do you meen you named him and young man, don't you have a familly?"naruto was going to answer but was cut off by Ganjou " I don't have a family ma'am,or a home I didn't even have a name until I met narto" He said in a kind of meek tone of voice. The hokage was taken back by the sound of the bys voice she like naruto before was amazed of the boys age level " just how old are you son?" "I don't now how old I am, I neaver really thought
about my age before, but I think I'll be 12 when all the flowers start to bloom( he meens his birthday is somwhere in the spring, he doesn't now the months) 'hmmm you're a big kid you know that not even 12 and your already bigger then most full grown men in this village,anyway naruto why were you thrown out of the ophanage"In honesty she new why, for the life of her she'll never know why the people of this village could treat naruto this way, and why they only see the fox when they see him "Ouh Arahsa if you knew what this village was doing to your child you would of let thar demon destroy this village" she was taken back as naruto proclaim " it's O.K. though because when I become hokage they'll have no choice but to respect me" he said with a grin mush like a fox. The third was happy naruto wasn't efected by the villager hatred but she felt bad that she had to bring naruto down " Naruto you can never be a hokage' Naruto was crushed he felt as if they banned ramen "why not" naruto pleaded " because only women can mold chakra needed to be a ninja, the only male ninjas in this village only know how to do simple taijutsu and weopon skills, I'm sorry naruto".
Naruto didn't say anything for a while, he just stood their until he spoke up "but Baa-chan I can use chakra look see" naruto then used a seal he saw a ninja use before when he was walking near the academy, what happen next shocked the third, naruto was suddenly surounded by a almost purple colored chakra. " the Fox inside him must have done this, amazing he may be the only boy in all of the shinobi countries who can control his chakralike this!"
Ganjou was in awe he had neaver seen any thing like that before "You see baa-chan I'm going to be taking your job real soon" naruto said with excitement and determination written all over his face, at this sight the third could only smile "well the naruto maybe you should start your training I can-" she was interupted by naruto when he said "can Ganjou teach me, he's really strong I want to learn how to do things like how he punched that guy through a wall" She then asked him "is this true' he only nodded "what other things can you teach him?" Ganjou thought for a secound and then answered " I've throughout the ninja countries and learned many different styles of fighting, I can also teach him survival training, traps, how to weild a number of weapons, and also strength and endurance training" "well o.k then you two should leave tomarrow but first get a good night sleep at my house so you can leave tomarrow morning to start your five year training trip "hopefully in five years I can convince the council to not only let naruto enter the academy but also give him his mother's clan house and his inheratence, man I canalready feel headace im going to get"
O.K. done with chapter one, again this is going to be a Naruto harem fic but with gender bending all the ninjas are girls
I might pair someone up with my O.C.
Flame away bitches