I hope you like the story, since I'm new to writing fanfic and all, so please make sure to review to tell me how I did on my first chapter! Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto


Chapter 1:

"Wake up you big baby."

A girl with pink hair still lay in bed with a pillow smothered over her face. I hate having to wake up at 6 in the morning just to go to school. All they do is baby sit us. Aaaghhh…having to open your eyes, the pink hair girl thought is the worst part because they didn't function right away.

"Sakura, I said wake up. If I have to come in there you are dead!!" said a woman who was now mad. Year after year of getting up early for school and she still can't wake up...

In Sakura's room she lazily got up out of bed while throwing her quilt to the floor. Now as she looked into her petit sized closet she couldn't figure out what to wear. Sakura was a poor girl who had lived with her mom, but when she died she was forced to go live with her ever fuming aunt. She had moved one whole city from the hot city of Sand to the cool temperature city of Konoha. She felt quite unlucky that all she had to wear were tank tops and shorts.

"Sakura, I said… You're up this is a surprise because your mother always told me you were late to school every morning." Her aunt had quite a surprised face to see her niece like this.

"Auntie, I have nothing to wear and it's raining outside this is totally unfair, nobody ever said it rained here!" Sakura said while throwing every pair of clothing she had onto her bed.

Luckily he aunt had already thought of this and had bought her two new pairs of pants, two polo shirts, and one long sleeve shirt, she just had forgotten all about giving them to Sakura. I hope these fit her! She thought while returning to Sakura's room with a bag in her hands.

Sakura was handed the bag of clothes and quickly yet lazily put them on, "Thank you auntie." she called out. Now she ran downstairs to eat breakfast. I wonder what this new high school will be like, she thought on her way there. Hopefully I do nothing embarrassing, and I mainly hope that I can make great friends here in Konoha; it's so different from the sand city, way different.

At school:

"Hinata wait up," Ino yelled, trying to catch up with her so far away friend. She walks way darn to fast she needs to slow down.

Hinata heard Ino and stopped on the other hand Neji just kept on walking, wanting to catch up with his friends. Ino finally caught up with Hinata and they headed towards the rest of there group of friends.

"Hey guys," they said together. Both Hinata and Ino had interrupted there conversation, like always. Sasuke, Neji, and Shikamaru seemed irritated by there interruption. Tenten and Naruto on the other hand were happy to see there other friends.

Naruto wet running up to Hinata, kissed her cheek then gave her one big hug causing her to turn a dark crimson. All there other friend s seemed to be so shocked that there mouths actually flew open, causing Naruto to say, "If you don't close your mouths you'll catch flies."

Ino blurted out, "What happened between you guys on your date last night??"

"We became a couple," shouted Naruto with glee, this was the happiest anyone had every seen him, except when he was eating ramen of course.

Tenten was just going to ask another question when she noticed a girl stepped out of a car and she had pink hair. PINK HAIR is that even possible. She must be a new girl or something, but pink hair!!!!!!

The rest of the group now followed Tenten's eyes to see what she was staring at. A GIRL WITH PINK HAIR, HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN, they thought at the exact same time.

"Who is she?" Naruto asked curios. Now they all watched as she walked into the school's office.

"She must be a new girl." They all stated simontanesully.

Please review how I did. Give me pointers and I'll be sure to use them. How do you like it, I think I'm going to add a total twist to this story, so please tell me what couples you want together. Choose who you want Kakashi to be with too.