2007, The Ghost Zone

"Did you really think I was afraid of you, Clocky?" Skulker smirked at a certain defeated Time Master.

"I can't believe you did that." Clockwork spat.

"You didn't know I would steal the blue prints of your time staff to make another one that is improved?" Skulker grinned. "And that I'd use it to my advantage and make it so that poor wittle Danny-whammy-woo-woo is on my wally?" He said in a sickining baby tone.

Clockwork growled at Skulker. "You fowl moron. If you do that, the time steam will slowly fall apart! Or worse! Mix!!!"

Skulker shrugged. "And I should care, why?"

"Time is fragile!" Clockwork screamed.

"You just don't want me to hurt your whelp of a godchild." Skulker sneered.

Skulker held up his replica time staff and pressed a red butten. Clockwork disappearedā€¦

The evil mechanical ghost smiled. "Now, to lure my prey to me, I'll put his life on the lineā€¦but how?"

Then an evil idea came to him.

2003, 10-year-olds

"So, Danny. What you doing tonight?" Tucker asked his best friend.

"I don't know. Want to hit a movie?" he replied.

"Sounds good to me!" Sam piped up. "I'll buy the snacks if you buy my ticket."

"Ok!" Danny and Tucker smiled.

Just then, a green portal opened up in front of the young famous trio.

"What is that?" Danny gaped as a large arm came out of it.

Danny yelled when the arm grabbed his neck and pulled him inside the portal.

"DANNY!" Sam and Tucker screamed. The portal started to close. Sam pushed Tucker in before jumping in herself.

The trip was sickening. Millions of different colors swirled around them. And then abruptly, the worm whole spat them up on the pavement.

"Danny!" Sam yelled as soon as she got up.

Tucker, however, was taking in his surroundings. "Hey Sam, wasn't that tree smaller?"

Sam slapped him. "How can you be thinking about trees at a time like this!" she yelled in his ear.

"Hey! I'm just saying!" Tucker defended.

Sam groaned and ran off down the sidewalk, still calling for Danny. Tucker had a time catching up to her.

2007, The Ghost Zone

"Let go of me, you oversized piece of computer junk!" Danny squirmed in Skulker's iron grip.

"No, little punk. I have plans that I need you for." Skulker replied, placing the child in a cage.

"What do you think I am, a hamster?" Danny asked, staring at the water bottle hanging on the side of the cage.

"Shut up, whelp. I have an evil plan to attend to." And with that, Skulker lefted little Danny all alone.

Danny sighed and sat down in the cage, wondering what was going to happen next. He looked around and saw some cool medalions hanging on a wall. They had CW on them...And then he remembered.

I know it's a short first chapter, but the other chapters will be longer! I promise!!!

Pilo of the WUAC