Okay, this is my first transformers fic...if I actualy do it. This is where you guys come in. I need your opinions as to weither I should really do this or not. I'm tempted to do it...but I'm not sure how good it is...
This is going to be set in the Armada timeline, and basically it's going to go AU from the point the first chapter starts and there on, if I continue this…If I do choose to continue this, there will be OC's in place of some Autobots and Decpticons because I simply can't remember who was in Armada and I can't find the episodes on the net. If you can find the episodes on the net, let me know! Then I'll certainly continue this fic.
This teaser/prologue starts at about the…fifth episode or so…so yeah.
Disclaimer: I own only the Predator unit bots, everyone else belongs to their respective owner.
Note: Tell me if I should continue this or not in a review once you're done reading…please?
Hotshot sighed and continued to scan the interstellar transmissions, searching for a frequency that was remotely like those the Autobots used, hoping to find allies. He blinked as for once, he got a match for an old, hardly ever used now. He traced the frequency to its source and came upon what seemed to be multiple data logs. He found the most recent one and opened it up, reading it over. What he read astounded him.
Unknown day, unknown month, unknown year
Time: I gave up keeping track of it.
Who am I? I'm SwipeLynx, a member of the Predator unit and one who is currently stuck on an old piece of slag spaceship with the remains of my unit and the knuckle heads known as the Dinobots. Yep you heard me right. I'm. Stuck. With. The. Dinobots. In. A. Confined. Space. Joy….Ya know, it's a wonder my intelligence hasn't been reduced to that of the Dinobot's with all the time I have to spend with them. Even if I'm an advanced model of them, still! A girl can only hear "Me Grimlock, Me king "so many times before she begins to snap.
Yep, ya heard me again. I'm an advanced dinobot really. Only…I'm not a dinosaur, I'm a saber-toothed lynx. Not saber-toothed tiger. Lynx. The humans think that saber-toothed lynx's were just small saber-toothed tigers. They were not. Don't try to prove me wrong. I've seen saber-toothed tigers and lynxes. The only thing alike about them is that they're cats and the time period they were alive in.
That brings me to my only remaining Predator unit comrade. FlareFangs. A prehistoric version of the wolf, which was once again mistaken for a saber tooth tiger (Missing the saber like fangs). He's a quiet guy, and shares my opinion that we should find a way to glue the dinobots mouths shut. He's also the technical whiz and is currently trying to redirect our course so we crash onto earth, instead of heading strait into the primus dammed sun.
Okay I lied…there is one more unit comrade on this ship. The only thing is…RipRaptor has been deactivated for so long…I'm not too sure he can be re-activated. His body's fallen into disrepair you see. Fangs and I have tried to fix 'em up with the limited parts we have…but we have to keep ourselves 'in shape' as well. Where is the rest of my unit? They were destroyed before we were shoved onto this ship and sent off…who knows. They might have been rebuilt and are enjoying their lives now, I don't know. All I know is that their in a better place then us.
Primus damn it. Grimlocks' trying to get at our remaining energon. Damn idiot!
P.S If an Autobot happens to come across this….HELP!!! We can only stay sane for so long! -FlareFangs
Hotshot stared for a moment and checked how recent the frequency was. By Primus it was only a few hours old!
"Optimus sir! Please come to the frequency bridge! There's something here you should see!" Hotshot stated into the intercom, catching the attention of all those in the base. He settled back down into his chair and began to search through the remaining log entries, skimming them over. He placed a tracker on the origin of the frequency just in case.
As he read, he had a feeling things were going to get interesting. He had no idea how right he was.
Okay, thanks for reading! Now I just need to know if I should continue this or not….if you want more information as to what I'm going to do with this story, let me know please! I'll send it to you in an E-mail or a PM, just tell me.