1Chapter 2! Horray!

All I could think about where his eyes as I laid in bed. His Beautiful brown eyes. So much like coffee it scares me. It makes me want him even more." God I wish I could sleep."

I muttered. I can never sleep. I like to think of it as a curse brought on to me by the man in charge. It gives me more time to think about Craig, which isn't always a good thing."Arghhhhh!" I've had enough of this! I scream. I throw off my covers and quietly sneak out of the house. I walk around in a daze not sure of where my own feet are taking me. I finally look up and to find my self in Craig's front yard. I've walked past his house many times but never this late at night. I know I sound like I'm a stalker but I can't help it! When I find something I like I can't ever seem to get enough of it. It fixates it's self in my mind and controls my thoughts, and people always wonders why I'm such a spazz for coffee. It's an obsession. He's my obsession. I feel my mind slipping and head home. I crawl under the covers once more and close my eyes. Thinking of Craig.

He slowly kisses my neck

Leaving marks as he goes

He looks into my eyes

And tells me he loves me

He touches my chest

Wanting no needing more

I let him

He pulls down my pants

And smiles

I wake up covered in a cold sweat. " What a dream last night." I mumble as I get out of bed." Something feels...strange" I say out loud. I look down trying to locate the problem. " Aghhhhh!!" I scream. Apparently my mind wasn't the only part of my body enjoying my dream last night." Ummm what should I do!" I shriek. " Tweek " My mom calls. I hear footsteps. Oh my god she's coming up stairs! " Tweek are you ok I hear screaming?" She asks as she starts to open the door. Oh dear god what should I do! " Jesus Christ mom I'm naked" I Scream. " Alright Tweek" I'll be in the living room." I Listen for her footsteps as she walks down the stairs. Now back to my umm...bigger problems. Should I touch it? Too gross. Should I try to scare it away? Too stupid. I try to think of a way of getting rid of my unsightly problem. Then I remember a part of a conversation I picked up in the locker room. "Hey you guys I hade the biggest boner last night." Eric says with a grin. "Shut up you fat ass we don't want to hear about it!" ' Of course you do Kahl. All butt fuckers want to hear about it." Eric replied. " Whatever" Kyle mutters." Hahaha you probably want to touch don't you Kahl" But I don't let faggy jews touch my dick" Eric says while pelvic thrusting in Kyle's direction. " God damn this showers cold!" Stan yells. That's it! I scream bursting out of my memory. I'll just take a cold shower and it will go away! With this piece of information in mind I finish getting ready and head off to school.

" 23-31-6 No wait or is it 32-41-5?" 'Why cant I remember anything" I yelled out loud. I look up and notice everybody staring at me. Well that's nothing new. My eyes look up once more and I notice Craig staring at me. I start to sweat. His brown eyes bore into me as if he's trying to see right through me. " Craig what the hell are you staring at man?" Clyde asks as he walk over to him. "No-no-nothing." He replies. They walk of together into the lunchroom Leaving me a pile of hormonal goo. " I wish he'd look at me like that again" I whisper to myself. I head into the lunchroom with my thermos in hand. Im not much of an eater. Maybe that's why my ribs stick out so much. I sit at my usual table by the window. I look around the lunch room and watch everybody eat lunch with their friends. I desperately wish I hade someone to eat with. I'm so tired of being alone. With a sigh I take a long sip of my coffee. I let the warm liquid sooth me. Before I could react I felt something slimy running down my face and back. I screamed and shot out of my chair like a bottle rocket. I soon realized that somebody had poured there lunch all over my head. I heard laughter behind me. Not just any laughter. This laughter belonged to Eric Cartman. " What a freak!" Eric said between laughs. " The little spazz didn't even see it coming!" 'God im good." He gave me a final smack on the back and walked off. The whole Lunchroom burst into laughter. My legs start to shake as I look for the exit but one thing catches my eye. Craig isn't laughing. Before I can stop my self tears start to pour out of my eyes as I make a mad dash for the exit. I run into the bathroom sobbing. Some days I really hate my life. " Yo Tweek! You in here?" Stan calls out. " I have your gym clothes." ' You can wear these until you get home." He pulls out the gym clothes and offers them to me. I take them and begin scrubbing my face and hair. " Tweek, Cartman's an ass but you don't have to go and cry about it" He says. " You'd think you would be used it now." I stare at him as the pain starts to rip

through me. A fresh batch of tears makes there way out. Stan takes this as his cue to leave. If he only understood! I think to myself. Stan has always been loved. He's always had friends! He's never been picked on a day in his life! I sigh in defeat as I make my way into the stalls to change.

The rest of the day was hell. Everybody thought that having spaghetti poured on my head was the greatest thing ever. Well next to porn of course. At least Butters feels sorry for me. Im sure he would of said it to my face if he wasn't so scared of my constant twitching and screaming. Man I'd would kill for a coffee right now. By the time I got home all I wanted to do was crawl in bed. Instead I found my self walking to Craig's house. Why am I even doing this! I thought. Despite my protests I keep moving. I stare at his house wishing he'd come out. Why would I even want him to come out anyways. He'd just end up hurting me. I thought to myself. But to see his beautiful face again... " Tweek" I jump at the sudden voice. " Aghh who's (twitch) there!" My voice straining with every word. " Calm down Tweek." I whip around only to come face to face with Craig. I feared my heart would stop at any moment." I just wanted to say sorry for what Cartman did to you." Craig said. ' I sort of put him up to it." "What!?" I screamed. " Dude calm down."Craig replied with a grin." I feel bad so im apologizing . Are you going to except it or not?" He ask starting to grow angry. " Tha-than-thank you Craig" I reply. Then as fast as he appeared he left. Though I must say the back of him is just as great as the front. I started to head off home when I heard his voice again. " Hey Tweek!" ' Some friends and I are going to the arcade tomorrow after school. Do you wanna come?" My mind went blank. "Ack." was the only sound that came out of my mouth. " I'll take that as a yes." He said with a smirk. A smile worked it's way onto my face as I raced home as fast as my legs could carry me. I hade exactly 42 hours to get ready. Oh god this is happening to fast! Maybe all those years of loving him finally paid off. Maybe just maybe he loves me to.

Hmm well I just had to add chapter 2 because I have the whole plot all figure out!!!!! So please review it means a lot to me! I want to make sure this story isn't a complete waste of my time.