1Im trying to do an actual story so let's just see how this turns out :D

Disclaimer- If I owned South Park you'd know ( everybody would be making out)

Chapter 1

Is it so wrong to be madly in love with somebody who hates you? I stare into my coffee hoping it can give me the answer I so desperately need. With a sigh I take a sip and just try to forget how screwed up I am. "Tweek darling time to get ready for school" My mom shouts from downstairs. "Oh Jesus God almighty" I scream. I try to get my breathing back to a normal level but instead I'm greeted with a hard smack on the back " Tweek are you ready to go to school?" my dad asks. God I hate it when he dose that! When he tries to treat me like I'm some steroid pumping god.! For goodness sakes I make Butters look like the terminator! Standing at a pathetic 5'4 im hardly what you can call masculine. Plus I have the brightest yellow hair you've ever seen. It sticks up everywhere to . It makes me look like I stuck my finger into some kind of socket. " Tweek would you stop twitching your starting to um . . . freak me out" My dad states as he makes his way out the door. I look at my hands and notice there shaking. "Oh god what if it's a parasite making me do this!" I scream. " I'm only sixteen I can't die!" 'Calm down Tweek.' My mom says as she grabs me by the shoulders. She bends down and gives me a kiss. "It's about time you get going Tweek." 'You don't want to be late for school." I take my sweet time getting out the door. God I hate school! I think to myself. The only reason I get out of bed is for Craig. "I'd go to the end of the world for him" I sigh. By the time I get to school I'm five minutes late. Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god! I race down the hallway praying for a miracle that will let me get to home room on time. SMACK! I run straight into the object of my desire. He turns around with a look that made my skin crawl. " What do you think your doing you little fucker!" He growls. "Ummm no-no- nothing" I sputter. He picks me up and slams me up against the lockers. " You better watch where your going next time you spazzy freak!" He flips me off and continues down the hallway. I cant help but let my eyes wonder to the seat of his pants. If that wasn't so painful I would have been grateful for the attention. I like to think of us as having a love hate relationship. I love him, he hates me. With a sigh I pick up my books and head to class. Ten minutes late. I walk inside Mrs. Garrisons homeroom looking for a seat. Perfect I mutter. The only available seat is right in front of Eric Cartman. The worlds fattest, racist, self centered slob. I sit down trying to make my self as small as I can. Cartman gives the back of my chair a swift kick. Apparently it's not working. Cartman wouldn't try anything with Mrs. Garrison in the room. I think to myself. " Ok class im going to the teachers lounge so just sit tight" Mrs. Garrison announces as she leaves the room. Suddenly Im pried off my chair and flipped upside down. " Hey Tweek, how would you feel if I shook you up and down?" He ask with a grin. "My face is turning red as I try to plead him to let me go. " Hey let him go."A voice says ' Mrs. Garrison is coming back". I look around to see who could have said that. It was Stan. That's the one thing about Stan. He's actually nice to me sometimes. " Whatever you say Stanley" Eric replies. Suddenly Eric's big hand let's go of my ankle and I'm sent crashing onto the floor. The room burst into a roar of laughter .Craig laughs the hardest. I look into his beautiful Brown Eyes and wish he was mine.

So there you go! Chapter one. This is going to be a longer story with many twist and turns and of course lot's of boy love :) but I wont start writing chapter 2 until I get some reviews. So you know what to do! Click away!