I'd Lie
by estelio veleth

And I could tell you
His favorite color's green
He loves to argue
Born on the seventeenth
His sister's beautiful
He has his father's eyes
And if you ask me if I love him...
I'd lie

"Sharpay! Ryan's here," a voice calls from downstairs.

"I'll be down in a second!" I yell back.

I take one last glance at myself in the mirror, smooth my skirt, then grab my bag before skipping down the stairs.

"Okay! I'm leaving! Bye Mom!" I yell one last time before running out the door the silver convertible that is waiting for me in the driveway.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," I say to the blonde boy sitting in the car.

"Don't worry about it," Ryan flashes me a devilish grin, "It's common knowledge that you take forever to get ready. You've always been like that, ever since we were small."

"Yeah well it's important to keep up my reputation," I pretend to protest.

"Mmhmm, and what reputation might that be? Your ice princess image?" he teases, "Whatever, just get in the car or we'll both be late and you'll have more than just your reputation to worry about."

"Oh, you know you love me," I bat my eyelashes while sliding in to the passenger seat of the car.

He hums thoughtfully as he pulls out of the driveway, "Maybe."

"You break my heart," I say, pretending to wipe away the invisible tears that were running down my cheeks. Then smiling, "So, what'd you do last night?"

"Troy, Chad, and I were planning to go to a movie but Troy had to drop out because Gabriella was babysitting and being her best friend, apparently, it was his responsibility to go and help her. So, it was just me and Chad. The movie was okay, I guess," he says and glances at me, taking his eyes off the road for one second.

"Wow. Troy's really cares about her," my eyes widen in surprise.

"Yeah, and I'd say he cares for her more than just as a best friend. He just doesn't have the guts to ask her out and that makes it awkward," he says as he drives the car into a parking spot and turns the engine off.

He turns to look at me and runs a hand through his pale hair, "You know, stuff like that always becomes more complicated. I don't think I'd ever be willing to change a friendship like that...and what if they break up? It'd be awkward. They wouldn't be as close as they used to be. I don't think that it's safe to ever fall in love anyone. It's just dangerous and someone always gets hurt. But you know what? I think we'll both be fine staying single forever. I mean, at least we'll have each other. "

I gaze in to his eyes and look at the golden flecks hiding in that sea of blue. I'm losing it and I take a deep breath to clear my head. We've been together ever since we were three. We were inseparable. But it's different now. We're older and we're not together as much. Lately, a glimpse of him can bring sunshine to a terrible day. Just one glance from him can make my breath catch in my throat. As close as we are, he doesn't notice that sometimes I'm jumpy around him. As I drown in those cerulean orbs, I wonder, has he ever thought of us as more than just friends? I know that the thought has crossed my mind and lately, I've been thinking about it more than ever.

"Don't be silly," I laugh, "We'll be friends forever you big idiot," and I lightly punch him in the arm to cover my uneasiness. He'll never know how much I want that kind of love. He probably can't see that I really want him feel that way for me. I'm laughing but I hope he's wrong.

"Yeah, BFFs," he says. I look into his grinning face and I force a smile. Could we be something more?

"Whatever," I laugh as I get out of the car, "I'm off to class. I'll see you later!"

I sweep my books into my bag and sigh. Finally, lunch time. I'm starving and all this work I'm getting in my classes was making me feel sick. Ugh. I walked to my locker and throw my binders in. I rummage around in my bag looking for my lunch…Oh crap. It's not here. I must have left it at home. Whatever, being hungry never killed anyone…except for those people who starve to death, oh god! I was going to die from hunger! Great.

I trudge towards the cafeteria lunch-less, hungry, and tired.

"Sharpay, are you okay?" asks Gabriella as I flop down on a seat. She's always concerned. What a sweet girl. Hmph. Why are the ones you want to hate always nice? It's nearly impossible for me to dislike her.

"If you think that having to suffer two hours of history, being hungry, and losing my lunch is good, then sure! I'm great!"

"Awww…That's no fun. Here, you can share some of my lunch," she kindly offers but I refuse.

"I'll just get something from the vending machines later. Thanks Gabriella."

"Sharpay!" calls an annoyingly cheerful voice.

"Hello, Ryan. I'm glad someone's having a good day," I say peevishly but I can't deny the butterflies that are flying around my stomach from hearing the sound of his voice.

"Aw, Sharpay, could it be you're upset because you don't happen to have a lunch today? No, it couldn't be could it? The great ice princess never forgets."

"Shut up, Ry–…Hey wait! How do you know that I don't have a lunch today?" I demand.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because I found an extra lunch in my car this morning. It seems like someone left it there for me. But since I have a lunch already and it seems you don't have one of your own. I guess I might as well share with you. I'd hate to let all that good food go to waste," he winked as he handed me the lunch bag.

"Oooh! My lunch! Ryan! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I squeal and give him a hug before I begin to devour my food,.

He raised an eyebrow. "Hungry, much?"

"Starving. I didn't have breakfast this morning."

"That's not healthy."

"Ha. No kidding."

"Was that sarcasm?"

"You suck."

"I know."

"I hate you."

"I love you, too, sweetheart"

I glare at him, wishing that he wasn't joking, hoping that he really meant it.

Before I can open my mouth to reply to his unnerving comment, Troy Bolton, East High's resident god, arrives at our table. The annoying thing was that he was not only good looking but also the nicest guy in the school as well. Again, it was hard to not like him. Geez. I hate all these friendly people at East High.

"Hey guys. How are you doing today?" he asks as he sits down beside Gabriella. My eyes flit to Gabriella as I see him wrap one arm around her waist and continue to talk to everyone else at the table. Gabriella catches my eye and I raise an eyebrow when she blushes.

"Let's go play some ball!" says Chad and the guys stood up to leave. Before Troy leaves however, he gives Gabriella a quick peck on lips. I smirk when I see Gabriella blush again.

"So, you and Troy, huh? When did this happen?"

"Umm… last night when he came over to help me baby sit my baby cousins and it just happened. He walked me home and asked me out," she smiles, "I'm so happy."

"Well, I'm glad the guy finally found the guts to ask you out. Geez, I was beginning to think I'd have to make him do it myself."

Gabriella looks shocked. "How did you know that I liked him?"

Taylor, who had moved to the other side of Gabriella, patted her arm. "No offence Gabriella, sweetie, but it was kind of obvious. You guys were always making eyes at one another. We all knew it would happen sooner or later."

Gabriella opens her mouth and a small "o" sound comes out.

"Yeah, well, it's not like you and Chad weren't obvious before you started dating," I reply, "Geez, the way you'd turn red every time he walked in to the room."

"I did not!" she exclaims.

Gabriella gives her a pointed look.

"So what if I turned red? It's not exactly like you hate Ryan, Sharpay."

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. My voice is stuck in my throat. Was it that obvious to everyone else? Had Ryan noticed?

"We all know that you like him."

"Of course I like him. He's my best friend."

"Don't be ridiculous. We know that you're in love with him."

"Don't be stupid. I'm not in love with him," I lie.

Geez. Who needs to know math anyways? I'm going to become a great actress and we don't need to know math. I shake my head in disgust. I drag my feet to my locker and bang the door open.

"Hiya Sharpay!"

I glance up and for a second, just a second, and I stop breathing.

"Hey Ryan," I manage to get out without choking myself.

"I didn't understand what Mr. Davis was talking about in Chem. Do you wanna come over tonight to do the homework together and maybe have dinner while we're at it?"

My eyes widen, surprised and I have to swallow before I can reply. "Sure."

"Okay, I'll meet you here at your locker after school," and he flashes me his gorgeous smile before he leaves.

Sighing, I lean against my locker. Deep breath, Sharpay. It's not like it's a date or anything. We always hang out. It's totally normal. Don't get all excited over nothing

With thoughts of Ryan buzzing in my head, I slowly make my way to last class.

Five minutes left.

Why is this class so long?

Four minutes.

I look out the window and begin tapping the tip of my pencil on the desk. Chemistry. Hmph. He wants to talk about chemistry. I'll give him some chemistry to think about.

Three minutes.

What should I do?

Two minutes.

I know him.

One minute.

He'd worry if I acted like something was wrong.


Class is over and in walks the boy with the fair hair and a striking voice. Everyone's staring and he doesn't seem to notice as he heads toward my desk. I can hear them whisper and I know they're all watching but I can't take my eyes off of him and he seems to be oblivious to all the murmurs, so I pretend that I can't hear them either.

"Hey!" Ryan says as he walks toward me, "I forgot that I had–"

"A spare last period," I grin, "I know."

"I also forgot that we have each other's schedules memorized," he smiles sheepishly and runs his hand through his hair. He does it whenever he's nervous and I wonder what's making him uncomfortable.

"But I decided to pick you up from class instead looking like some sort of stalker waiting to pounce on you at your locker. Ready to go?"

"Stalker, huh? And waiting for me after class isn't?" I tease, "Anyways, I'm ready. Let's go."

"No, it's what any real gentleman would do for a lady," he grins back, "Here. I'll take that from you."

I blink, "What?"

"Your bag, it looks heavy. I'll take it for you."

Something flutters in me when I think about the offer and I almost agree but quickly cover my momentary weakness.

"Ryan Evans, are you implying that I'm weak?" I demand, trying to hide my smile.

I think I see a look of surprise pass over his face, but as quickly as it comes it disappears and later I think I imagined it.

But he laughs, "Of course not, Miss Independent."

A/N: Okay, so this was originally supposed to be a oneshot but it ended up becoming longer than I intended it to be. Stay tuned for part 2!
And for those who are wondering, Ryan and Sharpay are not brother and sister in this story.

Please review! Thanks for reading!