Disclaimer: Okay…seriously…do I have to say this every single time? –Sigh- Fine. "I don't own Bones".

Ok, a totally random plot, but hey. What's life without a little fun? Or pirate-ninjas?


"Booth, it's irrational! There's no way that it's even slightly possible!"

"Nuh-uh, Bones! It's the other way around! Just admit it! You're wrong!"

The two partners were bickering as usual. They argument had started with the subject of a movie that had recently come out. Booth had stated an opinion and Brennan had countered it with her own. They were now in the middle of a heated debate. Angela was watching in enjoyment from the sidelines. As she stifled another giggle, Hodgins came up behind her.

"Hey, Babe." He greeted, giving her a quick kiss, and then gesturing to Booth and Brennan he asked, "What are they fighting about now?"

Angela told him and his mouth turned upwards into a winning smile. "Seriously? And Dr. Brennan is actually taking part in this subject?"

She nodded. "Yep. She's quite stubborn about her opinion, too."

"No kidding." He said as he watched Brennan throw up her hands in exasperation and yelled at the top of her lungs.

"YOU'RE WRONG, BOOTH! WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!" she screamed, stomping away towards her office.

"AM NOT!" Booth answered, following his partner into the enclosed room and closing the door. Their voices could still be slightly heard over the usual Jeffersonian hubbub.

After a few minutes, their voices soon subsided and Angela and Hodgins went to find the nearest janitorial closet. Although the yelling had stopped, the argument continued.

"Bones, just say it."

"What? That I'm right and you're wrong?" she said, sitting down at her desk and booting up her computer.

He glared at her as he sat on the corner of her desk. "You're impossible."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Proves my point."

"How so?"

"It just does."

"You're the impossible one."

Booth rolled his eyes. "Look. There's no way that-"

"Yes there is! It's completely and totally logical! Why can't you just see that?"

"I can't see it because it's not true!"

"Oh, c'mon, Booth! Think about it! They are extremely intelligent, have sensible objects that get the job done, and they are discreet with what they do!"

"But all of that is nothing compared to the speed of our ships!"

"Your ships?" she asked, amused.

Booth gave an exasperated sigh. "Siding with my party. But seriously! Think about it."

"Hmmmm…nope. I still stand by what I said." She replied, becoming absorbed in whatever she was reading on her computer screen.

Booth stood up and circled around her desk to stand behind her. When she did not turn around, he grabbed hold of her chair and spun her so they were face-to-face. Brennan opened her mouth to object, but his deep brown eyes stopped her dead in her tracks.

"Well, I uh…umm…" Subconsciously, Brennan licked her lips. Booth placed a hand on each of the chair's armrests, boxing his partner in.

"Just admit it." Booth whispered in his seductively low voice. "Sometimes, you're wrong."

Slowly, they inched closer and closer to each other as Brennan concluded, "But sometimes, wrong just feels…so…right…"

Her last word faded away as his lips crashed into hers. The kiss became sensual and slow, full of passion that brimmed to the surface and threatened to bubble over. Brennan stood up and they both wrapped their arms around each other. Booth pulled his partner closer as she moaned against his mouth. Booth moved up her jaw line and kissed her earlobe before making his way back to her soft, full lips. All the while, she ran her hands through his thick, dark hair.

After a couple of minutes, they pulled apart reluctantly. Both panting to catch their breath, Booth decided to reason with his partner.

"I guess…we could both be right."

Brennan nodded. "Yeah. I mean, I guess they could…team up and…you know, become equal partners?"

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right." Then, with a mischievous smile, he added, "But I still think that Pirates are better than Ninjas."


xoxo So? What do you think? A little too random? Or is it ok? Review please! oxox