It wasn't until the day before he was to go back to his own place that Reid sought Mac out. "I lied to Danny and he's mad at me." Mac sat back in his seat and looked at his son; confusion clearly etched on his face.


"I lied to Danny…that's what's going on. I lied to you too but…Danny tried to talk to me about it but I lied to him. I'm sorry dad; I really am."

Mac fought to keep his temper in check since he didn't know the whole story. "Sit down and tell me what you're talking about."

"I was running late but I remembered that I forgot to change the tires. I really wanted to drive the car though so I did and I was thinking about how I was late and it was raining…and…I took my eyes off the road for a second…when I tried to turn the wheel I had not traction. That's the real reason I hydroplaned; I didn't have control of the car and I couldn't regain control."

"I think it would be best for both of us if you went to your room and waited for me to calm down. I'll be in shortly." Reid wanted to say something about being sent to his room at his age but didn't…he knew he'd messed up and now it was time to pay the piper.

Mac sat and pondered the situation. Wanting to know what all Danny knew Mac called him. "Did you know about Reid forgetting to change the tires?"

Danny's hand gripped the phone. "No; I knew something wasn't right and tried to talk to him about it but he lied so…"

"Apparently he forgot to change his tires and had no traction…I'm gonna go talk him; why don't you come over."

"I'm already on my way Mac."

Mac took a deep breathe and walked into Reid's room. "You know Reid, if you'd been honest with me then I would have told you that the hospital stay was your main punishment for forgetting. You lied to me though and I really don't understand why."

"I didn't want you to be disappointed in me; I knew I messed up. I'm sorry dad."

"I could never be disappointed in you son; your choices maybe but not you. Have all these years taught you nothing? Come over here Reid."

Reid gulped but did as his dad said. Tears filled his eyes when Mac told him to take down his pants but he did as he was told. The doctors had given Reid leave to go about his everyday living and Mac was still worried but he put a foot on the chair in the room and pulled Reid over his knee. He allowed Reid to keep his boxers up as he began to swat at his backside.

The swats started off strong and soon Reid was making sounds of distress. 'This can't be happening!' Reid tried to not cry but soon found it hard not to. 'How did I forget how painful this is?'

swat, swat "OW!" swat, swat "I'm sorry…" swat, swat "I'll never forget again! No more!"

Mac stopped and looked at his son. "Let me fill you in little boy…this isn't for not changing the tires it's for lying to me." Reid's eyes got wide; Mac knew that he would think it meant he'd get punished again but he wasn't ready to dispel the thought.

swat, swat "Dad!" swat, swat "I'm sorry…" swat, swat "I'll never lie to you again…please!" swat, swat Reid went limp and sobbed; Mac swatted him twice more and stopped. He waited till Reid calmed down before standing him upright and helping him rearrange his clothes.

"You don't lie to me Reid…and if you have a problem that you feel you can't come to me about then you talk to Danny. Between the two us, have we ever let you down?"

"No sir…you know I love Danny like a brother but…this was big." New tears found Reid's eyes and Mac hugged him

"I know…why don't you take a nap and we'll discuss how we'll handle the tire situation." Reid nodded suddenly very tired. When he woke up, almost two hours later, Mac was in the kitchen getting supper ready to put in the oven. Reid debated sitting down but thought better about it and decided to lean against the counter.

Danny walked into the room and gave Reid a hug before sitting down and giving him a smug smile. "I got good and bad news for you kid. The bad news is the car's gone; as in totaled. The good news is that I know this guy who says he can make a body and he'll take payments."

Reid stood a little straighter, a smile on his face. He was happy about the news but he was happier knowing that Danny forgave him. "Are you serious? That would be great!"

Mac frowned, "I think it would be better if Reid waited till he had at least half of what it's going to cost to fix the car." The two younger men stared at one another. Danny raised an eyebrow and Reid shook his head.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes; call it your punishment for not taking care of your car."

"That's not fair!"

"If I were you I'd watch your tone unless you'd like a reminder about what happens when you're disrespectful."

"I'm sorry dad; it's just…it'll take over a year to raise the money."

"I know Reid but I want you to think about the fact that you almost died. Do you understand how I would have felt if that had happened?" Reid said nothing and no answer was expected. Danny sat and said nothing.

Reid couldn't stop the groan from escaping his lips after a few minutes. "Life was easier when you were going to spank me when I messed up."

"I can accommodate you if you'd like son."

Reid stood straight up and put his arms in front as if to stop Mac from coming to him. "Not necessary dad; last time was…well, the last time." Danny laughed as he followed Reid who all but ran out of the kitchen and into the living room.

With supper in the oven Mac went into the living and sat on the sofa next to Danny; Reid had decided lying on the floor was a better position for himself. Mac stared at son…his son…the thought still seemed a tad strange to him but he loved it just as he knew Claire would've loved it had she lived. Mac smiled…Reid was ok, he'd live and so would he…and for now…well, they'd eat super…as for later…they would wait to see what the future had in store for them…