James followed his parents onto the Platform. It was September first, the first day of school at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He pushed his cart towards the Hogwarts Express, steam rolling out of the top.


James ran onto the train, escaping his parents, dragging his trunk behind him.

And crashed into another boy. Oh Brilliant James. He picked himself up, and helped the other boy stand.

"Sorry, didn't see you. I'm James Potter by the way. "

"S'alright. Sirius Black." The train jerked suddenly. "Wanna find a compartment?"

"Yeah, before they all get taken up."

Sirius grinned. "Let's go already!"

Unfortunately for them, the train was full to bursting, and almost every compartment was full. They reached the last compartment, which had a single girl in it, looking out the window.

"Come ON SIRIUS! Let's go in already!"

"Fine…" Sirius sighed and reluctantly went in. He didn't really know what to do about girls, if they were like his mother or not.

James said uncertainly, "Um, sorry, but as there are no other seats…can we sit with you?"

The girl turned, slightly surprised. "Oh, yeah sure." Sirius and James lugged their trunks in and hefted them onto the top.

"I'm James Potter."

"I'm Sirius Black."

She watched them. "Kristen Chang."

James broke the silence.

"So what did you guys do over the summer?"

Kristen shrugged. "Nothing really, visited my relatives…"

Sirius looked away. "Nothing."

James was shocked. "You did nothing!?"

Sirius was spared from answering when a sandy-haired boy slid the door open. He was followed by a mouse-like shy boy.

"Erm, sorry if we interrupted something, but there aren't any more compartments open. Mind if we join you?"

"No, not at all," James said quickly. After all, it's best if we make friends now.

"I'm Remus by the way, Remus Lupin. My mate here is Peter Pettigrew."

Remus and Peter pushed their trunks onto the ledge, and sat down.

"So…what house do you reckon you're going to be sorted into?" Remus asked casually.

"Gryffindor, my whole family's been in it." James said, trying to carry on the conversation.

"I think I'm going to be in Hufflepuff," murmured Peter, craning his neck looking for the witch with the candy.
"Eh, maybe Ravenclaw or Gryffindor..." Remus said, watching Peter.

"Probably Gryffindor, since most of my family has been in it." Kristen said, and looked out the window.

Sirius was quiet.

"Sirius, what about you?" James asked, trying to figure out why he was so silent.

"S-Slytherin," he mumbled his eyes on the ground.

"What?!" James said loudly, surprised. "But Sirius, most of Slytherin are evil!"

"Yeah I know. But my family is evil, I'm a Black remember?"

"Um Sirius, if you don't want to be in Slytherin, you won't be sorted into it; they'll see you aren't suited for the house," Kristen said, trying to make him feel better.

"Yeah…I guess..." Sirius said in reply.

"Well…what do you think of Quidditch?" Remus asked, tactfully changing the subject.

Kristen shot a grateful look at him.

"I'd want to be Beater," Sirius said, quickly forgetting the depressing House business.

"I think Seeker is the most exciting," James argued.

"I would try out for Chaser, but we have to wait another year any ways right?" Kristen said.

"Oh right…" they exchanged disappointed looks.

Soon it became dark, and they changed into their black Hogwarts robes. As they were talking about the classes, the train ground to a stop. Jumping off the train, they all headed towards where Hagrid was shouting, "Firs' years! Firs' years over 'ere!"

They made their way to the boats, James, Sirius and Kristen in one, Remus and Peter in another. The boats glided over the still lake, and the earlier ones reached the castle. As the last boats hit the shore, a strict looking Professor came out and led them to the Great Hall.

"I am Professor McGonagall. You are about to be sorted into your houses. There are four houses, each for a founder; Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin. Each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. Once you are sorted into your house, they will become like your family. You will gain points…And any rule-breaking will lose points. At the end of the year, the House with the most points will be awarded the House Cup; a great honor." With that, she led the first years into the Great Hall to be sorted.

"Black, Sirius!" Sirius stumbled up to the stool and placed the Sorting Hat onto his head and squeezed his eyes shut.

Another Black hm? This should be easy. I shall place you in Slytherin, like all your ancestors. NO! WAIT! I don't want to be in Slytherin! You are different…I shall grant your request…Better be…"GRYFFINDOR!!"

Cheering rose from the third table. Bellatrix and Narcissa looked shocked and angry. Sirius took off the Hat, and made his way to the Gryffindors.


"Chang, Kristen!" She walked up to the Hat, and dropped it onto her head. Immediately, "GRYFFINDOR!" Was cried out. The Gryffindor table again erupted in cheers.

"Lupin, Remus!" "GRYFFINDOR!!"

"Malfoy, Lucius!" "SLYTHERIN!"
"Pettigrew, Peter!" "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Nelson, Riley!" "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Avery, Thomas!" "SLYTHERIN!"

"Smith, Alice!" "HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Potter, James!" "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Davies, Jeffrey!" "RAVENCLAW!"

"Gilmore, Aly!" "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Snape, Severus!" "SLYTHERIN!"

"Wood, Alexander!" "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Bones, Nicole!" "HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Nott, William!" "SLYTHERIN!"

"Longbottom, Frank!" "HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Evans, Lily!" "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Prewett Molly!" "GRYFFINDOR!"

Many more were called up. When the last name was called, the Sorting ended. Professor McGonagall rolled up the scroll, took the Hat and stool aside, and headed towards her seat. Ching ching ching! The Headmaster, Professor Dumbledore, stood up.

"Before we sink our teeth into this delicious feast, I would like to say a few words. Our caretaker, Argus Filch, has a list of forbidden items in his office. They include Fanged Frisbees, Dungbombs, and a horde of other items. The Forbidden Forest is, indeed, forbidden. I think that is all. Let the Feast, begin!"

Instantly, the golden platters filled and conversations began. Everyone grabbed what they wanted to eat, ad devoured it ravenously.

"So, Remus, Sirius, Kristen, Peter, what do you make of Dumbledore? A real nut case hm?"

They murmured agreement and finished eating. The dishes were changed into desserts, and were finished quickly. Dumbledore stood up.

"Now that we have devoured another magnificent feast, I'm sure you are all feeling rather sleepy. Schedules will be handed out tomorrow. Prefects! Lead the first years to your common rooms."

With that, the Great Hal emptied out. The prefect, Barty Crouch, led them up the staircases and in front of a portrait of a chunky lady in a pink dress.


Barty turned to them. "The password this week is Fairy dust."

The Portrait swung open. "Boys in the left, girls on the right. You will find all of your belongings have been brought up for you."

The group of five split, the boys on the left ad Kristen departed through the right. She found that she was roomed with Riley Nelson, Aly Gilmore, and Lily Evans. They seemed nice, so she unpacked her stuff and fell asleep, not knowing the next seven years were the best of her life.

Please review, then i will know whether or not to continue with the story or not!